Love and Happiness (1)

After waking up, I was greeted by only Azrael. He gives me water and a few pills, as well as a few foods to fill my empty stomach.

(It's like I've been asleep for eternity. My body feels lighter though...)

Azrael helped me to lift myself from the bed and gave me a pillow to lean on.

I thanked him and he gave me a cup of tea to refresh myself.

"What about my underlings? Didn't you inform them?"

Azrael gives me an apologetic smile as a sigh escapes his lips.

"Well, after you collapsed... Your underlings... kinds collapsed too."

He hesitantly said and my eyes widened in surprise.

"What!? How did that happen!?"

"... Your mana was linked with them. But Edgar and Cristo were not affected though."

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Then, where are they?"


He only gives a suspicious smile and I twitch my eyebrows impatiently.

(..... What is he hiding this time?)

"Tell me immediately."