A Worthy Price (Ch.156)

~The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself~

  -Friedrich Nietzsche

Andronika awoke with a start, sitting up, her hands moved to her side as a sharp pain wracked through her, Andronika paid it no mind as she took in her environment, her heart still beating fast.

The soft rocking of the carriage reminded Andronika of where she was, the Azure Elite had left the Surma territory and was on the return trip back to the royal city.

"Kaitsja! Ryuu!" Andronika called out in panic, wincing at the sharp clenching pain in her heart, Andronika's voice cracked, her throat still clogged with her sobs.

"Armuke...is everything alright? You called?" Ryuu had ridden up to Andronika's carriage the very next moment, pulling the curtain aside.