Chapter 26 The Prison of La Sainté

"That, damn WITCH!" Alice said with an angry tone as she walked the halls of the Notre Dame, to be fair it sounded more like she was stomping the ground instead of walking, and behind her, the man in the black armor followed her in complete silence.

"Just who the hell does she think she is? Always acting high and mighty, if she wasn't Youjo's favorite, I would have put her down long ago! One of these days I swear... " Alice said with anger in her voice as she kept walking and the knight kept following her in silence, but it was at this moment that Alice bumped into someone, unexpected.

"Oh! I'm sorry..." The person that bumped against the angry Alice and said this, was none other than Marie, that became at a loss of words upon realizing who she bumped against and silence filled the hall they were in, as Marie and Alice looked at each other.

"I-I'm very sorry for this Lady Pendagron!" Marie said as she bowed towards Alice breaking the silence, but Alice just ignored her.

"Don't tell me, that Delacroix now lets kids walk around this place, pathetic..." Alice said with a mocking tone as she sighed and began walking away again.

"K-Kid...?" Marie said with a faint hint of anger as she looked at Alice walking away, but for her, it was better to keep silent and ignore her remark, but then something, weird happened, the man in the black armor, didn't follow Alice, he just stood there looking at Marie, something that caught her by surprise.

"Um? Can I help you...?" Marie asked with a nervous yet curious tone as she looked at the man, that kept looking at her in silence, he then made something even more unexpected, a small bow towards Marie as if he was trying to say "sorry".

"Black knight!" Alice shouted this to the man that as soon as he heard her, he began walking towards her, leaving the still surprised Marie behind.

"That was, really weird..." Marie thought to herself as she looked at the man in the armor walking towards Alice, but her thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"My, my isn't she a scary one? She will never get married if she keeps acting like an old grumpy lady!" A voice said this from behind Marie that jolted a bit upon hearing it.

"A-Auntie Helena!" Marie said as she turned back to see, that who spoke was Helena, that was being followed by Michelle.

"Too bad that you had to meet the "Queen of the knights of England" in such a foul mood!" Helena said as she smiled, towards the still confused Marie.

"I wasn't really expecting her to be like that, I always thought that she was more ladylike and respectful, but what was she doing here?" Marie asked Helena a bit curious.

"Well, she came here because of a small problem, nothing too serious, to be honest...but right now it should be me asking, what are you still doing here Marie? Didn't I tell you to go rest for a bit?" Helena asked this to Marie, that began to blush and looking away from her.

"Well...about that, I-I got lost..." Marie said as she looked away from Helena, that looked at her with a bewildered expression, but she couldn't say anything to Marie, she didn't come to the Notre Dame to often, so it was normal that she got lost, especially after the changes that Helena made to it.

"I should have guessed, that something like this would happen..." Helena said as she sighed towards the now flustered Marie.

"Michelle, would you be a dear and take Marie to my place, please?" Helena said as she turned to Michelle, that became surprised with Helena's request.

"Of course Helena, but don't you want me to take you to...?" As Michelle was about to ask if Helena wanted a ride to the La Santé prison, she turned to her and placed her index finger in front of her lips, as she saw this, Michelle just bowed and got close to Marie.

"Please Marie, follow me, I will take you to Helena's residence..." Michelle said this to Marie and began to move as soon as she finished saying this leaving no chance for Marie to ask anything.

"W-Wait, Miss Michelle" Marie said as she did a small sprint towards Michelle that was already a bit far away from her, and as soon as they were gone Helena sighed.

"Good grief, Michelle..." Helena said as she began to take, her leave from the Notre Dame and make her way to the La Santé Prison...

The walk from Notre Dame to La Santé prison was a rather fast one on foot, 2,8 km more or less 34 minutes, something that Helena didn't mind as she loved to take walks more than being driven around, and after all, she didn't have a chance to do her usual stroll today so it was a win-win situation, and so she walked at a slow pace on the sidewalk with her umbrella over her head to protect her pale skin from the sun, passing the various shops and business, the only downside of this was but one.

"Oh my god! It's Lady Delacroix!" A woman said as she stooped and made a slight bow towards Helena that kept walking and responded with a simple head nod.

"No way! it's Lady Delacroix!" A person sitting on a cafe terrace said as he saw Helena pass on the sidewalk, prompting everyone in it, to stop doing whatever they were doing, and look in her direction, Helena just smiled and waved, something that made the hearts of both men and woman in the terrace skip a beat, yes this was the only downside of Helena walking around the streets of Paris, everyone knew her and her beautiful looks caught too much attention, perhaps if she had her long white hair, short like she did 5 years ago, she would probably not get as much attention.

"My, oh, my I should have asked for a ride...but oh, well, this feels good..." Helena thought to herself with a smile on her face as she kept walking and waving at the people that looked at her, a few minutes later Helena was finally in front of the entrance of La Santé, a prison located in the Rue de la Santé, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, surrounded by high rise buildings that more or less covered it, and as she took a step inside towards the main gate, Helena was greeted by a tall man wearing a grey prison guard uniform.

"Welcome to La Santé Prison, Lady Delacroix! We were expecting you! Please follow me to the waiting room and I will call Director Laura right away!" The guard said at the same time as he bowed towards Helena, she just smiled as she looked at him.

"Thank you for receiving me..." Helena said as she closed her umbrella and followed the guard to the prison's waiting room...

