Chapter 30 Marie's back part 1

After the "scene" that Marie caused in the classroom, Yumeko grabbed Tatsurou by an arm and took him to the hallway, where they were right now, with Yumeko giving Tatsurou the death stare.

"Do you care to explain, what just happened in there?" Yumeko asked with an angry tone to Tatsurou, that could make anyone sweat nervously, as she crossed her arms.

"I...I don't know where to start..." Tatsurou said with a nervous tone as he looked away from Yumeko.

"Well, when you have to tell something, you usually start from the beginning, right?" Yumeko asked with an even angrier tone.

"Now, if you would be so kind as to fill me in, on how you know this transfer student, I would appreciate it..." She said as she kept giving Tatsurou the death stare, he just jolted as he saw her cracking her knuckles.

After a little while of Tatsurou explaining more or less how he knew Marie, Yumeko just looked at him for a bit in silence.

"Honestly you could have told me...seriously! I almost had a heart attack when I saw that girl hugging you..." Yumeko said as she placed her hand on her forehead and sighed.

"Well, you didn't ask..." Tatsurou said as he laughed nervously, this angered Yumeko.

"I don't think, I have to ask you these kinds of things, do I?" Yumeko said as she grabbed Tatsurou's cheek and pulled on it.

"And when I asked you about what happened in the museum, you never told me once, that this girl was there!" She said as kept pulling on his cheek.

"Ow! I'm sorry, but I didn't think it was important, and after all, she was already long gone, when you came to ask me what happened!" Tatsurou said as he contorted himself with the pain of being pulled on his cheek.

"Not important!? When these things happen, I need to know everything to make a report! And you dare not to tell me, that there was another person there!" Yumeko said as she pulled on Tatsurou's cheek even more, which made him grab her arm so that she didn't pull with such force.

"But to be honest, it doesn't matter anymore, that case was not ours anymore, to begin with, but I wanted to at least know a bit more about it..." Yumeko said as she let go of Tatsurou, that was left rubbing his cheek to ease the pain.

"Not ours anymore?" Tatsurou asked a bit confused as he looked at Yumeko with a curious expression while he kept rubbing his cheek.

"Well, it's a long story, but let's just say that I think, that there's more to what happened in that museum than it seems..." Yumeko said as she crossed her arms and looked away from Tatsurou.

"By all means Yumeko, go ahead, I would love to know what happened, and what you're opinion on it is..." Tatsurou said in a stoic tone yet curious tone to Yumeko with the plan of not going back to the classroom, if she started to tell him what happened.

"Don't go and take the opportunity to make me talk so that you can skip class!" Yumeko said as she now grabbed both of Tatsurou's cheeks and pulled on them.

"Just how did you know!!" Tatsurou said as his plan of not going back to class failed miserably.

And meanwhile, as Tatsurou was being "punished" by Yumeko in the hallway, back in the classroom, everyone kept looking at Marie that was now sitting on the chair of the desk, that was next to Tatsurou's, with a worried expression on.

"Hey, do you think that this girl is Kurokami's girlfriend?" A girl asked her classmate.

"No way! Look at her, she is so pretty and good looking, there is no way Kurokami could land a girl like her!" The girl's classmate responded with a tone of denial, but Marie didn't hear any of these commentaries, as she was lost in thought at the moment.

"I went ahead and did what Auntie Helena told me to do...I just hope Tatsurou, doesn't get in trouble because of this..." Marie thought as she remembered what happened yesterday before coming to Takamagahara...

It was the morning of the 28th of May in the town of Lourdes and Marie was in her bedroom wearing a blue frilled dress in the dorm of the Saint Lourdes school, packing up her suitcase.

"Hum...I think I got everything in, let's see I have my toiletries bag with my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and soap, deodorant, my hairbrush, now for the clothes, I got plenty of them in and I also put the underwear in, the pajamas where the first thing I packed...what am I forgetting?" Marie said as she crossed her arms and got a thinking face on.

"Oh! Right, right I can't forget to put in some spare habits! You never know, if I might need one!" Marie said as she went to her closet and grabbed a few nun habits and placed them in her suitcase.

"Phew...with this, I think I'm packed and ready!" Marie said as she started closing her suitcase, something she was struggling with quite a bit.

"Do you need help, my dear little Marie?" A voice said from the entrance of the room, that made Marie look back.

"Oh! Auntie Helena!" Marie said as she saw Helena, that was wearing her usual black long-sleeved dress, smiling close to the door of her room, with her arms crossed.

"Looks like your not good at packing up..." Helena said as she got close.

"Let me help you with that..." She said as she placed her hands on the top of the suitcase and Marie closed it as she did that.

"Finally, it's closed..." Marie said as she sighed.

