Chapter 27 Vengeance

As Helena stepped inside the torture room, every step that made her get close to Kay, felt as if her anger, her hate, her rage, grew beyond compare, every time she took a step, it felt as if she could destroy the room's floor if she didn't walk slowly, as Laura followed behind her, she got a bit nervous, but she soon stooped feeling like that, as she had seen Helena far worse.

"He is in really bad shape, what happened?" Helena asked as she stooped in front of Kay and looked at his body, that was dirty with dry blood, filled with scars and cuts, but his broken nose was something that stood out the most.

"The broken nose, that was probably Kurokami's doing taking Marie's report into account, as for the rest..." Helena thought as she glanced at Laura.

"Oh! Je suis desole, Helena, but looks like my little assistant got a bit too carried away!" Laura said as she stooped next to Helena.

"I see..." Helena said with a monotonous tone as she kept glancing at Laura.

"Looks like they had a field day with him, not that it matters..." Helena thought to herself as she looked back at Kay, that looked like he was dead, to be honest, it was then that Laura got close to him.

"Mon Dieu! What a misbehaved idiot, having a meeting with someone so important and il s'endort" Laura said as she got close to Kay and slapped him with the back of her hand with such strength that the sound of the impact echoed through the room, after a few moments Kay began to cough as he opened his eyes and lifted his head.

" are...Delacroix...the witch..." Kay said in between breaths as he finally got his head up and saw Helena's face.

"Witch?" Helena asked a bit curious about Kay's remark.

" what...everyone in the...Lion Emperor...calls you, the witch, that destroyed our domain...and divided our nation..." Kay said this still in between breaths as he looked at Helena with anger in his eyes, something that didn't last long, as Laura interrupted him by kicking the chair he was sitting on, making it fall on its back.

"You better watch your mouth! Sale imbécile! You're not talking to your copains or that good for nothing Pendagron!" Laura said as she got close to Kay and stomped his neck, and she smiled as she saw Kay, desperately struggling for air.

"Laura!" Helena said this with a tone of authority to Laura, as she saw this.

"Mais, Helena...he is being disrespectful..." Laura said this with a cute voice as she looked at Helena's angry expression, but Helena glared at her.

"Je suis desole, Helena, but he really gets on my nerves!" Laura said as she got her boot off Kay's neck to let him breathe for a bit, and then she lifted the chair back to its original position.

"Please, Laura, show some restrain..." Helena said as she looked at Kay that was gasping for air as if his life depended on it, meanwhile, Laura grabbed a chair that was in the room for Helena.

"Listen, Kay cross I don't care what you or the Lion Emperor call me, in fact calling me a witch, is a compliment..." As Helena said this, Kay looked at her with a surprised expression, as she took a seat in the chair Laura gave her.

"Well then, I will ask you a question now, but depending on the answer you give to my question, I will decide you're fate, so you better be careful with what you say..." Helena said as she looked at Kay, with an expression devoid of any feeling.

"Questions? Just you want...from me?" Kay asked with a confused expression as he looked at Helena.

"It's simple Kay Cross, I want to know what really happened 5 years ago in Normandy..." Helena said with a calm tone to Kay, that in return just looked at her in confusion.

"I don't tell you I?" Kay asked Helena, with a mocking tone in his voice.

"You don't have to, but I would advise you to do it..." Helena said to Kay after she let out a sigh, this made him confused.

"I believe, I don't need to tell you, because you know too well what you did, but you don't look too bright, so I will come out and say it, no one is going to come here, and save you" Helena said this with a harsh cold tone that could make anyone lose whatever little hope they had.

"You're lying...aren't you? There is no way...that I will be a prisoner of the Supreme Cross!" Kay said this as his eyes opened wide, and his tone became one filled with fear.

"Truly, your nothing more than a fool, after what you did, you thought that if you got caught, the Lion Emperor would come and save you from whoever held you, prisoner? What a joke of a man that you are..." Helena said this still with her harsh and cold tone as she made a small pause before proceeding.

