The Text Message

Paul and Maya, the celebrity couple of Belleville, preferred to spend their time at the coffee shop and drink one strawberry milkshake using two straws, Just like any other college couple would do. Just as they finished, Maya received a text. Assuming they were the notes her hostel roommate, Anne, promised to send her, she opened it. For a minute, after she had opened the text, she started sweating. Not because of the faulty air conditioner, but because of fear. A sudden chill crawled up her spine. Paul asked her what was amiss, but she didn't respond. She got up, took her bag, and headed straight for the hostel, forgetting that Paul was with her. She entered her room and just sat there staring at the phone in dismay. Just then, Anne entered. She started speaking about school gossip, but Maya paid no mind. She continued to stare at the phone. Anne, vexed by this yanks the phone from her. She didn't note the expression on Maya's face till now.

"What is this Maya?" asked a confused Anne.

"I don't k-know. It's a threat, for all I-I know," she replied.

"WHAT? That's absurd. Who would want to blackmail you? That too with this. What good is this? Are you scared because of this?" she justified.

"Read the entire text, Anne."

Anne read the text. She was getting alarmed. The whole text contained pictures of Paul and Maya kissing and spending time together by bunking school hours. Followed by that were the words:- "These photos can reach your parents and teacher with a tap of my finger. If you don't want to do it, well these pics are not mine or yours anymore. Do you understand? Stop dating Paul now.😈😈😈😈"

"I'm sure it's a prank, Maya. Cheer up," said Anne.

"Must be. Huh?" asked Maya.

Next Day, Maya and Anne entered the class. Something was wrong. The unending buzzing of the classroom and the unlimited amount of energy the students contained was absent, which would be an unusual sight if the class was under their teacher's surveillance. Maya got a terrible feeling about this. Anne enquired what happened and turns out the entire class got the same message. Every one of them became prey to this message. This message even trapped the "Singles Forever" people. Even Antony and Sandra were also sufferers of this message. But what's surprising was that they were the "Brother-Sister relationship" people. Paul was waiting for her. He walked up to her and asked what had happened. But she didn't reply. She left off without saying a word. Moments later, Anne received a notification. Her hands started shaking. She was sweating as though. The vibrations of the phone crawled up her spine. She looked terrified. During the break, the class went to Dan, the class prefect. He was one of the few people to not receive any message like that. Dan agreed to help them in finding who it was but received a message after making that statement. It was the same scenario. Pictures, Threat… Dan paid no heed to it as he considered it to be a prank. It also contained the message:- "Hello Dan. Heard you will save your class. Don't even try to. Otherwise, you know what will happen." To which Dan replied:- "Guess what, I am single." Dan helped them. The next day, however, The Headmaster sent for Dan and suspended him for a week. When asked why the principal showed him some photos of him and his ex-girlfriend Cara outside during school hours. "We do not accept this kind of insolent behavior at Belleville, Dan. Do you come here for studying or romance?" said the principal. He dialed "121" on his telephone and said:- "Miss. Knight, send Tara Rodgers to my office".