
1 week later…

Dan and Tara returned. The existing friendship they had vanished. Inside the class, Tara would always yell at Dan for "embarrassing her".

"I have better things to deal with," Dan would say and leave.

When Dan left "The Helpless", they went to others. But they were all exposed. Except for San Zarah. She was the only one who made progress but was very slow. So the students decided that they seek the help of Adam.

"I wish Adam was by my side. Then we could have solved this case within days," said San in a sad tone.

"No need for Adam, San. You can do it," said Daya.

"Why?" asked Antony.

"Do I have to tell you?" said Daya.

"Hmm. You got a point there." Said Antony. Adam was a rude boy. He had anger issues and did not get along with others. He used to sit in the corner, observing the class go about their daily business. But they had no choice. When Paul had also suggested that Adam should help, they agreed. The group decided that either San or Paul should speak to him as they were the only ones who knew Adam like no one else. Adam was reading a book when Paul approached him. He had noticed Paul close in on him but pretended to not acknowledge his approach.

"Adam," called Paul. But he ignored him.

"Adam," called Paul again. But he didn't pay heed to it.

"ADAM," roared Paul, regretting that he shouldn't have done that.

Adam slammed the book on the table and asked in a stern and fierce voice while staring at him with tremendous rage:-

"WHAT PAUL WHAT?" Shouted Adam. Paul shuddered, taking one step back in fear.

"We need your help, Adam," said Paul after recovering himself from his dread. Paul explained everything to Adam. Adam didn't show interest in the beginning, but on seeing the worry on Paul's face, he couldn't restrain. The entire group was against Adam helping them. Adam was met with the faces of many of his haters. Although, he didn't care. He first asked about the victims of this blackmailing and who all were helping. San Zarah stepped forward.

"Hi, Adam. Remember me?" asked San in an angry voice.

"I don't have for your shit now San. Just tell me what you found," asked Adam.

"The blackmailer is someone who knows every relationship of this class. His motive is still unclear. But one thing's for sure. He wants others to break up." explained San.

"I feel like this complete thing is just stupid. But I guess I will help you. Dan, Since you are the class prefect, I need your help." said Adam.

Dan whispered that he asked him to help because Adam was just a show-off and he takes the credit of others. Adam heard him. He called Dan and took him by surprise by grabbing his collars and pushing him towards the wall, holding his lower elbow hard on Dan's chest and warned him:-

"You don't know me and I don't know you. And you shouldn't know me." The bell rang. Adam left him and went back to his place.

During Maths class, Paul told Dan never to cross Adam's path. On hearing this, Daya and Sandra asked him what had happened with Adam. Paul narrated:-

"Adam is not who you think he is. He is not rude or arrogant, and never even had anger issues. He was the opposite of who he is now. He was joyful, sensitive, and kiddish. It was always me, Adam and San Zarah. We were the best of friends. Adam was forgiving, kind, and helpful. He even had a girlfriend. Her name was Daisy. She was serious and mature. They both loved each other. But one day, she left him, and that was an enormous blow for Adam. He blamed San for it. They had a big fight and ever since then, he never kept in touch with any of us. There was an occasional hi from him, but that's it."

"What was the reason?" asked Austin.

"I don't know. I asked Adam and San but they both never revealed," said Paul in a sad voice. Val, Natasha, and Maya went to San Zarah to hear her part of the story.

"Whatever Paul told about Adam was true. Adam was a bright fellow. He was intelligent and could solve any mystery. I and Adam were like Sherlock and Watson. This happened last year. One day, Daisy, I'm sure Paul told you guys about it, came to me and asked about Adam. She asked about his likes, hobbies, and qualities. It didn't take long for me to understand her heart. I asked her one question:-

"Do you love Adam?" to which she replied:-

"What? I mean W-What? No!! What makes you think I like him?"

"Well, you're blushing when I asked that question and you're playing with your hair which is a sign and you just asked me about his hobbies and likes." I justified.

"Fine. I like him. I mean, look at him. His gorgeous eyes and his wavy hair. His face is well---"

"Okay. I get your point." I stopped.

"Please don't tell him. I'm trusting you."

"Okay. I won't." But I couldn't resist. I told Adam. At first, he was like "I'm single", "I hate relationships", "I value friendship over relationships", etc. But when I told him about the common traits between them. He gave her a chance. So the next day, Adam met Daisy at the cafeteria:-

"Hi! Adam,"

"Hey, Daisy,"

"What brings you here?" asked Daisy

"Nothing. Just thought of talking with you,"

"San told you right?" she asked.

"What? N-No," Adam said.

"Oh, come on, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Ok fine. I'll tell you," revealed Adam. He told her how he wasn't interested in having a relationship and how he was giving her a chance, on the condition that they kept it a secret. So they both started dating. At first, it was jolly good. But later, I sensed a 'fault'. Daisy got toxic for Adam. He was "Obeying" her. He was also happy with it. But I knew him. He was ready to sacrifice himself for others' happiness if needed. I couldn't bear to watch my best friend be a dog under some girl he was dating. So I ended their relationship. I had some pictures of Adam hanging out with me and made Val forward them to Daisy to form a suspicion that Adam was dating because of that; she broke up with him. Adam figured out I was behind it and fought with me. He blamed me for taking his "life" away from him. That was the first time I saw a part of Adam I never knew and it deeply hurt me. Adam never spoke to me ever since."

"Did you try to tell him what happened?" asked Daya pitifully.

"I tried. But the more he sees me, the more he gets angrier." San responded. They then returned to go on with the investigation.

Adam and San worked parallel, never even looking at each other.