Chapter 65 Tension in the Tenko Tower

And then one day later, on the afternoon of the 14th of June, a Saturday to be precise, a meeting was going to take place in Takamagahara.

But it wasn't the type of meeting that could take place just anywhere, no, this meeting was taking place in Takamagahara's main island, in its most important and notorious landmark...

That Landmark, was the Tenko-no-to tower or the Tenko tower as it was known by its inhabitants.

It was an imposing tower that had 64 floors and stood 994 meters tall, she was taller than the Tokyo sky tree and the Tokyo tower together and it was said by the people, that had the rare chance to visit it, that one could see the whole island of Takamagahara from its top floor.

The meeting in question would take place on the 60th floor of the tower, in a big office, that was a mix of classical and modern Japanese architecture, with its sliding door with cherry blossom tree prints, that served as the entrance of the office, the wall on the right side of the said office had various tall shelves filled with books and the wall on the left side, had a big decorative waterfall fountain with green bushes and small trees growing from it.

But, the one thing that caught the attention of anyone that entered this office, was the big window from where one could see part of the island of Takamagahara.

And close to that window was a luxurious wooden desk with an equal luxurious leather office chair behind it and on that said chair, a tall and very young-looking woman was sitting on it, while she drank tea from a small cup and looked out of the window, observing the island of Takamagahara with the same eyes a mother would use to observe its child.

This very beautiful young woman with an enviable figure, had long dark hair that almost touched the ground, her eyes were equally black and she wore a light-blue kimono, that was adorned with cherry blossom tree prints on its bottom and chest, she also wore over the said kimono a dark blue haori, that had the same flower print.

"Nothing beats drinking an after-lunch tea while observing Takamagahara..." The young woman said with a happy and sweet tone, as she placed her left hand on the bottom of her teacup and gently raised it to her mouth to take a sip, but she would be suddenly interrupted by the sound of the sliding doors of her office opening and inside came a young girl with gray hair, that was wearing a dark blue kimono with a white maid apron over it...

"I am very sorry for disturbing, Youjo-sama...but Lady Alice Pendagron of the Lion Emperor, as arrived for the scheduled meeting with you..." The young girl said as she got close to the desk and made a slight bow towards this woman that was none other than Izayoi Youjo, the founder and leader of Takamagahara island and the woman that revealed to the world the existence of magic 40 years ago...

"No need to apologize, Kureha...please tell, Pendagron-sama, to come inside, yes?" Youjo said with a reassuring tone, as she slowly moved the teacup from her mouth, all while she turned her chair so that she could look at Kureha.

"Surely, Youjo-sama..." Kureha said as she did another bow towards Youjo, before turning towards the door of the office to leave and when she was finally gone, Youjo slowly got up from her chair.

"Well then..." As Youjo said this, she drew a magic circle, that had the kanji for "Adjusting" in its middle, with her right index finger, and in a blink of an eye, her long dark hair began to float and tying itself into a hair bun, leaving only her bangs untied.

"Perfect..." As Youjo said this she was interrupted once again, by the sound of the sliding doors opening, but this time the person that came inside her office was the leader of the Lion Emperor organization, Alice Pendagron the V, that was wearing her usual royal military jacket and pencil skirt with a white fur-trimmed cape that reached to her knees and covered the right side of her torso, the only thing missing was her sword, that usually rested on her left hip.

"Greetings, Lady Youjo, it is an honor to be in your presence!" Alice said with a respectful tone, as she bowed towards Youjo, that briefly glanced at her before letting out a displeased sigh.

"Please, Pendagron-sama, spare me of your small're not fooling anyone..." Youjo said with a faint annoyed tone, as she walked out from behind her desk and slowly approached Alice, that looked at her a bit confused.

"Lady Youjo, I don't understand what..." As Alice tried to ask what Youjo meant with her words she was interrupted.