"No one batted an eye when we took you into custody, not even Pendagron did, or say anything, it was quite the shock to me, after all, she "protects" all of her knights, even when they are a bother and good for nothing idiots." All that Helena said at the moment made Kay lose any hope he had, as his face became one, covered in despair.

"So, what do you say Kay Cross? Do you talk, and get a chance to earn you're freedom, or do you want to remain silent, and we get what we want, by force?" Helena asked as she crossed her legs and awaited Kay's response that arrived sooner than expected.

"W-What do you want to know, Delacroix?" Kay asked after he pondered for a bit if he should talk or not.

"I already know, that it was the Eagle Crist and the Lion Emperor that planned the attack, what I want to know, is what happened, I want to know just what transpired in Normandy, so to speak..." Helena said still with a calm tone, as she looked at Kay that took a deep breath before starting.

"Well then, 5 years ago, on the night of March 18th every low ranking knight of the Lion Emperor together, with magic moved knight armors, were told to board 8 battleships, in total, an army of more than 80,000 men and woman including the armors, made they're way to Normandy, it was the perfect plan on paper attack France from the north and while they were busy with us, the Eagle Crist did a surprise attack from the south all to conquer France..." Kay said in an informative tone, Helena just nodded.

"I was told by Pendagron to lead this army, and if I was successful, I was promised a place in the Royal Table of knights, I accepted without even thinking twice, and so we went to make that plan work, all our battleships were set in place, this had to work, no, it would work, then we got close, I and a few knights used a small motorboat to go to shore, to see if we were in the clear, but when we got there, we were greeted by a small group of people..." as Kay said this Helena interrupted him.

"You met the group, that was lead by Alia Chateunoire, is that right?" Helena asked still calm.

"Yes, it was a rather small one, and as one could imagine, we exchanged a few words, things heated up, and a fight broke out, honestly I never, had a fight like that one, for the first time, someone from outside the Lion Emperor was able to make me, back up against a wall, and all the men and woman that were with me, were also easily defeated, hell, she took us all out without any help, my blade never tasted any of her blood, she was a monster..." Kay said as he remembered the fight.

"And then, what happened?" Helena asked with a tone that had a faint hint of impatience.

"That was when I made two orders, the first was for the ships to shoot the place we were on, and as they did that, she protected every one of the group, she was with, no one was hurt, my second one was to launch the magic armors, to the shore and attack them..." As Kay said this he was interrupted by Helena.

"So your order was basically, a cheap and cowardly tactic..." Helena said, with a calm tone as she glared at Kay, upon hearing this, he became silent, but not for long.

"Yes it was a cheap and cowardly tactic, but that was when she told everyone in her group, to go and get reinforcements, and she proceeded to fight those armors all by her self, it honestly looked like she was losing, but that was when she did it..." Kay said as he stooped talking and looked at Helena.

"What did she do? Answer me!" Helena said as Kay became silent all of the sudden.

"I will never forget it, the moment the armors were about to do they're, last attack, a beam of light appeared, and as it vanished and I looked forward, I saw her, with a halo hovering over her head, her hair turned white and her eyes glowed in a light blue color, if she was strong before that, she became even stronger, she destroyed all of the armors that were there and all the other ones we threw at her, and after that, she destroyed all of the 8 ships that we brought with us..." Kay said as she looked at Helena that had a shocked face on.

"I knew it, your such an idiot, Alia...turning to a celestial, in you're condition..." Helena thought to herself as she clenched her fists.

"But what was even more impressive than that was, the simple fact that no one was killed, not a single one of the 80,000 men and woman, she even spared me and the knights that were there on the shore, she told us to go away and never come back, something we did, as soon as she finished saying it, as for what happened next I do not know, and that is all that happened 5 years ago in Normandie..." Kay said as he did a small pause.

"And thanks to failing that mission, I was never acknowledged as a knight but a low ranking one, stealing the Excalibur, having it react to me, to prove that I wasn't just a bottom feeder, to prove Pendagron wrong, to prove that I was deserving of the title of knight..." Kay said as he lowered his head, Helena just kept silent for a long while after hearing this.

