
Dennis slammed Aura's body on the bed. Making Aura feel very painful in his body. No, not only body, heart too.

"From now on there is no work anymore. Instead of looking for work experience, you cheat at the cafe." snapped Dennis. His eyes even turned red, his jaw tightened, it was obvious that Dennis was really angry.

Aura closed her eyes, curled up on the bed. Aura is still traumatized by the incident in the car earlier.

"Don't cry! You're wrong!" Said, Dennis.

Hearing that as much as possible Aura held back her tears, but could not.

"Don't cry, Aura! I'm dizzy hearing that!" Said, Dennis.


Dennis broke the vase loudly. Make the contents scatter.

"Take off your clothes. I want to burn them all!" Said, Dennis.

Aura was still curled up on the bed, hoping Dennis wouldn't burn it. Seeing that made Dennis's emotions flare up even more,

"I said open!" Said, Dennis.