Author's Note (Repeated Chapter)

**Another repeated chapter! I'm not permitted to delete once it has been posted but I'm leaving this warning instead, please skip from this point. I apologise for the inconveniences**

~If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us~

-Francis Bacon

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty." A soldier called, running towards the rising dragon quarters with haste.

King Ragoth lifted his gaze from the game of Go he had been mulling over in an attempt to calm himself, a useless attempt really as the agitated pacing of second prince Jalan did not let King Ragoth forget for a second that crown prince Jaran was currently missing.

Second prince Jalan's actions were obviously purposeful as he still seemed greatly dissatisfied by his royal father's decision not to dispatch him to lead the king's scarlet army in search of the crown prince.