The Emperor (1)

"Um, yes actually. I wanted to go alone this time."

I smiled at him, scratching the back of my head nervously with an awkward smile.

Gael's eyebrow twitches and he seems he's lost for words, but a sigh escapes his lips.

"Haa... Bring someone with you at least."

"Well, I'm planning to bring Raphael."

I answered truthfully and Gael just nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright then. It's better if you go with someone rather alone."

I smiled brightly at his agreement.

"Thank you for understanding!"


"What!? Going with you to hunt the Emperor Card!?"

Raphael's eyes widened in surprise the moment I asked him to come with me to the Fallen Ruins.

I nodded my head at his answer.


"Why me though? I can't fight and I don't have any magical powers like Cristo and the others."

He raised his brow, looking at me questioningly while pointing at himself.

"That's the point!"

"... What?"