Chapter 31 Marie's back part 2

A few hours later as the school bell rang to signal that classes were now over, Tatsurou ran, no, dashed out of the classroom as soon as he hears it, and after a while when he was close to the school's main gate he stooped.

"God, I thought classes were never going to end!" Tatsurou said as he placed his hands on his knees and caught his breath.

"Seriously, having everyone staring at me during classes just made it worse..." Tatsurou said as he remembered everyone in the class, girls but mostly boys giving him ill stares, after what Marie did.

"Seriously, school is not the best place in the world, add everyone looking at you like you're a criminal of sorts, and my will of coming here just drops even more..." Tatsurou thought as he regained his posture and sighed.

"If today was like this, tomorrow is going to be worse, everyone will know about what happened...if they don't know already..." Tatsurou said as he sighed again, with the thoughts of what happened could create quite a few rumors, that Tatsurou didn't want Marie to be put in, and as Tatsurou's mind was clouded by all of this...

"Tatsurou! Wait for me!" Marie said as she ran in Tatsurou's direction.

"Why did you run out of the classroom like that?" Marie asked as she got close to him and stooped to catch her breath.

"W-Well, I remembered I had to go home early today, so that is why...I left running..." Tatsurou said this as he looked a bit away from Marie.

"Is it? It feels like, you're avoiding me..." Marie said with a worried tone as she looked at Tatsurou, this caught him off guard.

"No, I'm not avoiding you! Why would you think that?" Tatsurou asked a bit confused.

"Well, during breaks, you avoided looking at me, and you "vanished" during lunchtime..." Marie said as she counted the things Tatsurou did during the school day with her fingers.

"You're getting the wrong idea here, I'm just surprised that you're here, and honestly, I don't know how to react, to be honest..." Tatsurou said as he scratched his head.

"I see, that is a relief, I thought you were angry at me or something..." Marie said as she blushed and fidgeted a bit.

"Huh? No, I'm not, angry, just really surprised that's all..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Marie that was still blushing.

"Speaking of surprised, I think Shirayuki will be happy to see you, why don't we go to my place, we can talk better there..." Tatsurou said as he placed his hands in his hoodie's pockets and started to walk towards the main gate.

"Sure, I missed Shirayuki a lot too, let's go!" Marie said as she followed Tatsurou with a smile on her face.

"Yes! He isn't avoiding me, that is a point in my favor! I just need to keep going! Soon he will be mine! Wait I'm getting too far ahead of myself..." Marie said as she smiled and did mental punching, happy with the fact that Tatsurou wasn't avoiding her...

Meanwhile back in Tatsurou's apartment, Shirayuki was sitting on the couch of the living room, watching TV, she was watching a cooking channel that specialized in sweets and cakes, and the hosts of the show were in the process of explaining how to make a chocolate cake with strawberry filling.

"I see, so if you put the strawberry filling in the cake, you can put some extra chocolate, it won't be as sweet, I see, I see, that's good to know..." Shirayuki said as she wrote on a small notebook the recipe for this cake.

"I will try to make it, this weekend! I think that Tatsurou will love it!" Shirayuki said this as she smiled and thought about what Tatsurou would say about her making a cake, but her happy expression and thoughts vanished and turned into a worried one, as she looked to her side, to look at a suitcase that was next to the couch.

"Hmm, just what is the meaning of all this..." Shirayuki said as she looked at the suitcase and remembered what happened just a few hours ago as she was coming back from the store after buying groceries...

A few hours earlier, as Shirayuki was coming back from her trip to the grocery store.

"These are a bit heavy..." Shirayuki said as she carried two plastic bags in each hand.

"Good thing that the store is close by..." she said as she looked at the bags she was caring.

"There were a lot of sales today, from now on, I think I will go buy things, on Thursday!" Shirayuki said with a happy and determined tone.

"Wait a second...this makes me sound like a housewife..." as she said this she smiled and blushed from ear to ear, while her ahoge wiggled around.

"Well, if Tatsurou keeps avoiding me, just like this morning, it will be a bit hard to accomplish that, but I refuse to give up!" Shirayuki said as she remembered how Tatsurou "vanished" this morning after her request to be called by her name without honorific.

"You just wait Tatsurou! I will never give up until you call me without honorifics!" Shirayuki said with a determined tone and expression, ready to accomplish her objective...

A while later, Shirayuki finally got back to the apartment and as she was climbing the stairs to the second floor she saw Wise, wearing her usual sweater with an apron over it and jeans, on the top of the stairs peeking around the corner with her tail wagging around, this surprised Shirayuki a bit.

"What's wrong, Wise-san?" Shirayuki asked as she got close to Wise curious about what she was up to.

"S-Shirayuki-chan! You scared me!" Wise said as she looked at Shirayuki.

"Listen Shirayuki-chan, there's a problem here!" Wise said as she grabbed Shirayuki's shoulder.

"What is it?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone, Wise just signaled her with her hand to take a look around the corner, and as she did, Shirayuki saw a young woman with short pale blond hair and blue eyes, that was wearing priest clothes with a white collar and a blazer over it, standing in front of Tatsurou's apartment with a blue suitcase next to her.

"She has been standing in front of the door for an hour now, I was scared of calling the police since I didn't know where you were...but now I can call them..." Wise said as she took out her phone and began dialing the number of the police, but it was at that moment that the woman glanced to her side and saw both Shirayuki and Wise peeking around the corner, she grabbed the suitcase and walked in they're direction.