"Please, Lady Delacroix take a seat, and make yourself comfortable!" The guard said as he opened the door to the waiting room, that wasn't too big and was mostly used to receive people like Helena or other high ranking members of the Supreme Cross, he signaled Helena to go inside, and as she went inside Helena took a seat in a small black couch that had a table in front of it.

"Lady Delacroix? Can I bring you something?" The guard asked as he looked at Helena and waited for her response.

"No need to bother with that, knowing Laura she will come here rather quick!" Helena said as she smiled at the guard, that just nodded with his head as he took his leave and closed the door.

"Laura sure is taking good care of this place..." Helena thought to herself as she looked around the waiting room, and she was right since Laura became the director of the La Santé prison, she has taken good care of it by renovating it and such, and she had to do it, after all, we were talking about, a prison from the 18th century, one of the oldest ones of France, but no mistakes could be made, this prison was a normal one before Helena took control of the Supreme Cross, but now since she became the leader, this prison became something quite different.

As Helena kept looking around she was interrupted by the door of the waiting room opening, and as she saw the door open, inside came a young girl with silver hair and eyes closed, wearing a black goth-loli jumper dress, with equally black thigh high socks and a white apron over said dress.

"Bienvenue to my humble prison, Lady Delacroix!" The young girl said to Helena with a cute voice as she did a courtesy bow, holding the tips of her dress.

"You don't need to act like that towards me Laura, we are alone here after all" Helena said as she got up and sighed towards Laura.

"Bien, I do think I should show respect towards my supérieure!" Laura said still with a cute voice as she stooped bowing and looked at Helena.

"I already told you, Laura, I dislike being called by the people close to me like that..." Helena said as she sighed, upon seeing this Laura complied.

"As you wish, Helena, we don't have temps à perdre, please follow me..." Laura said to Helena as she turned to the door and began walking out of the room Helena followed suit behind her...

As they walked the halls of La Santé, Helena decided to ask something that had been on her mind since Laura greeted her in the waiting room.

"Say, Laura, where is Louvain?" Helena asked a bit curious since it was usual for Laura and Louvain to be always together, especially here in the prison, this caught Laura a bit off guard but not too much.

"Bien, you see Helena, when we went to Takamagahara, Louvain had a small mauvaise conduit, and during our trip back he refused to listen to what I told him, so I had him reflect on his actions pour un moment..." Laura said as she got an angry look on her face, Helena looked even more curious.

"Reflect on his actions?" Helena asked with a curious and worried tone, after what Laura said, she took notice of that.

"Ne t'inquète pas Helena, he is just going to be fighting my little "jouets" for a few days straight without rest as punishment!" Laura said with a cute voice as if what she was saying was the most normal thing ever, Helena just sighed and shivered a bit upon hearing this.

"Say, Laura, don't you think you're punishments are a bit too much?" Helena asked a bit worried.

"Well I just do this because Louvain needs to know his place and act accordingly, if I let him be we would cause a lot of trouble with his short temperament and fight with whoever messed with him, and as his grande soeur, I can't allow that to happen for his sake and ours..." Laura said with an honest tone towards Helena, which made her look at her in silence for a bit.

"I understand, but try not to overdo it, please..." Helena said as she sighed, Laura just nodded with a smile on her face, after a little while they arrived in front of a big iron door that was the prison's entrance to the infamous Playground block, Laura's favorite part of the prison, Laura got close to the door and pressed the button on the side of it, that looked like one of those house bells.

"Katia, cheri could you open up the door, please?" Laura said to the small box, and before she could react, the door began to open up and as it did, a white smoke cloud came out of it, which surprised Helena a bit.

"What are you doing inside that room, Laura? It's freezing!" Helena asked as the white cloud passed her making her tremble with how cold it was, Laura just smiled

"Bien, just experimenting a bit Helena, rien d'inhabituel!" Laura said as she smiled and began walking inside, with Helena following suit, and as they walked the long hall of the Playground block, various voices were heard, but they weren't normal voices, these voices were screams of pain, pleas to stop and pleas of forgiveness, any normal person would shiver upon hearing this, but both Laura and Helena were unfazed, especially Laura

"Quite lively ici, don't you think Helena?" Laura asked with a smile on her face.

"It sure is..." Helena said as she looked around and saw the various cells from where the screams came, it was hard to understand why this prison block was known as "Playground" for outsiders with this ambiance, but the answer was quite simple, as this prison block in La Santé, that was also the biggest one was were Laura "played" with the inmates, and by play I mean torture, ravish them beyond recognition, make them wish for the death that shall never come, this was what La Santé prison was, a playground for Laura to toy with its inmates, that were enemies to the Supreme Cross, but it was also why this prison was known to the higher ranking members as "Laura's toy box" but to everyone else, this was just a simple and normal prison.

After a long walk, through the seemingly never-ending hall, Laura and Helena finally arrived at they're, destination, a metal door with a sign that read "detention"

"So, he is behind this door?" Helena asked with a calm tone, but deep inside her she had nervousness that made her sick in the stomach, and her hands shook with the anticipation.

"He sure is, Helena, do you want me to ouvre la porte?" Laura asked a bit worried upon seeing Helena acting like that.

"Please do that, Laura..." Helena said with a calm tone that began to fill with anger as she clenched her fist, upon hearing this Laura began opening the door to reveal a torture chamber constructed in a style reminiscent of the Victorian era, and in the middle of the said room was a beaten-up man with bleached hair, tied up to an iron chair with chains, that man was Kay Cross.

"Finally after this long 5 years, he is in front of me..." Helena said as she stepped inside the room with one feeling in her eyes, hate...