Chapter 20 Unexpected help

A few minutes before Tatsurou and Shirayuki showed up to help Marie, they were walking around district 3's downtown, that looked like the downtown of London, as a matter of fact, every district in Takamagahara was inspired and designed to look like the country or organization they belonged to.

"Is this the right way to the museum, of district 3, Tatsurou-san?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone, as she followed Tatsurou, looking to all sides observing the buildings that looked nothing, like the ones in district 4.

"Well, I've only gone to the museum once in a field trip, back in 7th grade but it's around here, I'm sure about it..." Tatsurou said as he looked to all sides, trying to remember the way, and after a few more minutes of walking, they got to the museum, which looked like an old building from the 18th century and was designed to look like the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

"This is it..." Tatsurou said as he looked at the museum, but he was interrupted as he saw a group of people leaving the building in panic, running and screaming.

"What the?" Tatsurou asked as he saw these people passing him and Shirayuki.

"Tatsurou-san, do you think we're too late?" Shirayuki asked with a worried tone as she looked at all those people in running past them.

"Only one way to find out..." Tatsurou said as he began running towards the entrance, as Shirayuki followed behind him, but as they passed the main door Tatsurou bumped against a woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." As Tatsurou was apologizing his eyes opened wide.

"Wait, your Honoka's mother!" Tatsurou said as he recognized the woman.

"Your the boy that found Honoka the other day, what are you doing here?" The woman asked with a surprised tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"It's a long story, but to make it quick, one of my friends is in something wrong?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at the woman, that had a worried expression on her face and looked as if she was about to cry.

"I-I work here, and I brought Honoka with me today, but then a man in a suit appeared and attacked security guards, and I can't find Honoka and..." The woman tried to explain what was happening, but she couldn't make any sense as she was panicked, upon seeing this Tatsurou placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I get it, Honoka is somewhere inside the museum, and you can't find her, right?" Tatsurou asked the woman with a calm tone and the woman just nodded confirming what Tatsurou asked.

"Very well then, you go to a safe place, me and my friend will get Honoka back!" Tatsurou said to the woman in a calm and comforting tone.

"But..." As the woman was about to say something Tatsurou griped her shoulder tight.

"We will bring her back, I promise!" Tatsurou said with a serious face and a tone filled with confidence to the woman, she looked at him a bit surprised because for her it felt as if she wasn't looking at some kid.

"A-Alright, but please be careful!" The woman said as she began running out of the building, Tatsurou and Shirayuki then proceeded to go inside.

"Tatsurou-san where do you think we should start to look?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone as she followed Tatsurou and looked in every direction.

"Good question, I should have asked, but it doesn't matter right now, but if I had to guess, we should take a look where there's noise..." As Tatsurou said this to Shirayuki, they heard a pain-filled scream of a man, and they stooped and looked at each other for a second as if asking themselves where that scream came from, but they began moving almost immediately, towards it and as they got close to the sound, they saw a door with a sign next to it.

"Mythical and legendary weapons section..." Tatsurou said as he read what was written at the sign out loud, but then another scream was heard, again from a man and Tatsurou and Shirayuki got close to the wall as if they were hugging it, and began peeking out behind the entrance of the room, and as they did, they saw Marie that was holding a rapier and was far away from a man in a deep blue suit standing close to a display stand.

"Looks like Marie, is winning!" Shirayuki said with a confident and happy tone to Tatsurou.

"Looks like it...wait what is he doing?" Tatsurou said as he saw the man getting up and going behind the display stand, but when he came from behind it Tatsurou's and Shirayuki's eyes opened wide as they saw him holding a scared young girl by her arm.

"No way...that's Honoka...!?" As Tatsurou said this the man in the suit placed his sword close to Honoka's neck.

"Oh, no..." Shirayuki said in a shocked and worried tone as she placed her hands on her mouth, Tatsurou, on the other hand, began grinding his teeth, clenching his fists hard and his blood began to feel as if it was boiling.

"That..bastard!" Tatsurou said in an angry tone, that was unusual for him as he kept clenching his fists.

"Tatsurou-san..." Shirayuki said in a worried tone as she looked at Tatsurou, and then, they saw Marie talking to the man in the suit with an angry face and after a bit, Marie threw away her rapier and the man let go of Honoka.

"He's letting her go, that's good...!" As Shirayuki said this, Tatsurou became calmer but then, they saw the man raise his sword, ready to slash Honoka.

"No!" Tatsurou could only say this as he froze in place, upon seeing him like this, Shirayuki stooped hiding and went inside the room.

"The gods created the world, man created war, the man didn't make the protection for the innocent children that have to face war, by the power of the god Hiruko, I beg you to protect that child from harm!" Shirayuki chanted this, with her hands stretched forward as a pink aura covered her body and a transparent Pink square appeared over Honoka, protecting her from the man's sword, upon seeing this Tatsurou looked at Shirayuki with a surprised face.

"Go! Tatsurou-san!" Shirayuki said as she kept the shield going, but she didn't need to tell Tatsurou that again, as he dashed towards Honoka taking her out of harm's way, and after that Shirayuki ran towards Marie to help her up, and Marie couldn't believe her eyes, as she saw Tatsurou and Shirayuki there.

"Are you alright, Marie-san?" Shirayuki asked as she helped Marie get up, she just nodded with her head.

"That's good to know, Chateunoire-san, and how about you, Honoka?" Tatsurou asked as he turned his face from Marie to Honoka.

