Back In The Royal City 2 (Ch.158)

Andronika sucked in a deep, shuddering breath, wincing at the ache in her side.

The wound at her side was yet to heal completely even after all this time and it was a great discomfort to Andronika, making even the slightest movement difficult.

Annia had said the slow healing process was due to the strenuous journey and the lack of high quality herbs to tend to Andronika's wounds.

Whatever it was, Andronika had been bound to a carriage for over a month and she had reluctantly grown accustomed to it, it was a necessity given her condition and could not be blamed on anyone but her ownself.

Aquilia never hesitated to remind Andronika that she was only in such a position because she kept risking her life to save others, forgetting that she also was just human.

Now, Andronika had no could she make her retainers understand that to repay the debt she owed to her people and her kingdom, even a thousand deaths were not nearly enough?