Chapter 29 Surprise part 2

As Tatsurou entered his apartment, he took off his shoes and went straight to the living room, and when he got there, he began thinking if he should take a shower or not, but his thoughts were interrupted.

"Oh, good morning Tatsurou-san!" Shirayuki said with a sleepy voice, as she too came inside the living room, wearing her long nightgown, and her pink hair still suffering from the classical bed hair syndrome.

"Good morning, Shirayuki-san, did you sleep well?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Shirayuki, that looked like she was still processing her thoughts.

"I sure did..." Shirayuki said as she stooped and looked at Tatsurou for a bit.

"Did something happen?" Shirayuki asked as she looked at Tatsurou with a curious expression.

"Not really, no, why are you asking?" Tatsurou said as he got a confused expression on.

"Then, why are you wearing a tracksuit?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"Oh, this, well Wise asked for my help to move some boxes around, they were a bit dusty, so I put this on..." Tatsurou said this, as he scratched his head

"Really? You should have told me, I could have help!" Shirayuki said as she got close to Tatsurou, that just smiled.

"It was kind of sudden, and I didn't want to wake you up, for something like this..." Tatsurou said as he kept smiling

"I see...but next time something like this happens you can ask me, I would be happy to help!" Shirayuki said as she gave a thumbs up to Tatsurou, that replied with the same gesture.

"Now, I couldn't help you and Wise-san, so I will compensate by making breakfast!" Shirayuki said as she raised her arm up and her ahoge wiggled around, Tatsurou just smiled again.

"Ok then, I will go take a shower..." Tatsurou said as he began walking out of the living room and Shirayuki went to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat.

"I don't like to lie to Shirayuki, but for now, it's better to keep what I'm doing a secret." Tatsurou thought to himself as he scratched his head, while making his way to the bathroom...

A few minutes later, after taking his bath Tatsurou went to his room and changed into his school uniform, with his usual hoodie under it, grabbed his school bag, and went to the kitchen, but when he got there something unexpected happened.

"I'm so sorry for this, Tatsurou-san..." Shirayuki said as she bowed towards Tatsurou, something that caught him off guard.

"I forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday, so I couldn't make anything special, but I still tried to make do, with what I had at hand..." Shirayuki said as she kept bowing, Tatsurou meanwhile walked towards the table with a curious expression on, to see what she prepared, and as he did, his eyes opened wide, on the table was a surprisingly well-made breakfast, there were two plates each with a slice of toast with a fried egg on top and sliced tomato, two cups with orange juice and two bowls with sliced apples and oranges.

"As you can see, it's nothing too special..." Shirayuki said as she got close to Tatsurou that kept silent for a bit.

"If this is "nothing special" what could something special look like?" Tatsurou thought to himself as he looked at the table, then at Shirayuki.

"Don't worry, Shirayuki-san, if it's your cooking, it's bound to be good!" Tatsurou said this as he patted Shirayuki's head, this prompted her to blush thanks to his words, that was honest, they had been living together for 2 weeks now, and Shirayuki insisted on being the one to cook all the meals, since she didn't want to be just a freeloader, and so cooking was one of the ways she found to be helpful, something that Tatsurou was actually thankful, since he wasn't good at it, and so they took a seat and began eating.

"This is so good!" Tatsurou said as he took a bite off the toast, and asked himself just how did Shirayuki manage to do this.

"It is?" Shirayuki asked a bit surprised.

"It really is! Even if it is something simple it really good, just how do you do this?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious.

"Well, It's a secret!" Shirayuki said this as she smiled, Tatsurou just kept looking at her still asking himself how she did it, was it the seasoning? Was it the way she cooked it? There was, no concrete answer to these questions, but one thing was for sure, whatever Shirayuki cooked tasted good.

"I see, but can you at least tell me, who taught you?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious.

"It was my mother, well I should say she gave me the basics, and the rest was basically self-taught..." Shirayuki said as she looked a bit down, Tatsurou took notice of that.