"You know exactly what I mean...but let's not talk like this..." As Youjo said this, she drew another magic circle, that appeared on the ground, and out of it rose a small wooden table with a chair, on each end.

"Please, Pendagron-sama, take a seat..." Youjo said as she took her seat, Alice upon hearing her did the same and for a brief second silence reigned between them.

"Lady Youjo...I am very sorry, that it took me so long to come and meet with you...but things have been a bit complicated within the Lion Emperor as of late..." Alice said as she tried to break the silence between her and Youjo.

"No need to apologize, after all, it has to be expected that a leader of a magic organization, wouldn't have a lot of time to spare, especially when it is for a sudden meeting such as this..." As Youjo said this she snapped her fingers and Koharu entered the office, as she held a round wooden board with two cups of tea on it.

"Here's some freshly made tea, Youjo-sama..." Koharu said as she got close to the table and placed one of the cups in front of Youjo and the other in front of Alice.

"Thank you, Koharu, you may take your leave for now..." Youjo said as she looked at Koharu that just nodded as she left the office.

"Thanks..." Alice said as she briefly looked at her cup and bowed.

"Don't mention, Pendagron-sama, do you know why I requested a meeting with you?" Youjo asked with a curious tone, as she grabbed her teacup and took a small sip.

"Well, Lady Youjo, I'm not very sure about the reason for this sudden meeting..." Alice said with a faint nervous tone, as she looked at Youjo.

"Hmm, I see, since you don't know the reason as to why you are here, allow me, to refresh your memory, Pendagron-sama...first, on the month of May a priestess from the Black Bear Unity, enters Takamagahara and wrecks havoc in District 4 with the assistance of an autonomous knight armor, designed and manufactured in the Lion Emperor Organization, that destroyed a public park, a truck from Takamagahara's AMDF clean up crew and a warehouse in the docks..." Youjo said with a faint angry tone as she stooped sipping from her cup and looked at Alice that kept silent as she looked down.

"And not even two weeks later, after sending me the sword Excalibur, one of your delusional knights comes to Takamagahara and causes an incident in a museum of District 3 in an attempt to steal it, hurting 5 security guards and one researcher in the process...if it wasn't for one of Delacroix's chevaliers that were there visiting the museum by chance, he could have done far, do you know why I requested a meeting with you, Pendagron-sama?"

Youjo asked, with an angry yet faint joking tone as she looked at Alice again, that had her eyes opened wide as she kept looking down.

"L-Lady Youjo! I-I can explain all of..." As Alice said this she was interrupted by Youjo again.

"I won't deny that you can explain me the meaning of all this, but it won't be necessary, as any excuse you can or will come up won't help erase this mess..." Youjo said as she let out a sigh, that made Alice silent as she looked at Youjo with a puzzled expression on.

"For the armored knight, I believe that unlike the story you told of it being stolen, it was sold to that woman, was it not? Because if it was stolen you would have had retrieved it as fast as you could even if it was damaged and yet that armor is still in the possession of the AMDF and gaining dust in one of our warehouses..." Youjo said as she made a small pause and glanced at Alice that just looked down.

"As for that knight...I would say that it was a simple case of not keeping your men under control and letting them do as they please, something quite unbecoming of the woman that holds the title of "Queen of knights" is it not?" Youjo asked with a faint joking tone, as she grabbed her cup again.

"And let's not start with the Excalibur you sent me...I still have my doubts about its authenticity and in all honestly having you asking to give it back so fast and without letting anyone research it after being broken, does not help your case, to be fair..." Youjo said as she took another sip from her cup, Alice just clenched her teeth upon hearing Youjo.

"I-I'm sorry for these recent...and unfortunate events...Lady Youjo...I will compensate you for all these troubles!" Alice said as she briefly bowed her head to Youjo, that stooped sipping on her cup and placed it on the table with such force that it made an echoing sound across the office that sent shivers down Alice's spine.