"She is coming toward us!" As Shirayuki said this Wise placed herself in front of Shirayuki.

"You stay behind me Shirayuki-chan..." Wise said as she looked at the woman and kept Shirayuki behind her.

"Excuse me, does Kurokami Tatsurou live here?" The woman asked in a very polite tone as she got close to them.

"Well...that depends on who is asking?" Wise said as she looked at the woman with suspicion, she took notice of that.

"Well, I'm Michelle Dubois, and the only thing I can tell you is that you take this suitcase..." The woman said as she handed the suitcase to Wise that took a step back as she saw the woman do that, still keeping Shirayuki behind her.

"Trust me there is nothing dangerous in it..." The woman said with a stoic tone as she looked at Wise.

"Saying that only makes it even more suspicious!" Wise said as her ears and tail pointed up and she glared at the woman, she just sighed.

"Listen, I'm not here to cause trouble, see, I will leave it here, just make sure Kurokami Tatsurou receives this, ok?" The woman said as she placed the suitcase on the ground and started walking away, making both Wise and Shirayuki look at her confused.

"Wait, Michelle Dubois-san? That name is french, does that mean that you are by any chance with the Supreme Cross?" Shirayuki asked as she saw Michelle walking away.

"Hmm? Oh, Yes I am, and like I said there's nothing dangerous inside that suitcase, just be sure to have it in Kurokami Tatsurou's home..." The woman said as she walked away, leaving both Shirayuki and Wise alone.

"Just what was all this about?" Wise asked with a confused expression, as she placed her hands in her hips.

"Well, Wise-san do you remember that girl that was here last week, with aqua blue hair that wore a nuns habit?" Shirayuki asked this too Wise looked at her a bit confused.

"Hmm, I do remember, her name was Marie Chateaunoire...right?" Wise said as she kept looking at Shirayuki, that nodded with her head.

"And what does that mean? Is this suitcase something from that, Marie girl?" Wise asked as she pointed at the suitcase.

"Well, it could be I'm not sure, but it could be, and that woman didn't seem like a bad person, so I think I can take it inside..." Shirayuki said as she too looked at the suitcase, this caught Wise off guard.

"Wait? Really? You're going to take it inside?" Wise asked with a worried and curious tone.

"Well, as I said, I can't put my finger on it, but I think that we can trust that woman..." Shirayuki said with a tone filled with certainty as she looked at Wise that was still surprised with all this.

"Still, I don't think this is a good idea, but if you say so, then I think it's ok, let's put it inside and wait..." Wise said as she grabbed the suitcase.

"Whoa! It's heavy!" Wise said as she lifted the suitcase and went in the direction of Tatsurou's apartment, with Shirayuki following her...

And with this, we were now, back to Shirayuki that was now walking around the suitcase in circles.

"I know what I said, but now I'm not so sure anymore...on one hand this could just be a gift for Tatsurou helping Marie, but on the other hand the Supreme Cross could still want to hurt Tatsurou, but Marie told me that she or the Supreme Cross wasn't going to come after Tatsurou again to hurt him..." Shirayuki said as she kept walking around it.

"Perhaps, I should have let it outside...I don't even know anymore...please Tatsurou come home quick!" Shirayuki said with a worried tone as she stooped and began looking at the suitcase imagining the worse, but it was at that moment that she heard the door open.

"I'm home!" Tatsurou said as he opened the door and as soon as Shirayuki heard him she ran towards the door.

"Tatsurou-san! Thank goodness you're home..." Shirayuki said as she got close to the door but as she got there, she stooped as she saw both Tatsurou and Marie coming inside the Apartment.

"Shirayuki!!" Marie said as she got close to Shirayuki and gave her a hug lifting her up.

"I missed you so much!" Marie said as she did twirl while hugging Shirayuki.

"Wait? Marie?" Shirayuki said as she looked at Marie with a surprised expression, as she stooped hugging her and placed her on the ground.

"What are you doing here? Wait, we don't have time for this! Tatsurou-san come with me!" Shirayuki said with a worried tone that made both Tatsurou and Marie look at each other.

"What is it, Shirayuki-san?" Tatsurou asked with a worried tone as he looked at Shirayuki.

"Come with me to the living room! It's urgent!" Shirayuki said as she began walking towards the living room, with Tatsurou and Marie following her with worried and confused expressions on...

When they got there, they saw a blue suitcase that Shirayuki was so worried about.

"Huh? Just who brought this here?" Tatsurou asked a bit curiously as he looked at the suitcase.

"I don't know it was a woman that..." As Shirayuki was about to explain who brought the suitcase, she was interrupted.

"Hey! That is my suitcase!" Marie said as she pointed at the suitcase with a surprised expression.

"I thought I lost it, when I got to the airport, just how did it arrive here?" Marie asked, as she got close and started to inspect the suitcase.

"I see, so it's yours, Marie...but wait why is your suitcase here?" Shirayuki asked a bit curious towards Marie that just smiled.

"Well, that is rather simple! It's here because from this day onwards, I am going to be living here!" Marie said as she smiled, while she placed her hands together.

Both Tatsurou and Shirayuki looked at her for a while in silence, until they screamed the word "what" towards her with a tone filled with surprise...