
Dennis walked down the stairs to the cafe garden, reflecting on his words earlier.

Learn to love?

Is that funny what he said. He said he would learn to love while he did not believe in love.

He was very surprised by his confession earlier.

"Hey, crazy uncle.." shouted someone from behind him.

"Wow, you guys are deaf ..." irritated Aura because Dennis ignored her.

"Shut up!" said Dennis coldly.

"After all, you called did not respond." annoyed Aura.

Dennis shook his head with Aura's attitude.

We haven't married yet but you just making trouble, - thought Dennis.

When they arrived at the table they were dumbfounded by the absence of their family.


"Excuse me ... Emm, sorry sir for disturbing you. I was only entrusted with this by the person who was at this table earlier." said the waiter while handing him a note.

Dennis glanced at the note in surprise.

"Is this for me or her?" said Dennis while pointing at Aura.

"For you, sir." Said the waiter.

Dennis took the note from the waitress's hand and immediately opened it.

"Dennis, we go home first, you go home with Aura, so let's approach it, hahaha. From your beloved mother"

Dennis scratched his nape confused by the writing of the note.

"Aura --" Dennis's words were interrupted by Aura's words.

"Yes yes yes I know, now let's just go home, let's go home, uncle!" said Aura as she walked out of the cafe.

Dennis left following Aura walking out of the cafe, or rather to the car park.

"Uncle, where's your car?" Said Aura.

"Once again, call me uncle, I'll kiss you!" said Dennis.

"Ugh pervert !!" Said Aura.

"Which car is it? I want to hurry home." Said Aura with whined

Meanwhile, Dennis himself walked towards the gray Lamborgini which was right in front of Aura.

Tin .. tin...

"Come on, hurry up. Do you want to go home or not?" said Dennis inside the car.

"How come? When to pick up the car?" asked Aura.

"Already up fast! Ask you a lot!" annoyed Dennis.

The atmosphere in the car is very quiet. What a tense atmosphere.

"Uncle." Said Aura.

"Aura." Said, Dennis.

They said in unison.

"Uncle, you first, hehe." Said Aura.

"Aura, do you agree with this matchmaking? And why did you just give up when Daryl said there was no rejection?" Said, Dennis.


Dennis spoke at length again, apart from his family and friends, Dennis rarely talked to other people that long. Aura gave a little change to Dennis.

"Huft ... this is it, uncle, mm, this is my mother's wish for the first time and as my respect and obedience to my parents, right? Want it or not, be sincere, you have to accept it, no harm? If I marry u?" Said Aura.

Dennis thinking about Aura's words. Yes, it is true that this marriage is not detrimental to any party, but is Aura not ashamed of 'getting married young', let alone marrying someone older than her.

"Are you not ashamed to marry me? Even if we are few years apart?" asked Dennis.

"Why should you be embarrassed? This is our marriage and we are running it." Said Aura.

After Aura said that, the atmosphere in the car was quiet again. After a tiring journey, Dennis and Aura finally arrived at Anthony's Mansion.

"Thank you, uncle." Said Aura.

"Yes, you're welcome," replied Dennis.


Two days after gathering.

Dennis was enjoying a cup of his favorite mocha coffee, drizzling rain accompanied him which was cold weather.

Knock ... knock ... knock ...

The door made of teak wood polished with black and white paint sounded, and suddenly there was a knock from outside.

"Come in," said Dennis.

A woman about 45 years old walked into the child's room.

"Dennis, you're going to Aura's house. Take her to Lucy's Boutique to choose your wedding dress," Said Marista.

"Mom, don't you see? It's raining outside," said Dennis dryly.

"Oh, God, take the car and you are not gonna wet from the raining." scolded Marista.

"Alright, I'm going to Aura's house." Said, Dennis.

Marista smiled after hearing what his son said. Then Marista walked out of the room cheerfully.

Dennis went to get the car keys in his wardrobe. He took the keys to his Honda Jazz.


09:05 a.m Loc. Aura's Room

The beautiful girl who was still sleeping soundly was not the least bit disturbed by the noise coming from downstairs.

The sound of rustling rainwater became a melodious hum accompanying her deep sleep this morning.

"AURAAAAA ....." shouted Anni waking her lazy girl.

"HEY, AURA. WAKE UP! are you not ashamed you that haven't wake up yet?" Said Anni.

Whereas those who are woken up are just muttering incoherently because maybe you still feel sleepy?


"Okay, I wake up," replied Aura with the face of her pillow.

"Hurry up and take a shower, Dennis is here to pick you -" Anni's words were interrupted by Aura's screams.

"WHAT, WHAT ??" Said Aura with a shock.

"Shut up!" Said Anni.

"He's already there, hurry up and take a shower, you have to choose a wedding dress." Said Anni again.

Aura went to the bathroom with a little pissed off with his mother. And also because Dennis of course, was embarrassed, so embarrassed. If you know that her future husband is going to the house, maybe Aura has been awake since dawn after performing the dawn prayer. - thoughts Aura.

Wait? .. Wait?

Future husband?

Tell me what Aura said earlier?


"God forbid," said Aura, shuddering in horror because she unconsciously called Dennis a future husband.


After showering and dressed up neatly Aura went downstairs to meet her mother and the uninvited guest.

Aura walked while playing her phone that she hadn't touched for almost 3 days. She opened WhatsApp and dozens of messages appeared from her friend's chat group.

After she reads the message from her best friend's group chat, she was annoyed because her best friend knew that she was getting married and teased her. That is what Aura feels now, she did not expect to have friends like them who are far from normal.