" you honestly believe, that a simple "I'm sorry" and "compensation" will solve anything here?" Youjo asked with a very angry tone, as a blue aura that looked like a wildfire appeared over her.

"I..." As Alice tried to say something that could calm down Youjo, she was interrupted once again.

"Pendagron-sama, this meeting here, is not just because of what happened on my island, this has been a long time coming! It may not seem like it, but I do care about anything that happens both on my island and around the world..." As Youjo said this she made a small pause.

"Seeing you use the argavite that Takamagahara provides to manufacture your Knight armors to then sell them to other countries to help instigate crimes and wars, instead of selling them for protection of the common folk or not being able to keep your knights under control, as a proper leader should, makes it's quite hard to believe you have anything under control in your organization, especially when there's rumors of a more extreme group of your knights surfacing..." Youjo said as she made a small pause again, while she closed her eyes.

"All of this, is making it quite hard for me to forgive your actions or turn a blind eye to them, so what do you have to say in your defense to this?" Youjo asked still with an angry tone, as she clasped her hands together while she placed them on the table.

"Lady Youjo...I assure you that the Lion Emperor is not selling armors to other countries to instigate crimes or wars and as for these more extreme Knights you just talked about, their renegades or dropouts of our organization, so they aren't associated with us any longer...but I'll admit that they are still my responsibility and I know that I should punish them accordingly and that's what I'll do, as soon as I get back to England, I promise!" Alice said with a reassuring yet nervous tone, as she bowed towards Youjo, that looked at her in silence for a bit, before letting out a sigh while making her blue aura vanish.

"Promises without actions to back them up, are just empty words if you're not keeping them, Pendagron-sama...but since I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you make right of your wrongs..." Youjo said with a calm tone, as she grabbed her cup again.

"Thank you Lady Youjo, I'll make sure to solve all of these problems!" Alice said with a reassuring tone, as she raised her head and looked at Youjo that closed her eyes, as she let out another sigh.

"Please, do not get the wrong idea, Pendagron-sama, I'm only giving you this second chance, because of the respect I still hold towards your late father...and you still have to compensate me, for the situation with the Excalibur by lending another Magic Item in the possession of the Lion Emperor, for research purposes..." Youjo said before she took another sip from her tea, Alice just looked at her with an angry expression on her face that she tried her best to hide it.

"'s always because of that good for nothing old man..." Alice said with a silent angry tone as she clenched her fist and looked down.

"Did you say something, Pendagron-sama?" Youjo asked with a curious tone as she stooped sipping on her teacup and while she tilted her head a bit.

"N-No I didn't, Lady Youjo...please tell me what Magic Item do you want me to lend, in exchange for the second chance you're giving me?" Alice asked with a curious tone as she quickly regained her composure.

"That one is rather see as of late, a lot of researchers from District 3 have been begging me to get a hold of the "Knights Crusade" Grimoire written by Sir Merlin in the golden age of knights, for King Arthur..." Youjo said as she took another sip from her teacup, but as soon as Alice heard Youjo's request her eyes opened wide.

"W-Wait, you want the "Knights Crusade" Grimoire, Lady Youjo?!" Alice asked with a very surprised and shocked tone as she got up from her chair.

"That is correct...but is there a problem in lending it to us, Pendagron-sama?" Youjo asked with a faintly surprised tone as she stooped sipping on her tea and looked at Alice's unusual reaction.

"N-No...there isn't a problem...I was just surprised that it was the Item you want to request, but if it's enough to get your trust back, I'll gladly lend it to you!" Alice said with a reassuring tone that had some anger in it, as she quickly regained her composure, Youjo just ignored it, as she took a sip from her cup again.

"Good to know that there isn't a problem! So if you could...I would like to have this Grimoire here week, maximum!" Youjo said with a happy tone as she stooped sipping on her cup and smiled towards Alice.

"L-Lady Youjo...I would like it if you could give me some more time to send it..." Alice said as she looked at Youjo, placing her cup on the table.

