The Emperor (2)

"... Y-yeah.."

Raphael hesitantly took Dorothy's hand as she helped him to stand up.

"But how about your back?"

"Hm? It's already healed."

Dorothy showed him her shoulder that left no wound and was completely healed without much effort.

He was surprised even though he knew about that fact.

The fact that Dorothy fought off the knight to save him was also amazing in his eyes.

"Ah... Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm sure you're alright."

Raphael brushed it off, waving his right hand into mid-air while averting his gaze from Dorothy.

Seeing him well, Dorothy forms a relieved smile.

"Alright! I'll protect you from now on, so stay behind me."

She said firmly, putting Raphael behind her and straightening out her sword to count the number and positions of the Directive Knights.

"Raphael, listen. You have to follow closely behind me so both of us can succeed in going to the castle. Can you do it?"