"In my case, my mom never tried to teach me, she said it was mostly useless since I never showed interest in it...but to be honest it's because, I'm quite bad at it..." Tatsurou said as he smiled a bit, Shirayuki did the same as she looked at him.

"If you want, I can teach you!" Shirayuki said with a happy tone as her Ahoge moved a bit.

"That's a good offer, I will think about it!" As Tatsurou finished saying this, he took a sip from his glass of orange juice.

"Say, Tatsurou-san, how are your wounds?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"They're ok, thanks to Emma-san, but mostly thanks to you're curing magic, I don't have a single scar to show, thanks, Shirayuki-san!" Tatsurou said as smiled, this made Shirayuki blush for a bit but then, she put a determined face on.

"Tatsurou-san, if you want you can call me, without honorifics..." Shirayuki said this unexpectedly, prompting Tatsurou to look at her for a moment, in silence.

"Why would you look at the time, I'm late for school..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone as he looked to the clock in the kitchen and got up from his chair, grabbed his bag, and made his way to the door.

"Tatsurou-san?!" Shirayuki said as she got up from her chair and followed him.

"Just wait for a second!" Shirayuki said as she went after Tatsurou, that was already putting his shoes on.

"I have class duty today, so I have to go now, as for the groceries you can use my card, as usual, to go, see you later!" Tatsurou said as he opened the door and got out running, leaving Shirayuki behind with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"I don't believe it! Just how long is he going to avoid this!" Shirayuki said while she pouted and flailed her arms around, because ever since Tatsurou left the hospital, Shirayuki has been trying to make him call her by her first name, something that he was avoiding just like we saw right now.

"He called Marie by her first name, why doesn't he do the same with me? We are friends too..." Shirayuki said as she kept pouting.

"Well I can try again later, but I won't let him avoid this any longer!" Shirayuki said as she went to her room to change into her usual shrine maiden clothes to go out grocery shopping.

Meanwhile, Tatsurou was making his way towards school, but he had a distressed face on, and it wasn't because he had to go to school.

"Shirayuki has been saying that for days, it's not like I don't want to call her by her name, but... it's so embarrassing..." Tatsurou said as he looked down and started to blush.

"But, if I started to call her without honorific, Wise would not let me go with her jokes..." Tatsurou said as he sighed and pictured Wise making fun of him, and with this Tatsurou was getting close to his school, still with his thoughts clouded with what Shirayuki said, but his thoughts were interrupted as a car, a light blue RX-7 passed him with such speed, that it made his clothes move with the wind it made.

"What the...?" Tatsurou said as he saw the car make a drift and enter the school's parking lot.

"No way..." Tatsurou said as he did a small jog to the parking lot, when he got there he saw Yumeko coming out of the car, wearing her usual business suit, and she was in the process of tying her violet hair into a ponytail, and as she did that, she spotted Tatsurou from the corner of her eye.

"Oh! Good morning, Tatsurou! How are you doing?" Yumeko said with a happy tone that was quite unusual for her.

"I'm good..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Yumeko, then at her car, she took notice of that.

"Isn't it great, Tatsurou? Finally, after 2 months in repairs, I have my sweet Blue Thunder with me again!" Yumeko said still with her unusual tone as she patted the car's roof.

"Now, there is no more getting up early to catch the monorail! And I can finally go to where ever I want, without needing to have time schedules!" She said as she punched the air and smiled, this on the other hand made Tatsurou shiver.

"God, giving her a car is like leaving a child unsupervised..." Tatsurou thought as he kept looking at Yumeko and got not so good memories of riding with her.

"Say Tatsurou, if you want I can pick you up every morning, and bring you to school!" As Yumeko said this, Tatsurou came back from his thoughts and jolted upon hearing her proposal.

"Thanks for you're offer, but I like to walk to school better..." Tatsurou said as he looked away from Yumeko, that became a bit confused with his reaction.