"Pendagron-sama, after everything that has happened and taking into account the Excalibur happy that I didn't give you one day to send it..." Youjo said with a faint angry tone that made Alice jolt a bit.

"I-I understand Lady soon as I arrive in England, I shall take care of everything, to send you the Grimoire!" Alice said with a nervous tone as she bowed towards Youjo.

"Very well then, that we have talked about everything we needed, you can take your leave...but before that let me give you a small word of advice..." As Youjo said this, Alice stooped bowing.

"Please try act a bit more like your father, both when it comes to lead your Knights and your Magic Organization and if you don't want to do that for yourself, do it in the memory of Adam-sama and don't sully or hurt the name of the Lion Emperor and Knights in general with your questionable actions... " Youjo said as she moved her right hand a bit, Alice just clenched her fists upon hearing Youjo.

"S-Sure...Lady Youjo, I shall do that..." Alice said as she clenched her fists even harder and tried her hardest to not let her anger slip out upon being told to act more like her late father, something that Youjo ignored again.

"Good to have a safe trip back to England and I do hope to hear from you soon again, Pendagron-sama!" Youjo said as she looked at Alice that just nodded, as she turned her back to Youjo and quickly made her way out of her office and when she was finally gone...

"Good thing I made it a rule to not allow weapon in my office...or this would have been messy..." Youjo thought as she sighed briefly and remembered Alice's reactions to her words, that could have ended with a very messy fight if she had her sword.

"Hard to believe that she's Adam-sama's daughter and it's even harder to believe how she turned like this, when he was the one that raised her..." Youjo said with a faint sad tone as she grabbed her teacup to take another sip...

And meanwhile, outside of Youjo's office, Alice walked down the long white metal hallways of the Tenko tower with anger and rage on her face, as she was followed by a man clad in black armor, the same one from that was with her in the Notre Dame, that kept silent as he followed her, but suddenly...

"Youjo...that damn...harlot!!!" Alice screamed as she punched the wall of the hallway with such strength that small bits of metal flew in every direction, the knight that followed her reacted to this as he stooped and just looked at Alice with visible disappointment.

"It's always my father this! My father that and be more like your father! What's so good about that old bastard anyway!" Alice said with an angry tone as she moved her hand away from the wall, only to reveal the bump she made.

"All of father, Youjo, and Delacroix...they're all in my way..." Alice said still with an angry tone as she looked down, but it didn't last long...

"My, did you just call me, Alice?" A joking voice said this to Alice when she looked to her right side she saw Helena, that was wearing her usual long-sleeved dress with a cross stamped on it, as she was followed by Michelle, that wearing her usual priest clothes with a white collar and a blazer over it.

"Tsk...Delacroix..." Alice said with an annoyed tone, as she clicked her tongue upon placing her eyes on Helena.

"Well, Alice...I do hope that you pay Lady Youjo for this small bump on the wall of her beloved's such a shame to see it like this..." Helena said with a worried and joking tone as she approached Alice and looked at the wall.

"If you want, I can introduce you to some good anger management classes! What do you say?" Helena asked with a joking tone as she placed her right hand on her cheek and giggled a bit, this just angered Alice even more.

"Delacroix you...!" As Alice was about to attack Helena, the man in the armor placed his hand on Alice's shoulder while he shook his head, it felt as if was telling Alice "Please, do not cause another scene...".

"Helena! Show some restrain!" Michelle said with a faintly angry and worried tone as she leaned forward and whispered to Helena's hear, that just smiled.

"I'm very sorry, Alice, but you's stronger than me..." Helena said with a fake apologetic tone, as she briefly bowed to Alice.

"I already told you to not call me by my name, Delacroix! Let's go...I can't stand even one more second in her presence!" Alice said with an angry tone as she began walking towards the elevators, with the man in the armor following her soon after, but as he did, he locked eyes with Helena in the split second that he passed her before looking forward again and getting close to Alice again.

