Chapter 4 Aariellleevi

Up there that has to be Ritzs house, high up on the top of Clouds was House tall in statue fountains decorated every inch of the land with Tequila pouring out of them. Flowering vines of every color gracefully climbed the outside of the house. it was the most enchanting thing the girls had ever seen. Sparkling Tequila water flowed down the cloud stairs that led to the Ritz Palace it was breathtaking.

knock knock knock the door slowly opened to reveal a rather small Dwarf welcome to the Ritz palace what business do you have here today sir? I was sent to see Ritz by Back Stabbing Shelly he belted very well let me confirm with Ritz. I swear to god if that witch sent me here on lies I will have her head on a stick for everyone to laugh at just then the door swung open, follow the Lolipop stairs to the very end, and entered the Hypnotic door.

as they approached the Hypnotic door comet had a bad feeling suddenly hit something wasn't right, to keep everyone happy she went along with the original plan. the door opened to a room filled with hot tubs and Fairy waitresses in booty shorts serving everyone shots. it wasn't hard to locate which one was Ritz loud chuckles came from the far left hot tub from an average fairy with golden curls everywhere and clearly the best tasted of clothing and tequila in the room.

as they entered the room all eyes suddenly where on them, what are you doing here cant you read fairies only snarled one fairy, I'm looking for the fairy called Ritz! ritz emereged out of the hot tub you must be Mckay and Ashley and Comet ive been antixipating your arrival .

so you want the soul bubble to cross the mountain of souls. hahaha well, I also need something the head of Aariellleevi James.... silence filled the room as horror took over the fairies. who is Aarielleevi asked Ashley? she is the leader of the Fairy hunting Mermaids and the one responsible for my parent's death streamed Ritz as she chucked a bottle of tequila at the wall. do we have a deal she bargained? ill do it, where do I find her .. in the ocean of Lies...

in order to stay alive, you must stay close by me at all times is that understand that girls. yes, McKay, we will whatever you do don't look any of them in the eyes or you will suffer a painful fate of submerging under Ice. paddling as fast as they could they hope this was all a joke water started rising as an enormous ship rose out of the water heads of previous victims hung from the ship. we have visitors echoed through the air, chains latched onto their boat with nowhere to go they were stuck being pulled into the massive underwater boat. alright, all of you up on the deck for inspection order one of the crewmen. in front of them stood the ugliest girl they had ever seen with one eye missing hair halfway growing, and teeth well there was one. she was known as Aariellleevi. McKay is it she asked the estranged son of the Righteous family. it's so nice to meet you she crackled. you have something I need Aarielleevi he snarled, what is that boy? your head... anger filled the deck as she belted from the top of her lungs boys we will soob have a new head to hang from the dock pick a nice place for it before sending the crewman away.

arms ready to pounce MCkay grabbed a neaby spear and began to approach Aariellleevi foolish boy youll soon learn what happens to those that challenge me, but first theres to many witnesses as she looked in Ashley and Comets direction Salmon be a good little son and freeze the Blonde and wrap them both in plank chains its time to feed the Fishes she laughed. the little boy escoted the girls to the plank chained up and prepeared to ewalk the plank comet was pushed around to stare in the little boys eyes Stop!!! could be heard everywhere as ashley begged for her friends life before watching her turn to ice before being through into the ocean of lies struggling to breath and stay afloat ashley was for cenrtain she was going to drown to death when a large dreminko appeared out of the water and swalled them whole.

seconds later Mckay was stabbed in the heart giggles of laughter rang through Aariellleevis voice foolish boy i warned you . hey Aariellleevi you forgot one thing shocked by the words she heard she turned around as MCkay sliced her head off.