"I'm...alright!" Honoka said with a scared tone as she looked at Tatsurou, but she didn't cry or anything Tatsurou took notice of that.

"You were really brave Honoka, just like Melody-chan!" Tatsurou said with a smile as he put Honoka on the ground, close to Shirayuki and Marie.

"You had reinforcements, really? And you decide to face me alone, thinking you had a chance against me? You truly are a joke!" Kay said as he looked at all of them and began laughing like a maniac, this made Marie clench her fist as she heard him, upon seeing this Tatsurou began walking toward Kay in silence.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Kay asked with a smug tone as he looked at Tatsurou that was now in front of him, Tatsurou kept silent, and then suddenly, he punched Kay in the face with a right hook sending him crashing against the altar where Excalibur was standing, this made Marie look at Tatsurou with a surprised expression.

After a while of no movement, Kay lifted his head, to look at Tatsurou as he hadn't moved from the spot where he hit him and kept looking at him.

"You...damn brat, who do you think you are? Attacking me like this, a knight, the rightful owner of Excalibur and the next king of England..." Kay said as he started to get up, but the words that came out of his mouth were cut short.

"Shut UP!" These words that Tatsurou spoke with a tone of authority and filed with anger echoed through the room they were all in, Kay was taken aback by this as he stepped back and hit the altar that was behind him with his back, it felt as if he was scared for a bit, Marie, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes from Tatsurou as he made Kay look scared, something that she wasn't able to do.

"You're saying you're a knight? You're saying that you are a king? Please your none of those things and you will never be!" Tatsurou said this to Kay in a calm tone that had a hint of anger in it.

"Really? I'm not any of that, then tell me what am I?" Kay asked as he was finally up and smiled at Tatsurou, curious about what he was about to say, little did he know that he would regret it.

"Well then, since you want to know, I will tell you but in terms that you understand..." Tatsurou said as he did a small pause.

"You are nothing more than a jester, that likes to play make-believe knight, that thinks that one day if he wishes really hard he will become king, that is what you are!" Tatsurou said with the most honest tone he had and every word that came out of him was from the bottom of his heart, these words even made Marie smile just a bit, but Kay on the other hand became angry, no, furious upon hearing Tatsurou's words.

"You...damn brat, think you're better than me? Think you are superior? Think you can look down on me, just because you got one hit in? Bullshit! You just got lucky, but it won't happen again..." Kay said as he threw his sword in the direction of Tatsurou, he dodged it and as Tatsurou did that the sword got stuck on the ground right next to him.

"You'll see, they will all see, the Royal Table of Knights, Pendagron...when Excalibur finally reacts to its true successor!" Kay said as he jumped to the altar Excalibur was and took it out of the fake rock it was placed in

"Finally after all these years, she's finally in my hands, how long have I dreamed about this!" Kay said as he swung the sword around showing off and smiling in complete bliss, Tatsurou just looked at him in silence, but Marie on the other hand.

"Kurokami...don't fight him, you're going to get hurt and it's going to be worse now that he has Excalibur with him!" Marie said with a worried tone to Tatsurou.

"Marie...please, trust Tatsurou with this, he's strong he can do it!" Shirayuki said with a tone filled with confidence, as she placed her hand on Marie's shoulder, but even so, she couldn't help but be worried and yet she didn't know why.

"Kurokami, is it? You better do as she says this is a holy weapon I have here, one hit and they will have to clean your blood from the walls, for the next few days!" Kay said as he smiled from ear to ear like a maniac, but then again the only thing Tatsurou felt towards him at the moment, was disgust.

"Listen, jester, I dislike fighting, so I'm going to give you two options here..." Tatsurou said in a monotonous tone as he showed Kay two fingers, he just stood at the top of the altar and listened to him.

"Option 1: You stop this right now and turn yourself in, for what you have done or Option 2: I make you do that, now what will it be?" Tatsurou said still, with his monotonous tone to Kay, but deep down, he already knew the answer.

"You think you can give me options, me? There's no way in hell, I will let a brat like you order me around! Like you said you have to make me stop, that is, if you can..." Kay said in a tone filled with anger as he laughed towards options he was given, Tatsurou just sighed in a way that felt, as if he was sad.

"Very well then, you made your choice, but before I do anything else, I will tell you one last thing, when things stop going your way, just remember that you brought this upon yourself!" Tatsurou said in a monotonous tone yet again, as his eyes became blue upon activating his power, Kay looked at him even angrier than before.

"You call me a clown, you look down on me, you think you can give me options and you think you have a chance, prepare yourself Kurokami! Just like I said I will paint these walls with your blood!" Kay said with a psychotic smile as he lunged himself at Tatsurou preparing to cut him in half with a vertical slash.

"No! Kurokami watch-out!" Marie said with a scared and worried tone as she saw Kay getting closer and closer to Tatsurou.

"DIEEEEEE!" Kay said as he was about to hit Tatsurou, Marie closed her eyes as to not witness what she thought was the end, but suddenly the sound of metal clashing against metal was heard, it was weird hearing this sound and as Marie opened her eyes, she saw something that left her speechless.

As Tatsurou and Kay were with their backs turned at each other, but something was off as Kay looked in complete shock at the sword Excalibur, that now was missing the tip of its blade, and as he slowly turned his gaze towards Tatsurou, he saw him with an adorned black gauntlet, holding the missing blade tip of the Excalibur...