" something wrong?" Michelle asked with a curious tone as she got close to Helena that kept looking at the man in the armor in silence with a very faint sad expression on her face.

"No...nothings wrong, Michelle, I'm just impressed at how that man, acts more like a proper Knight than Alice does..." Helena said with a faint joking tone, as she looked at Michelle for a bit.

"Helena, you really shouldn't pick fights with Lady Pendagron, when you know how she reacts..." Michelle said with a worried tone, as she let out a sigh.

"You don't understand, Michelle, this is what makes it fun...but worry not, I'll try to behave next time..." Helena said with a reassuring tone, as she began to walk in the direction of Youjo's office...

And then a bit later the doors of Youjo's office opened again...

"Youjo-sama, Helena Delacroix-sama, from the Supreme cross, has arrived for a scheduled meeting with you..." Kureha said as she entered the office with a round wooden board in her hands, while she approached the table, where Youjo just had her meeting with Alice.

"Finally! Please Kureha, go and make some more tea and tell her to come in at once!" Youjo said with a very happy tone to Kureha, that began cleaning up the table and grabbed the two teacups that were on it and placed them on the wooden board.

"Very well then, I'll tell Delacroix-sama to enter at once!" Kureha said as she made a small bow before leaving and then a few moments later, Helena came inside the office and walked towards the table where Youjo was.

"Greetings, Lady Youjo, and thanks for having me!" Helena said with a very polite and respectful tone as she did a small courtesy bow to Youjo.

"Please, Helena-sama! No need to do all that to greet me!" Youjo said with a happy tone, as she got up from her chair and approached Helena that stooped bowing.

"No, Lady Youjo, all of this, is only normal when in your presence!" Helena said a she looked at Youjo, that gently grabbed Helena's hands.

"I have told you times and times again, that it's alright to drop formalities with me, Helena-sama! But instead of talking like this, let's take a seat!" Youjo said as she let go of Helena's hands and briefly pointed at the chair on the other end of the table.

"Sure, let's do that!" Helena said as she nodded and while she made her way towards the chair and as soon as she took her seat, Kureha entered the office again as she held a round wooden board with two teacups and two small plates with some biscuits on it.

"Here you go, Youjo-sama and Delacroix-sama!" Kureha said with a cheerful tone as she placed the cup and a plate close to Youjo and another cup and plate close to Helena.

"Thank you, Kureha, my dear! You may take your leave now!" Youjo said with a happy tone as she smiled at Kureha that made a small bow before leaving once more.

"Lady Youjo, you didn't need to do this, the thought alone is enough..." Helena said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she looked at Youjo.

"No, Helena-sama, it's only normal to treat your guests to drinks and food, is it not?" Youjo asked as she placed her hands together and tilted her head a bit.

"Your right and I understand but..." As Helena said this she was interrupted.

"No buts! Please, Helena-sama, just let me treat you, alright?" Youjo said as she placed her hands together and smiled again.

"If you insist, then I won't say no to it...but Lady Youjo, do you mind telling me why you summoned me to Takamagahara, so suddenly?" Helena asked with a curious tone, as she grabbed her cup of tea and smiled.

"That much is obvious, is it not, Helena-sama?" Youjo asked as a smirk appeared on her lips, while she looked at Helena.

"Ah yes! I still have to repay my debt for letting me take Kay cross into custody and for getting me those documents for a Takamagahara citizenship!" Helena said as she realized finally realized what Youjo wanted from her.

"Good to know, that you haven't forgotten! I know that I said to let me treat you...but let's just start this at once!" As Youjo said this she snapped her fingers and a magic circle appeared under the table, that made it shorter and smaller, as small and black thin lines began to appear on the table creating 81 small squares on it.

"Oh, so it's going to be the usual?" Helena asked with a curious tone, as both her chair and Youjo's began to slowly move towards the small table.

