Chapter 19 My revenge and my weakness

In the museu and research center of District 3, two researchers were walking the halls of the said museum, towards the mythical and legendary weapons section.

"Today's the big day, we're about to receive the great sword of Excalibur in our research center!" A young enthusiastic researcher, probably in his mid-twenties that was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans with a lab coat over them, said to his colleague.

"You are, awfully excited about this ever since we had rumors that we would get it here, but today you're even more..." A woman in her 30's, that was wearing a white blouse and light blue jeans with a lab coat over them, said to his enthusiastic colleague, as she sighed.

"How couldn't I be! It's the sword Excalibur, we're talking about here! The unbreakable sword that belonged to the most famous king in the world and the one that whoever she reacts to, will become the new king of England! Tell me how I shouldn't be excited about it!" The young man said, in an excited voice with a tone, that was almost as if he was shouting.

"I get it, I get it, you're a big fan of the history of England..." The woman said as she sighed once again.

"You don't sound, too excited about it, is something the matter?" The young man asked a bit curious.

"Well, yesterday, when I went to visit my sister in District 4, my daughter suddenly vanished, and I looked everywhere for her, if it wasn't for two teenagers that found her, I don't know what would have happened..." The woman said with a tone that had worry and relief.

"Oh, I see, now why you're like that, but don't worry those kinds of things happen, and she safe, that's what matters!" The young man said in a reassuring tone to his colleague.

"I know, but even so, I was so scared that's why I brought her with me today, like that I can keep an eye on her, I just hope she behaves..." The woman said as she stooped and looked at the mythical and legendary weapons room.

It was a big room with various weapons from swords to lances, to even firearms, all used in Britain from the times that magic was kept a secret from the world to the ones that were now used in the modern times, and in the middle of said room, was a something that looked like an altar with a rock on it, and some employees of the museum were in the process of placing on that rock the sword Excalibur, the crown jewel of the Lion Emperor organization, that had a beautiful adorned golden handle and a light silver blade.

"Really? You going to show off the sword, like in the legend?" The woman asked as she got close to the altar.

"Yes, we are! It was my suggestion, what do you think?" The young man said as he got close to the woman with an excited tone and expression.

"I know she is going to be shown to the public, but at night we're going to be studying it, this will just make it difficult if we have to take her out every night and put her in every morning..." The woman said as she sighed a bit.

"Don't worry about that, I and some other researchers will be responsible for that! So you don't have to worry about that!" The young man said as he gave a thumbs up to her colleague.

"Well, if you say so..." As the woman said this, she was interrupted by the sounds of the security guards shouting.

"Stop right there!" A security guard said to a man in a deep blue suit with slicked-back bleached hair, that was entering the room dragging another guard around.

"Please stop pointing your gun like that, before someone gets hurt..." The man in the suit, said in a joking tone as he looked at the guard.

"Yeah, right, the only person that can get hurt here is you!" The guard said as he prepared to shoot, but before he could do that the man in the deep blue suit, was already in front of him and punched him in the stomach, and he lost consciousness almost instantly.

"Don't get me wrong, I was talking about you..." The man said as he adjusted his tie and looked at the researchers close to the altar where Excalibur was.

"W-Who are you and what do you want?" The young man said as he placed himself in front of the woman, as if he was trying to protect her.

"Me? I am Kay Cross, a knight from the Lion Emperor organization and I'm here to get back what's rightfully mine!" The man in the suit said as he pointed at Excalibur, this made the young man look at him a bit confused, but not for long as he got a firm grip on the ground.

"Like I will let you do that!" As the young man finished saying this, a magic circle appeared in front of his hand, and out of it, he took out a sword.

"Wait, what are you...?" As the woman was about to ask what the young man was about to do, he interrupted her.

"This man is dangerous, you get out of here with your daughter, I will take care of him, and don't worry, I might no look like it but I was recommended for the Soteria unit when I was in high school, this will be easy!" The young man said with a confident tone to the woman.

"Alright, but be careful!" The woman said as she left the room running, leaving Kay and the young man alone.

"Trying to play hero here are we, huh? Doesn't matter you will go down rather quick, come, Warmaker..." As Kay finished saying this a sword started to materialize in his hand, the sword's blade was silver and its hilt was the one reminiscent of the XVI century swords used by knights.

"Well then mister "hero" why don't we start?" Kay said jokingly as he looked at the young man, that started running towards him, screaming...

Meanwhile, Tatsurou and Shirayuki were in the monorail that was going to District 3, and they were in complete silence until...

"Shirayuki-san, why did you come too?" Tatsurou asked a bit confused as he looked at Shirayuki.

