A Horrifying Nightmare (Ch.155)

The dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awaking out of it.

  ~ George Santayana

Andronika's horror only increased with the more bodies she walked past, the trail stretched on and on, completely covering every inch of the path and Andronika had to step over bodies to get through.

Andronika could not understand, just what kind of force had laid waste to an undefeated army as the King's Scarlet Army? 

An army over a hundred thousand strong, each soldier possessing exceptional talent, just how had they been massacred so brutally?

Even if the armies of all the six other kingdoms were to unite against the kingdom of Dalagh, they still would not be able to do such damage to the King's Scarlet Army,

An army led by the Crown Prince Jaran and Second Imperial Prince Jalan could not be so easily defeated.