Chapter 21 My knight

The silence reigned in the room, as everyone present witnessed Tatsurou holding the tip of the blade, that belonged to the now broken Excalibur in his hand, Kay just looked at the sword in complete shock.

" BASTARD!!!" Kay said with a tone filled with anger and rage as he turned to Tatsurou.

"Shut up, put some glue or duck tape on it and it will be as good as new..." Tatsurou said in a monotonous tone, as he threw the tip of the blade towards Kay, and with that he became even angrier.

"No way, how did he do that?" Marie said as she looked at Tatsurou, still impressed by how he was able to do that.

"You bastard, you think this some kind of joke, breaking Excalibur and act as if it was nothing?" Kay asked Tatsurou with an angry tone, he just sighed.

"And isn't this supposed to be nothing? After all your still a jester that thinks he is a knight, a broken sword fits you like a charm honestly..." Tatsurou said still in a monotonous tone, that felt as if he was making fun of Kay, he just laughed.

"This does it, I'm going to reap you to shreds, but before that, I will put you down so you can't move, then I'm going to murder these girls and you will watch as you can't do anything to stop me!" Kay said with a rage-filled tone as he stooped laughing and pointed the broken Excalibur at Honoka, Shirayuki, and Marie, Tatsurou became silent upon hearing this

"Oh, really? I see...well then since you want to play, make-believe knight, I will fight you accordingly..." Tatsurou said after a small silence, still with a monotonous tone as he got close to the sword that was once Kay's and took her out of the ground.

"I'm not skilled in swordsmanship, but I think that even a beginner like me is more than enough for a clown, like you..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Kay's old sword, warmaker, as if he was analyzing it.

"Well then come at me with everything you got!" Tatsurou said with a tone that went from monotonous to anger as his black aura finally appeared and he glared at Kay with his blue eyes.

"Act scary all you want, your still just a mere brat! You don't stand a chance against me!" Kay said as he ignored everything Tatsurou said only wanting to kill him and before anyone could react, he was already in front of him, ready to kill him with a piercing attack, Tatsurou dodged to the side, right in time.

"Honestly, quite hard making a piercing attack like this without a pointy tip on the sword right?" Tatsurou asked jokingly to Kay, he didn't answer as he turned to Tatsurou and began attacking him with horizontal and vertical slashes.

"Take this, you damn brat!" Kay said as he kept doing his attacks, Tatsurou wasn't as skilled with the sword as his Kay, so he could only block some of the attacks but others he could not, but the attacks that landed on him were only small cuts, Marie couldn't stop looking at Tatsurou, as she saw him fighting to protect them all from Kay.

"Why...why is he doing this, I treated him so badly and like an enemy, and yet he's here fighting, risking his life, when I don't deserve it..." Marie said with a sad tone as she fell on her knees and began to cry, thinking about all the things she did and said to Tatsurou.

"Don't cry, Marie!" Shirayuki said with a reasuring tone as she looked at Marie, this made her look at Shirayuki with surprise.

"Right now, is not the moment to cry, if you are going to do something, cheer Tatsurou on!" Shirayuki said as she looked at Marie, and she didn't understand, until she looked at Honoka.

"Please...Tatsurou, win!" Honoka said silently with her hands together, as if she was praying, upon seeing this, Marie cleaned her tears with her sleeve, she got up and began to silently cheer Tatsurou.

"Please...bring him to justice...Kurokami..." Marie said as she looked at Tatsurou that was still locked in a sword fight with Kay, and after a while they moved away from each other, Tatsurou's clothes were a bit torn apart and he had a lot of cuts but that was to be expected, as for Kay he wasn't hurt but there were a few cuts from the hits Tatsurou could land.

"So this is a knight from the Lion Emperor, they are quite strong not going to lie, but this guy, in particular, he's skilled but there's something about him, I just have to be sure if my hunch is right..." Tatsurou thought to himself as he looked down on his body to see the cuts he had.

"You became silent all of the sudden, whats the matter? Got cold feet?" Kay asked in a joking tone to Tatsurou.

"No, not at all, I was just thinking that there are better swordsman and knights out there, you're just like I thought, a joke..." Tatsurou answered in a serious tone, this made Kay's face became, filled with rage.

"You're talking a lot, for someone that doesn't have any skill at all!" Kay said as he lunged himself at Tatsurou again and began attacking him relentlessly and savagely like an animal, and once again Tatsurou began blocking his attacks.

"I knew it, this guy loses all technique and skill with the sword when angered, that's good to know, now I can..." As Tatsurou was thinking this, Kay attacked him with an unexpected kick to the stomach, which made him roll away from him and hit one of the display cases inside the room.

"This is what happens when you look down on me, you damn shitty brat!" Kay said in a smug yet angry tone as he looked at Tatsurou, that was lying motionless on the floor.

"Now, to show you, why you shouldn't look down on me!" Kay said as he looked at the girls with murderous intent in his eyes, Marie hugged Honoka to protect her and Shirayuki placed herself in front of them preparing to use her protection magic, this was the moment that Tatsurou's black aura became like a wildfire.

"Oi, you damn clown! I'm you're opponent here, leave them out of this!" Tatsurou said as he slowly got up with the help of the sword he was using and looked at Kay with one feeling in his eyes that became blood-red, it was rage.