"Simple, I want to help!" Shirayuki said with a serious tone and expression, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Wait, when I said that we would help Chateunoire-san, I didn't mean for you to tag along, this could be dangerous!" Tatsurou said as he sighed, but then again if it wasn't for Shirayuki having her monorail pass, they couldn't be on their way to district 3.

"Don't worry, about that Tatsurou-san, I can't fight, but I can do other things and after all, I want to help Marie too!" Shirayuki said with a determined tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Ok, I get it, but you have to stay away from danger, alright?" Tatsurou said as if he was giving an order to Shirayuki, but the tone was a worried one.

"Don't worry, I will!" Shirayuki said as she nodded, Tatsurou, on the other hand, began thinking about what Marie said in his room the other night.

"I hope, we're not too late..." Tatsurou said as he clenched his fist a bit...

Back at the museum, the fight between Kay and the young man was still going but Kay had the upper hand, no matter how you looked at the situation...

"Is that all you got, "hero"? " Kay asked as he looked at the young man, that was kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily and injured with various deep cuts.

"I'm...not done yet..." The young man said, in between breaths to Kay, that was getting close to the young man and kicked him in the face, making him get away from him rolling and hitting the ground.

"Honestly, you could have avoided this, but at the very least I was able to show you why you shouldn't pick a fight with a knight..." Kay said as he got close to the young man again and he stooped as he got close to him, Kay lifted his sword up.

"Well, at least you saved someone, so not everything is in vain..." As Kay finished saying this and prepared to slash the young man, he vanished.

"What?!" Kay said as he looked at the place the young man once was and as he was about to ask himself who did this.

"Over here!" The voice of a girl was heard and as Kay looked, he saw a girl in a school uniform, wearing a nun's habit holding the man he was about to kill over her shoulder, this girl was Marie.

"T-Thank you..." The young man said to Marie, as he passed out.

"A nun? What in the hell, is a nun doing here?" Kay asked as he saw Marie far away from him.

"Why is there a nun here? It's obvious, I'm here because I'm going to bring you down, Kay Cross!" Marie said as she placed the young man down on the ground.

"Are you serious, a nun? Here to defeat me? This has to be a joke really!" Kay said as he laughed, Marie just looked at him with eyes filled with anger and hate.

"This is no joke! I'm going to put you down and make sure you don't hurt anyone else! "Vivianne"!" Marie said as she called her rapier, that matrialized in her hand as she got into a fighting stance.

"Seriously? You know who I am right? You're just a girl, you don't stand a chance...wait, that rapier, I saw it somewhere before..." Kay said as he kept looking at Marie's rapier with a surprised expression, that's when he realized it.

"No way that's the weapon of the nun I fought 5 years ago, in Normandie!" Kay said as he realized where he saw Marie's rapier before.

"Yes it is, this was the weapon of Alia Chateunoire, and now I, Marie Chateunoire, her daughter, am its current user, and with it, I'm going to kill you and avenge my mother, so prepare yourself, Kay Cross!" Marie said this with a tone filled with determination to Kay, but he just laughed.

"Honestly, if I was able to defeat that woman, what makes you think you can do it, huh?" Kay asked Marie with a joking tone, that had a hint of anger as he finished laughing.

"Are you scared of fighting a girl?" Marie asked jokingly, this made Kay look at her with anger in his eyes.

"Me? Scared? You got to be kidding me, I am a knight of the Lion Emperor, the only man that has the right to hold Excalibur, the man that will be the new king of England, and the man that will become the new leader of the Lion Emperor, I'm not scared of you or anyone! I will take you out just like I did to your beloved mother..." Kay said with a smile filled with evil intent that felt as if he was making fun of Marie, that was when she dashed towards Kay and hit him with a piercing attack, and as she did the sound of clashing metal was heard.

"Oh, that was a close call..." Kay said in a smug tone as he blocked Marie's attack with his sword.

"You should be careful, before you hurt someone with that..." Kay said still with is joking tone on, this made Marie get away from him but not for long, as she proceeded to attack again with a wave of slashing and piercing attacks, but this didn't faze Kay in the slightest, as he blocked everything Marie threw at him.

"Honestly, your mother was a lot better at're just weak..." Kay said in a bored tone to Marie that caught her off guard, Kay took that opportunity to attack her with a horizontal slash that hit her and made her roll away on the ground.

"You went down rather easy, at least your dear mother, bared her fangs a bit more, but she was still too weak for me!" Kay said as he laughed and looked at Marie that was lying on the ground, and upon hearing this, Marie held her rapier's handle tight.

"Shut up..." Marie said as she used her rapier, to get up and looked at Kay that stopped laughing upon hearing her words.