"Yes, are you ok with it?" Youjo asked as she looked at Helena then at the table, where a set of 20 flat wedge-shaped pentagonal pieces of different sizes materialized on each side of it.

"For me, anything goes, as long as it's fun and challenging!" Helena said with a happy tone as the chairs finally got close to the table.

"That's why I love to play board games with you, Helena-sama!" Youjo said with a happy tone as she looked at the table, that once everything was said and done, looked like a simple Shogi board, that was ready to be played with.

"And I love to play with you Lady Youjo, as you provide quite the fun challenge! Well then, since I was the one that started last time, you may be the one to begin today!" Helena said also with a happy tone as she placed her hands together.

"Thank you, Helena-sama!" Youjo said as she moved one of her "paw" piece forward, with Helena doing the same right after and so a few minutes would pass and this harmless Shogi game, would become a bit more intense and aggressive as both Helena and Youjo's moves would become faster and relentless.

"Say, Helena-sama, do you mind telling me the reason, as to why you asked for those citizenship documents, the other day?" Youjo asked as she looked at Helena rubbing her chin, as she briefly thought about her next move.

"Hmm? I don't mind telling...but I do believe you already know why, don't you?" Helena asked as she moved the "Lance" piece forward.

"Well I do...after all, I got curious as to why you wanted something like that and color me surprised, when I see your beloved and cute niece, is now living in the home of the Endbringer or Kurokami Tatsurou, a few days after asking me for her citizenship you can imagine, this caused me to raise an eyebrow..." Youjo said as she looked at Helena with a curious and suspicious expression on, that made Helena smile a bit.

"I assure you, Lady Youjo...I do not intend to steal away your beloved I have told you, my cardinals wouldn't shut up, about the fact that the "Endbringer" was back somewhere here in Takamagahara, so I sent my niece to observe him, to calm them down a bit...but a few things happened between them and my little Marie...ended up falling head over heels for Kurokami!" Helena said as she briefly placed her hand on her cheek.

"This action of making my little Marie come to Takamagahara and live with Kurokami, is not to turn him into an ally of the Supreme cross, as you might, all of this was made with Marie's happiness in mind...happiness that she didn't have back in France nor would have if she stayed, unfortunately...I am truly sorry, that I hid this from you for so long, Lady Youjo..."

Helena said with an honest and apologetic tone, as she bowed to Youjo, that kept silent, but not for long, as she let out a sigh...

"Honestly, if this was done behind my back, by anyone else, Helena-sama...I would have been very angry...but to be fair, I figured that it had to be something along these lines since your niece was involved...and you don't have to worry, it's already forgiven! I just wanted to know what your intentions with Kurokami were..." Youjo said with a reassuring tone as she smiled.

"Thank you, very much, Lady Youjo, this means a lot to me! Just what can I do to repay you?" Helena asked with a grateful tone as she bowed again.

"It's alright, you don't need to repay me! In all fairness, I was just curious about the reason why Marie-sama moved in with the Kurokami...Oh! But please do not go thinking that I pry into the lives of all my inhabitants like this!" Youjo said with a faintly embarrassed tone as she placed her hands together.

"I would never think that of you, Lady Youjo...but if you would allow me, I believed that you kept a close eye on Kurokami, or do you not?" Helena asked with a curious tone as she tilted her head, something that made Youjo silent for a bit.

"If anyone from any Magic organization or a person that knows about magic in general, hears the name "Endbringer" it's only normal to think, that since he lives here, that I would have all the eyes this island has, on him..." As Youjo said this she made a small pause.

"But that is not the case, as I believe that it isn't necessary, as Kurokami is still a young child and in this island and in my eyes, he is a normal person, just like everyone else that lives here, despite the very powerful powers he posses and to be frank, just because those powers were given that name, it does not mean that the person in question is going to bring the end of the world upon a way I believe that it all comes down to perspective, don't you think so too, Helena-sama?" Youjo asked with a curious tone, as she looked at Helena.