"Huh? You want to go some more, your just a masochistic brat, in all honesty!" Kay said jokingly, as he looked down on Tatsurou.

"What is it now? Are you scared to fight me? A proud and strong Knight of the Lion Emperor, is scared of fighting a brat?" Tatsurou asked with a monotonous tone that had a hint of anger in it.

"That's it! This is the last time you look down on me! I'm going to put you down like the idiot you are, for good!" As Kay finished saying this he lunged himself at Tatsurou once more and prepared to attack him with another piercing attack, but Tatsurou didn't move, he simply stood still, and as he saw Kay coming towards him he closed his eyes, changed the hand with which he was holding Kay's old sword from his right hand to his left.

"Wait! What are you doing Kurokami?" Marie asked with a worried tone as she saw Kay getting closer and closer to Tatsurou and he didn't take any action.

"Looks like, he finally understood his place and accepted his fate!" Kay said with a smug tone as he prepared to finish Tatsurou off, and when he got closer.

"Kurokami!!" Marie screamed Tatsurou's name as she saw Kay getting within reach this was when Tatsurou opened his eyes and punched Excalibur with his gauntlet as if was hitting another person's fist and broke its blade in pieces, that flew in every direction.

"Wha..." These were the only word Kay could say, as he held Excalibur's handle, and saw in complete shock the sword that he spent years pursuing shattering in a matter of seconds, Marie couldn't hide the surprised and impressed face upon seeing this.

"You...bastard! How could you! Do you know how many years I spent to have Excalibur in my hands, do you have any idea how much I had to go through being the laughing stock of the Lion Emperor, being used as a puppet by the table of royal knights, being betrayed by Pendagron, with this I was going to show them all that I wasn't just a mere puppet, a simple tool that they could use then throw away, but now you ruined everything!" Kay said this ranting like he was blaming everything that went wrong, on Tatsurou.

"Shut up!" Tatsurou said to Kay with a tone of authority and anger, Kay got quiet on the spot as he jolted and walked backward a bit upon hearing Tatsurou's angry voice.

"I don't care, about what you had to endure to get Excalibur, any good reason you might have had, was lost the moment you decided that to get what you want you had to hurt innocent people..." Tatsurou said in an angry tone, with his aura still raging and with the sword in hand, as he began walking towards Kay.

"Wait, calm down!" Kay said as he looked at Tatsurou, but instead of seeing him, he began seeing a shadow with blood-red eyes, growing bigger with every step, as he slowly approached him.

"Wait, if you kill me you will become a murderer and then you won't be, any better than me!" Kay said in a scared tone, that lost all of his pride and confidence, as began walking backward in a way as if he was trying to run away.

"Me? Killing you? Please unlike you, I still have standards to uphold, and death is only a free getaway from your mistakes..." Tatsurou said still with an angry tone as he got closer to Kay.

"Wait...we...can talk about this, right?" Kay asked with a scared and panicked tone as Tatsurou was finally in front of him.

"Talk? Like I said you lost your chance the moment you dared to hurt innocent people, the moment you dared to raise your weapon at a defenseless child, but you lost it for real the moment you dared to even think about hurting my friends!" Tatsurou said, as he planted the sword he was holding on the ground and prepared to punch Kay.

"Wait! I'm sorry I won't do this again..." Kay said even more panicked as he stretched his arm forward trying to come up with a way to escape, but his words were cut short by Tatsurou.

"If you call yourself a knight, you stay still, grind your teeth, and take your punishment without complaining!" Tatsurou said as he prepared to launch his fist that had the gauntlet on, at Kay's face.

"No, wait, NOOOOO!!!" Kay screamed in fear as he saw Tatsurou's fist coming towards him, Tatsurou punched Kay straight in the middle of his face sending him crashing against the altar were Excalibur was exposed again, but this time Kay was sent with such speed and strength at it, that pieces of it flew in every direction and a cloud of dust formed around it as he hit it, and as the cloud began to fade we could see Kay's motionless body, on the top of the debris of the altar.

"You, better stay down!" Tatsurou said as the gauntlet vanished from his right hand, he then pulled the sword warmaker out of the ground and began walking towards the girls, as he turned his back to Kay.

"He...won, he won!" Honoka said with a happy, yet relieved tone as she was still hugging Marie, Shirayuki just sighed in relief, that the fight was over, but Marie just kept silent, as she looked once more at Tatsurou, but this time she looked at him differently.

"I...found him, mom...I found my knight!" Marie thought to herself as she smiled and tears began falling from her face as she saw Tatsurou coming towards them with the sword in his hand looking like the knight Marie always dreamed of finding, but as he got close to them, Tatsurou collapsed to the ground.

"Tatsurou!!!" All of the girls said, as they ran towards him and as they got close

"Don't worry, I'm just a bit tired, I will just sleep for a moment...and I will be back on my feet again..." Tatsurou said with a joking tone, as he lost consciousness.

"He's got too many injuries! We have to call an ambulance and take him to a hospital!" Marie said as she looked at Tatsurou and started to get him up and place his arm over her shoulders to take him away.

"Wait, Marie! I know curing magic let me cure Tatsurou, before we go..." Shirayuki said to Marie, but it was mostly useless as she was already caring, Tatsurou, and running out of the room they were in with Honoka following her, to get an ambulance.

"W-Wait! Marie!" Shirayuki said as she began running after them...