Four Poin Five

After showering and dressed up neatly Aura went downstairs to meet her mother and the uninvited guest.

Aura walked while playing her phone that she hadn't touched for almost 3 days. She opened WhatsApp and dozens of messages appeared from her friend's chat group.

After she reads the message from her best friend's group chat, she was annoyed because her best friend knew that she was getting married and teased her. That is what Aura feels now, she did not expect to have friends like them who are far from normal.

While walking down the stairs Aura's eyes suddenly caught the silhouette of the uninvited guest.

Yes, Aura saw Dennis in the middle of a conversation with his mother.

"Imaging." Thought Aura.

Anni looked behind her body after catching Dennis's expression change, Anni smiled at her daughter who was also looking back at Dennis.

"Aunt, I want to bring Aura first, Aura's business, I haven't had breakfast too, so we do it later." Dennis permission.

"Uh, how dare you calling me an aunt! Call me, Mother or Mommy, right? You'll soon be Aura's husband. Yes, be careful." Said Anni.

"Let's go, Aura," asked Dennis to Aura who had been silent behind Anni.


09:48 Lucy's Boutique

Arriving at the boutique shop, they immediately looked for Mrs. Lucy, the boutique owner.

After walking around for a long time they finally found the whereabouts of Mrs. Lucy and unexpectedly Mrs. Lucy was talking to Dennis's mother, who else could it not be Marista.

"Aunty .." Aura exclaimed.

Aura went running towards Marista and left Dennis at the Dress Showcase.

"Eh, my daughter-in-law. Hello honey, how are you? Uh, you're just getting cuter." exasperated Marista.

"Hehe, I'm good, auntie. Since when you in here, auntie?" asked Aura.

"Since half an hour ago," said Marista, glancing at Dennis.

Meanwhile, Dennis just shrugged his mother's words indifferently.

"Wow, this is Dennis's future wife. Uh, it's funny," said Lucy while pinching Aura's cheek exasperatedly.

"How old are you? How can you marry Uncle Beard?" Said Lucy with a joke.

Meanwhile, Aura just chuckled awkwardly at Lucy's words.

"I heard what she was talking about," said Dennis coldly and expressionlessly.

"Oh, right," said Lucy to Aura and Marista.

"Aura, sorry, Lucy is such a joke," said Marista.

"Oh ya, Aura, let's go with mommy! Let's try your wedding dress." Said Marista to Aura.

"Yes, auntie, eh mommy." Said Aura.

"Dennis, come here! I want you to try some tuxedos that match Aura's dress," said Lucy.

Dennis and Aura parted ways, Aura went with Marista to the girl's locker room to try on wedding dresses while Dennis went to follow Lucy to the tuxedo room.

15 minutes later ~

Dennis sat in a chair near the dressing room of the bride and groom, he was still wearing his tuxedo. When Dennis was "engrossed" looking at his work E-mail from his cellphone, the locker room door opened.

"Dennis, Aura is pretty right?" asked Marista.

His eyes that initially saw the cellphone immediately fixed on the questioner.


Yes, Dennis was amazed by Aura's charm. His eyes continued to stare at Aura, there was not the slightest intention to look away. Was it wrong for Dennis to be fascinated by this 21-year-old girl?

You can just call him a pedophile but, what can he do? Dennis was already very fascinated with Aura.

"Ahem, please look at it." quipped Marista.

As if he was drawn back from his dream world back to his real world, Dennis crept aware of his actions and immediately looked away.

"Hey you, Dennis! !! How is beautiful Aura wearing this dress?" Marista asked once again.

Dennis nodded his head.

"Beautiful." Said, Dennis.

Aura who had been looking down immediately raised her head in surprise at Dennis's words and her cheeks flushed red.

"The dress." continued Dennis.

Aura glared at Dennis who casually made her fly and fall instantly.

Duk ...

"Ouch .. what the heck?" said Dennis, rubbing his foot which was hit by a fierce kick from Mrs. Marista.

"You're annoying anyway," Marista replied casually.

"Pftt .. Mom, I want to change clothes, it's not good because it's hot, hehe." asked Aura with a face holding back laughter.

"Oh yes, I'll wait here, okay," replied Marista.

After getting Marista's approval, Aura went to change clothes.

Aura has changed clothes so has Dennis. They were already in the car headed to the ring shop.


While listening to the song The Walters - I Love You So from Dennis's car radio. Suddenly...

Grrr ... Grrr ...

The atmosphere was full of calm.

It turned awkward at once because of the creaking sound of Aura's stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Dennis asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"What do you think?" Aura replied irritably.

"Okay, I know you're hungry, how about we eat before we go to the ring shop"? "

"Whatever .." said Aura carelessly.

Meanwhile, Dennis just chuckled softly at Aura's shy behavior.

Dennis's car turned towards Tom's Restaurant of course to go eat.

Dennis went out of the car after parking car.


She just followed behind Dennis while playing with his fingers.


"Ish ... Ouch .." Aura grimaces.

Aura hits Dennis's broad chest while Dennis himself just stared at Aura with a flat gaze.

"Watch your steps when you walk," said Dennis flatly.

"Yes, I'm sorry .." Aura replied with a frown. Her hands rubbed her head.

Aura and Dennis sat at the table they had chosen earlier.

"Excuse me .." said a waiter.

"Mr and Mrs, what you will order?" He continued.

"Aura, what do you want to eat?" Said, Dennis.

"Just equate, what's the wifi password here?" Said Aura.

Dennis looked at the horror of Aura how dare she makes Dennis embarrassed.

"0023882824, Mrs," replied the waiter.

"Oh, thank you, mwah." Said Aura with a smile.

The waiter just smiled shyly.

"I want to order the food that I usually order here but the difference is two portions," said Dennis.

"Yes sir, excuse me." the waiter said goodbye.

Aura was engrossed in playing with her cellphone and having fun chatting with her best friend, of course by forgetting Dennis's presence.

"Aura, you embarrass me," said Dennis.

Aura did not respond to Dennis's words at all because she looked very absorbed in her world.
