The Battle of Argon 3 (Ch.40)

~The pressure of adversity does not affect the mind of the brave man... It is more powerful than external circumstances~

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Andronika awoke to the deafening sound of the beat of the war drums signalling an attack. She leaped to her feet and pulled on her outer robes, with a flick of her hands her swords had taken position at her back, she grabbed her bow and dashed out, unconsciously noticing her kaitsja appearing out of nowhere and following behind her.


This was the second attack by the bandits since the azure elite had arrived at the Argon fort. The first had been a sweeping victory on the side of the azure elite against 6000 bandit warriors. Since that battle, the bandits had remained too quiet for a good couple of days and this had caused Andronika to become even more cautious.