"Helena, cheri, are you alright?" Laura asked with a worried tone as she got close to Helena, which was already silent, for too long.

"Yes, I'm good, I was just thinking for a bit, that is all..." Helen said as she got up from the chair.

"Laura, do as you please with him..." Helena said with a tone devoid of any emotion to Laura, as she turned her back to Kay, that upon hearing this became shocked for a lack of better words.

"Wait! What is the meaning of this, Delacroix! You said that you would let me go if I told you what happened!" Kay said as he tried to get up from the chair something that was pointless.

"Please, I never said that did I?" Helena said as she stooped walking.

"You did say that! You said that if I talked, I could get my freedom back!" Kay said this screaming to Helena that slowly began to turn towards him.

"Poor fool, that was obviously, a lie..." Helena said with a smile as she was finally facing Kay that became speechless upon hearing this "All that I said was nothing more than a lie all to make you talk, a lie that you ate up completely, honestly, it was so easy!" Helena said as she turned forward again and began walking towards the iron door to leave the room.

" can't do this to me, I told you, didn't I? I never hit that, damn woman with my sword once! She wiped the floor with all of us, I didn't kill her! As soon as she told me to leave, I left running, without even looking back!" Kay said as he screamed and tears began falling from his eyes.

"I know, and I believe you, and I know that the fault lies, within the ones that planed that attack, but you were the one that, lead it, you were the catalyst, that made Alia use all her strength and die in the process, for me you killed her indirectly, and someone that does that, is as much responsible, as someone that did it directly..." Helena said as she kept walking leaving Kay speechless again.

"Well then you heard me, didn't you Laura? Show him punishment from hell, please..." Helena said as she looked over her shoulder to Laura.

"Bien sûr! You don't have to ask twice, Helena!" Laura said with a tone that was filled with happiness as she looked at Kay.

"NO! You can't do this, not to me, I told you, I didn't do anything, I...I was just a puppet, yes, I was nothing more than a puppet, so it wasn't me who did that!" Kay screamed this, trying to find a way to escape, but it was useless as Helena ignored him and began exiting the room.

"Don't ignore me Delacroix, you BITCH!" as Kay screamed this Laura punched him in the face with such strength, that a few of his teeth, came out of his mouth.

"My, my, such a mauvaise bouche, we got here, perhaps we should remove that tongue first and wash it thoroughly, before we go the main course, hmm?" Laura said with a happy tone, which had also anger in it as she lifted Kay's head up by his hair so he could look at her in the eyes.

"I beg you...Please...I don't want to die, please, don't kill me..." Kay said as tears fell down his face, as he looked at Laura that just sighed upon hearing this

"For the love of God, tu n'as pas entendu? We are not going to kill you, but we are going to show you, what hell really looks like!" Laura said with a psychotic smile on her face that made Kay shiver upon hearing her.

"Bien, Katia, cheri! Come here, please!" As Laura said this a small girl with black hair and various scars on her face, dressed in a Victorian nurse outfit suddenly appeared in the room.

"Katia, would you be a dear and apporte moi mes outils, please?" Laura said this to the girl with a smile on her face, as she placed her hands together, but the girl just gave her, a small box in response.

"Oh my! Tu lea as déjà, such a good girl" Laura said as she patted the little girl's head, while opening the box, and out of it she took pair of scissors.

"Maintenant, let's start!" Laura said with a smile filled with evil intent, as she opened and closed the scissor she was holding and looked at Kay, and all he could do was trembling, as he saw her getting close to him.

"No...stay away...STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Kay screamed, as Laura got closer and closer.

"Ne t'inquète pas, this will just hurt, a lot!" Laura said as she was face to face with Kay, and the last thing that was heard from him, was a scream filled with fear and pain that echoed through the hall of the playground block something that when Helena heard made her stop and smile for a bit before proceeding to walk away, and as she did, she drew a circle in the palm of her right hand, as soon as she finished a magic circle appeared, and she placed her hand close to her ear.

"Yes, Lady Youjo? It's me, Helena, I'm sorry if I'm bothering, but there's something, I would like to ask of you..." Helena said as she kept walking with a smile on her face...