Chapter 5 Tequila and Honey

With Newley obtained soul bubble they set up to cross the mountain of souls. Massive jewels with crosses around them were located on the mountain. Folklore has it that they were placed in honor of all those that have been lost On the Mountain Of souls.

The surface covered in shattered wishes,  and dreams the Air was chalky and difficult to breathe,  how can anything survive in this environment.

Get out of my way shouted a young Boy like thing as he hurried past us .

Moments later the faint cry from  the young boy filled the Area, as the Mountain claimed his soul. What happened to him asked Ashley, he just vanished into thin air! You can't just cross this mountain without a soul bubble, the Elements of the souls will Consume your own soul and you'll be stuck here never to be heard of again.

Eyes Back on the brutal path that lay ahead of them they nudged forward to the cave of no return.  Looks like we are finally almost out of this mountain cackled Mad Man McKay, deep in intense thought about How to save her Beloved friend Comet. Ashley sighed.

Pieces of razor sharp glass started flying towards them from all over , crack! Boom! What's going on! Yelled Ashley , what are those things , why are they attack us . Defeat in his eyes , The Mad Man McKay , mumbled , we've been lead to a trap...

Ashley awoke to find herself in another fortress. This one, however, was covered in candy-like structures and smelt sweet. Realizing she was once again locked in cellar Ashley quickly tried to free herself. Careful kid one wrong move and, you'll become part of the floor. Sticky liquid covered her cell floor . What was she to do now? If only there was a way she could freeze the floor. That's it! She quickly snapped her fingers,  Freezo! With the floor frozen she went for the Gate! With much to her surprise, this place had a lot of hallways . Where are we she asked the Mad Man McKay? 

Guessing by the sticky floor and never ending hallways We're In Loonetic Hollow.As they descended further into The depths of Loonetic Hollow one thing was for certain, they were going to need a miracle if they were going to make it out alive.  

Time seemed to be the only thing that they had going for themselves, they needed to find the Chamber of the Sun if they were going to save Comet from her ice slumber. With a rose and fairy on their side, how were they going to defeat anything? Sure Ashley was a witch but she didn't know anything besides a few common spells she read about. Three days ago she was a normal teenager in a normal school doing normal people things. Now she was in a magical world that she was supposed to help save everyone. As they descended further into the Loonetic hollow the smell of Honey and Cheap Liquor became stronger and stronger what was this place? As they opened the door that read " Stevens Chapel " they were immediately greeted by a "Y'all we have guests " the chapel was Filled with Honey fountains that poured down glass Waterfalls into a Honey Lake.  Ashley lost in the sight of the Honey that ran freely forgot what they were doing there. "Patrica " be a good Bee and show our guests a nice warm

Honey swirling massive wind gust ripping through the chapel, tornados spiraling everywhere bzzz bzzz bzzz echoed through the storm. Long Golden curls trapping gracefully falling into place  Patricia was not just the Princess of the Beekin faires no she was, in fact, a goddess. A silky white sundress Patrica was a sight to see No wonder she was married to Steven. Now that you've all had a chance to Appreciate my beautiful wife, let's dance! 

Who wants to go first giggled Patricia, prepare to meet your end said the Arianna Fairy Princess. Very well sugar plume let's Dance as the two fairies took turns attacking each other it was unsure who was going to win. With one last Attack of her stinger, Arianna fell to the ground in defeat. With the Princess Fairy Arianna dead they were running out of options.

Mad man McKay noticed Steven was running an illegal Tequila Honey business. Hey, Steven do you have a permit to make this tequila, honey? Foolish Mad man, always meddling in the wrong thing. Patrica Show our friend The Mad Man how we dance here. Snap, snap, snap went Stevens hands suddenly, Mad Man McKay was staring right an angry Patrica Bee that was about to pierce his heart with her 30 stingers. Ashley yelled The Mad Man Shoot Steven with a Lighting bolt! Right as Steven took a big gulp out of his bottle of Tequila Ashley shot a lighting bolt at his lips. Ah! Ah! Ah! Screamed Steven you'll pay for this right before he turned into a glob of nothing.

Steven!! Cried Princess Bee Patricia, my love no!!