Not The Only One (Ch.159)

"Do you reckon Cassimir will pull Nika out of the army now?" King Ragoth asked, peering down from the palace wall as Andronika was taken to the imperial physician.

"She will be fine, father. Andronika is one of our finest warriors... she will not be taken down so easily." Crown Prince Jaran assured.

"I do know she will be fine. Cassimir however is a different story. This is nerve wracking." King Ragoth grumbled beneath his breath as he passed a glance to his second son.

"Is it still not the right time to impose?" King Ragoth asked Jalan.

"In your genius opinion, when would you say is the right time?" King Ragoth asked again when Jalan still did not reply.

"Imposing is something I shall not be doing, regardless of the timing." Jalan replied blankly.

King Ragoth shook his head in disbelief at his own son.