"Is something wrong?" she asked as she looked at Helena that got a grin on her face.

"Nothing, My dear, just thinking that your a bit too eager to go..." Helena said as she smiled this made Marie blush.

"W-Well, I have to do this since it's a mission, and I have to prepare myself better so that what happened last time won't repeat itself, that is why I'm like this!" Marie said with a determined expression as she blushed and remembered the few mishaps that happened when she was in Takamagahara.

"She is really looking forward, to see that Kurokami kid again..." Helena thought as she did a mental sigh.

"Say, Marie, how did your friends react, with this news that you're going to leave?" She asked Marie a bit curious.

"Yesterday, when I told everyone in the dorm that I was going to be away, they all got surprised, especially the younger girls they were really sad, they threw me an improvised goodbye party and everything, I'm going to miss them all a lot..." Marie said this, as she took a seat on her bed and became a bit sad as she remembered how everyone reacted to this news.

"Just like her mother, she is loved and cherished by everyone..." Helena thought as she looked at Marie, with both a sad and happy expression.

"It's normal that, you're going to miss them, but summer is right around the corner, so you can come and visit them around that time..." Helena said as she took a seat next to Marie.

"As for me I go to Takamagahara from time to time, so I can go visit you if I happen to go there, so we can have some catch-up!" Helena said as she smiled and hugged Marie.

"Auntie Helena..." Marie said as she too gave a hug back to Helena.

"By the way..." Helena said as she stooped hugging Marie.

"This here is for you..." she said as she handed Marie a bag.

"What is it?" Marie asked as she moved the bag around with curiosity all over her face.

"You won't know until you open it, right?" Helena said as she smiled, upon hearing this, Marie opened the bag, out of it, she took a black and white sailor fuku uniform, three cards, two of which had a picture of her each, and something that looked like a small book, that she placed on her bed.

"What is all of this?" Marie asked this a bit confused towards Helena.

"Well allow me, this black and white sailor fuku is the uniform used by the girls of the school Kurokami goes to, now, the two cards with pictures of you, one is your Id that makes you an inhabitant of Takamagahara, the other is your school Id and the other card without a picture is a monorail pass..." Helena said as she pointed at the things that Marie took out of the bag.

"Oh! I see you got them really fast! Just how?" Marie asked with a surprised tone as she looked at everything that Helena gave her.

"That's a little secret..." Helena said as she winked and gave a smile to Marie.

"I see...and what is this here?" Marie asked as she picked up the small book, that was between the things Helena gave her.

"Oh, that? It's just a little something for you to read on your flight..." Helena said as she smiled and looked at the confused Marie, that upon opening the book and read the first page, her face became completely red.

"So Marie what do you think about my "plan"?" Helena asked with a mischievous smile on her face as the book that she gave Marie was a "how to seduce book" written by Helena herself.

"T-This is a bit sudden, I don't..." Marie said as she blushed and looked at the book then at Helena, with a loss of words.

"Well, you do have to make a way to get Kurokami to become our ally, and this book will help you a lot!" Helena said as she smiled.

"And by the way, this here is not in this book, so listen closely..." Helena said as she got close to Marie's ear, and began telling her something, that made Marie blush even more.

"I should do that?!" Marie asked as she looked at Helena with a surprised expression.

"Yes, as soon as you see him, go and do this, he will love it!" Helena said as she gave a thumbs up to Marie, that was still processing what she heard.

"Now, it's about time for you to go! Put everything in the bag and grab your suitcase, Michelle is going to take us to the airport!" Helena said as she got up from the bed and began walking towards the door

"Wait for me!" Marie said as she placed everything in the bag and grabbed her suitcase in a hurry, and with this Marie's thinking of what happened yesterday, on the 28th of May came to an end, as Yumeko came back inside the classroom with Tatsurou following behind her.

"You can go and take your seat again," Yumeko said to Tatsurou as she pointed to his desk.

"Alright everyone! I will start homeroom now, so get ready to answer roll-call!" she said as she picked up the roll call book on top of her table and began calling the students.

As she did that, Tatsurou got close to his desk, and he sighed as he pulled his chair.

"Tatsurou..." Marie called Tatsurou as if she was whispering, he looked in her direction as he took his seat "Is everything ok?" Marie asked with a worried tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry I'm not in trouble or anything..." Tatsurou said as he looked a bit away from Marie.

"Thank goodness, I thought, I got you into trouble..." Marie said as she sighed and placed her hand on her chest.

"Please, do refrain from talking when I'm doing roll-call!" Yumeko said as she glared at both Tatsurou and Marie, that jolted upon hearing her.

"Sorry..." Both Tatsurou and Marie said at the same time as they lowered their heads...