"I have to be honest, I believe that too, Lady Youjo, but my Cardinals are all from the old guard and extreme scaredy cats...that cower in fear and resort to violence, as soon as something they remotely believe that will kill them or destroy their laid back and wealthy lifestyle appears..." As Helena said this she made a brief pause.

"And there's nothing I can do, since they won't give their Cardinal seats away and I can't change them unless they give them up or die of old age...and keeping them at bay, isn't complicated, but quite tiring to be honest..." Helena said with an angry and worried tone, as she moved her hand a bit.

" I see...I wish I could help you with that, Helena-sama...I really do..." Youjo said with a faint depressed tone as she also sighed.

"I know that if you could, you would help, Lady Youjo, but as it stands just the thought that you would lend me a hand is more than enough!" Helena said with a happy tone as she placed her hand on her chest, sometg that made Youjo smile.

"But for about we concentrate on our little game?" Helena asked as she now placed her hands together and tilted her head, Youjo just responded with a simple giggle as she nodded and so a few hours would pass...

"Fufu...I'm sorry Lady Youjo, but looks like it's my win again!" Helena said with a faint smug tone as she placed her right hand in front of her mouth.

"I can't believe, I lost again! This makes 206 losses now...I demand a rematch, Helena-sama!" Youjo said with an angry tone, that turned into a joking one, as she smiled.

"Well, as much as I would love to have a rematch, Lady Youjo...I believe it is time for me to go back unfortunately..." Helena said with a faint sad and disappointed tone, as she placed her hands together.

"I's a shame that you can't stay a bit longer...but please, promise me that we will a rematch soon, alright?" Youjo asked as she got up from her chair with Helena doing the same.

"Of course...if I remember my schedule right...I think we can have two weeks!" Helena said as she raised her index finger a bit, something that shocked Youjo.

"Two weeks?! That's too long! But then again it's better than the two months, you left me waiting..." Youjo said with a faint depressed tone, as she sighed.

"Well, I have been a bit busy as of late, especially when it comes to talking with other organizations about peace treaties and such..." Helena said as she smiled a bit.

"I understand, Helena-sama, after all, the well being of one's country should always come first, never second!" Youjo said as she also smiled.

"So with that said, let's agree to have our rematch, in two weeks, and please call me if there is a problem again, Helena-sama!" Youjo said with a happy tone, as she bowed towards Helena.

"You don't have to worry Lady Youjo, I will and the same goes for you too!" Helena said as she also bowed towards Youjo and then as all the goodbyes were said and done, Helena made her way out of Youjo's office.

"Pherhaps, I should have told Helena-sama, that her niece has to compete with Ayaka's daughter, for Kurokami's affections..." Youjo though as she looked at Helena getting close to the door.

"For now, let's keep it a secret..." Youjo thought again as she let out a sigh and with that Helena finally got out of the office and as soon as she stepped outside...

"So Helena, how was your meeting with, Lady Youjo?" Michelle, that had been waiting outside of the office by the door asked with a curious tone to Helena as she got close.

"Well, for starters, it wasn't your usual meeting...I should have expected this to happen, in all honesty..." Helena said as she let out a sigh.

"I this urgent meeting, was just an excuse that Lady Youjo used to play some shogi with you again..." Michelle said as she too let out a sigh.

"I don't really mind playing with Lady Youjo but calling me here just for this makes me a bit angry...but it's ok, since I can take this opportunity, to visit my little Marie, today!" Helena said with an angry tone that turned into a happy one as she smiled, but Michelle just jolted upon hearing her.

"Now then, let's make haste to Kurokami's residence at once!" Helena said with an excited tone, while she raised her arm and began making her way towards the elevators, but she was stooped by Michelle, that placed her hand on Helena's shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry, Helena...but that will not be possible..." Michelle said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she looked away from Helena that looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"What?! Why, can't I go visit my little Marie, Michelle?!" Helena asked with a confused and angry tone as she looked at Michelle, that kept looking away from her, while she took her hand off Helena's shoulder.

