
When she arrived at the office, Aura walked languidly. She was still thinking about Dennis. How could she not, think about what Dennis had to meet Violet for. Again Dennis made his heart hurt. Aura wanted to cry.

Dennis has never changed, and until whenever Aura is sure, Dennis will remain like that. Selfish man who acts as he pleases.

Aura didn't want what happened one year ago to happen again. No, I feel like forget it. Even though Aura had given up everything for Dennis but Dennis replied with the pain that the man gave.

It didn't feel like Aura had arrived in front of his room. It turned out that the room was already busy, Aura decided to go straight in. But how shocked Aura was when a hand pushed her away. No, this wasn't accidental, Aura knew this was on purpose. Deliberately humiliating her in front of everyone. Aura also fell and felt every pain in his knee.

Everyone laughs at her. Aura closed her eyes, trying not to hear what they were saying.