"You think, you're a strong and proud knight, that aims high when he's just a low ranking one, trying to reach the top, by taking away things that don't belong to you...a real knight is nothing like that, you're just a weak and sorry excuse for one, if it wasn't for your cheap tactics, my mother would have won against you..." Marie said as she looked at Kay that now had a face that was covered in anger.

"Me using cheap tactics, please, I'm a knight I don't resort to that kind of thing..." As Kay was saying this he lunged himself to Marie, preparing to attack her with a vertical slash but.

"Pluie Perçante!" As Marie said this, her rapier lighted up in a light blue color and what looked like various "nails" appeared, and as she attacked Kay with what looked like a rain of piercing attacks that hit all over his torso, he let out a scream filled with pain.

"Coup de Tonnerre!" Marie said this, all the "nails" went inside her rapier and she hit Kay with one last piercing attack that made him fly away from her and hit the ground hard.

"What the hell...!" Kay said as he slowly got up and looked at Marie with an expression that had both anger and surprise, she just kept looking at him.

"This is just the beginning, brace yourself!" As Marie finished saying this, she dashed towards Kay, and when she got close, she began to attack him relentlessly, sometimes he could block her attacks, other times he couldn't, and when her attacks hit they hit hard, really hard.

"If I keep going like this, I can win, I can do it, I just have to keep it up, and I can kill this monster!" Marie thought to herself as she kept attacking Kay, and once again with another last attack that finished her unending barrage, she sent Kay crashing against the display stand of a weapon that was exposed in the room.

"This ends now, Kay Cross, prepare yourself!" Marie said with a determined tone as she looked at Kay getting up, he just looked at her with anger filling his face even more than before, but then he looked over his shoulder, and a psychotic smile appeared on his face, as he went behind the display stand.

"What is he doing?...!" Marie asked herself, as she saw Kay doing that, but her eyes opened wide upon seeing him coming from behind the display stand holding a scared young girl, that was wearing a pink t-shirt and a black skirt, by her arm.

"Oh, no! It's Honoka, what is she doing here?" Marie thought to herself as she looked at Kay holding the young girl.

"Well, well, miss nun, looks like we had an unexpected spectator..." Kay said with an evil smug tone, as he held the girl and placed his sword's blade close to her neck.

"You bastard!!!" Marie shouted this to Kay in an angry tone, but he just smiled.

"Yes, I might be, but you should watch your tongue now, or my hand might slip..." Kay said as he placed the blade of his sword even closer to Honoka's neck.

" me..." Honoka said as she trembled, Marie got cold sweat upon hearing this, as she couldn't do anything or else.

"Don't be scared Honoka, I won't let him hurt you...let go of her, Kay Cross!" Marie said with an angry tone to Kay and he just smiled.

"Well, I will let her go, but before that, you have to get rid of your weapon, throw her away, really far!" Kay said as he kept Honoka in his grasp, Marie upon hearing this, didn't even need a second to think, she trowed her weapon away immediately.

"I did what you asked, now let her go!" As Marie said this, Kay looked at her with a impressed expression.

"Oh! Impressive, when a child is involved, you are surprisingly cooperative, very well, you can go now..." As Kay finished saying this, he let go of Honoka, then as she began running towards Marie.

"Now, to show you what happens when you look down on me!" Kay said this as he raised his sword, with a psychotic smile on his face as he prepared to slash Honoka.

"NO!!!!" Marie said as she started to run towards Honoka to try and save her, but she tripped and fell on the ground, and now there was no way she could do save her in time.

"No...he's going to kill her, I have to do something, but I will never reach her in time, this could have been avoided, if I was faster, if I was stronger...I was foolish to think I could take him on alone, he was right, I am weak..." Marie thought to herself as she extended her arm towards Honoka and the world around her felt as if it slowed down.

"Please, mom, dad, auntie" Marie said this while she started to tear up, asking for someone, anyone to help as she saw Kay's sword coming down towards Honoka.

"The gods created the world, man created war, but the man didn't make the protection for the innocent children that have to face war, by the power of the god Hiruko, I beg you to protect that child from harm!" A chant was heard, and a transparent pink square appeared over Honoka, protecting her from Kay's attack surprising Marie that became speechless.

"What?!" Kay asked as he looked at the square that stooped his attack, and before he could say or ask anything else Honoka disappeared from under the square, as a black figure took her way, again this surprised him, and as he looked in the direction of Marie, he saw two people close to her, one a pink-haired shrine maiden and the other a young black-haired boy with a black hoodie jacket and black jeans, holding Honoka in his arms.

"S-Shirayuki...and Kurokami Tatsurou..." Marie said with a surprised tone, as she started to tear up, while she looked at both Tatsurou and Shirayuki that came to help her...