Love and Happiness (2)

"Wow! You're so good! Slowly now.."

I twitch my eyebrow in annoyance as I continue to walk slowly with my weak legs. With Azrael completely treating me like a baby, I found myself hating that.

"... I'm not a baby. I can walk without your help."

Azrael, who is holding both of my hands, shook his head with his playful grin.

"Well, I want to help you and hold your hands."

"... Fine.."

I sighed in defeat and continued to walk as he led the way, circling around the room.

It's a bit hard for me to walk considering I've been out for a whole week without any food or exercise.

Azrael decided to help me with everything.

First of all, he helped me cut my hair since it was growing longer, which I was the one who requested it.

Second, he always feeds me every time I get hungry. He completely treated me like a helpless baby.