"Well, if you don't want to..." Yumeko said as she shrugged.

"But I don't get it, it's a lot better to take the car, instead of walking..." she said this as she began to walk towards the school building, Tatsurou just sighed.

"When the day comes that I want to die from a heart attack, I will gladly drive with her..." Tatsurou said as he scratched his head and sighed while following Yumeko...

Back in his classroom, Tatsurou was sitting at his desk that was in the back of the classroom, fiddling around with his phone, having a look at some news and whatnot.

"Hmm...looks like Miu Mizuzu is going to come back to Takamagahara for a few live concerts next month..." Tatsurou said as he saw an ad for an idol concert on the website he was browsing.

"I think Ayami-san would love to go to it..." Tatsurou said as he looked to his side and saw the desk where Sachiko usually seated, empty.

"Such a shame that she had to go back to Japan...I hope her dad is ok..." Tatsurou said as he kept looking at the desk.

"Next months exams are going to be pretty hard without having Ayami's notes to study..." Tatsurou said as he looked back at his phone and sighed, and for a matter of fact if it wasn't for Sachiko giving Tatsurou her notes, he would probably still be in middle school.

"Hum...Kurokami-san?" A voice called Tatsurou, and as he looked to his side he saw a girl with light brown hair, holding a notebook.

"Hum...Ayami-chan told me to give you this..." The girl said as she handed Tatsurou the notebook she was holding.

"Thanks..." as Tatsurou gabbed the notebook and said this, the girl turned her back to him and walked away, as if she was scared, this made Tatsurou look at her a bit confused, but he brushed it off as he opened the notebook.

"You better study, and have some good grades to show, when I come back!" This was what was written on the first page of the notebook, that as soon as Tatsurou read it he smiled.

"Thank you Ayami, you're a lifesaver!" Tatsurou thought as he smiled and placed the notebook in his school bag, it was at that moment, that Yumeko got inside the classroom.

"Alright everyone, go back to your seats!" Yumeko said as she clapped her hands and got close to her desk.

"Listen up now! Starting today, you will have a new classmate, so I hope that you make friends and treat her well!" As Yumeko finished saying this everyone in the class started to talk to each other with questions such as "a transfer student really?" or "Where could she be from?" hovering around.

"Silence everyone!" Yumeko said as she moved her hand, to signal everyone to stay quiet.

"Well then, you can come in now!" Yumeko said as she looked at the door, and inside the classroom came a beautiful girl with wavy aqua blue hair that reached to the middle of her back, she had silver eyes and she wore the black Sailor fuku uniform of the school, she also wore black thigh highs, but two things that stood out was, her ample chest and the nun's habit she wore on her head.

"My name is Marie Chateunoire, I'm from France and it is a pleasure to meet you all!" Marie said this, with such an unbelievable cute voice, that she made the hearts of everyone skip a beat, well, not all as Tatsurou just looked at her with both surprise and confusion.

"Wait...Marie? What is she doing here?" Tatsurou asked himself as he kept looking at her.

"Well then, now that you've presented yourself, you can..." As Yumeko was about to tell Marie to take her seat, she began walking in the direction of the desks in the back of the classroom and she only stooped, when she got to Tatsurou's desk, and that was when she hugged Tatsurou, something that made him, everyone in the class and Yumeko said the biggest in sync "Huh" ever heard.

And as Marie kept hugging Tatsurou, he began to blush, as he felt Marie's chest pressing against his.

"Wait, what do you think you're doing?" Tatsurou asked in an embarrassed tone as Marie kept hugging him.

"Well, it's just that I missed you!" Marie said with an unbelievably cute voice as she kept hugging Tatsurou and kissed him on his right cheek, and as she did this Tatsurou froze in place, and the whole class and Yumeko broke like a plate as they became speechless upon seeing this.

"I'm back! Tatsurou!" Marie said as she smiled and looked at the still frozen in place Tatsurou...