"Well...Laura and Louvain, just called and we have to go back to France immediately as the leader of the Black Bear Unity requested an urgent meeting with you. We also need to prepare for the visit of the girls from the Saint Versailles school to Notre Dame...and also, Marcy got stuck on the top of the Eiffel tower again and the mayor wants to have a word with you about it..." Michelle said with an informative tone, that turned into an embarrassed one, as she looked at Helena.

"M-Michelle...your not telling me that I just made a 10-hour flight to Takamagahara...just to play some shogi and that I can't even go visit Marie, right?" Helena asked with a stoic robotic tone, as she looked at Michelle that nodded, after a bit of pondering, and for a brief moment, silence reigned between them, that ended with Helena making a run for the elevators.

"Oh no, you won't!!" As Michelle said this she placed her right hand on the floor and her shadow dashed towards Helena, which grabbed her feet upon getting close.

The next thing that happened was Helena running on the spot without being able to move.

"I don't want to go to France yet, Michelle!! I want to see Marie, I want to give her lots of hugs! Please, just tell Laura or Louvain to take care of it!" Helena said as she tried to no avail to escape from the clutches of the shadow that held her feet.

"I'm sorry Helena, I also want to see Miss Marie again, but you know too well that leaving these things to Laura or Louvain is a bad idea!" Michelle said with a faint angry tone, as she got close to Helena and placed her right hand on her left shoulder.

"Please, Michelle...just a little hi and we can go home, I promise!" Helena said as she looked at Michelle, that just sighed again.

"As much as it pains me, Helena, we can't do that please, let's just go..." Michelle said as she released Helena from the her shadow while she sighed.

" meanie..." Helena said with an angry tone, as she pouted like a child, Michelle just let out a sigh as they walked towards the elevators...

And Meanwhile, in District 4's old town, in Michiko's apartment to be precise, Michiko was sitting at her desk in front of her computer with five screens and tapping away on her keyboard really fast...

"And...done! This is the last hard drive for District 10!" Michiko, that was wearing her, usual hoodie dress with leggings under it, and had her messy hair tied into a folded ponytail, said with a relieved tone, as she unplugged a hard drive with a small piece of white tape that had "District 10" written on it.

"Now, let's put you together with all the others!" Michiko said as she got up from her chair and made her way towards a few small cardboard boxes that had either computer towers or hard drives in them.

"God, I thought I would never get it done in time..." Michiko thought as she got close to the box with the hard drives that had info about every District of Takamagahara in them and as she placed the hard drive she was holding inside the box, a sudden silence filled the room, as Michiko looked at the boxes and around her apartment for a bit.

"So...I'm really moving out, aren't I?" Michiko thought as she got on her knees in front of the boxes and began closing them with duck tape.

" it do this? I already cause so much trouble to Kuro-chan and Yume-chan...aren't I just bothering them with this?" Michiko thought as she stooped duck taping the boxes and looked at the ceiling for a bit.

"I'm...just being selfish again...I'm...just going to cause trouble again...I..." Michiko said with a depressed and guilty tone as she held the tips of her hoodie dress tight, but it didn't last long as her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door bell...

"O-Oh! Must be Kuro-chan and Yume-chan! Can't let them see me like this...come on, Michiko! Put on a happy face...for them!" Michiko said with a determined tone, as she got up and gently slapped her cheeks, while she made her way towards the entrance...

"Hi, Yume-chan and Kuro...chan?!" As Michiko said this, she opened the door of her apartment and saw Yumeko that had her hair down and was wearing a white shirt with a black tank top under it and black jeans.

As for Tatsurou, he was wearing a black hoodie jacket with a white t-shirt under it and black jeans and holding a small box in his hands, but something felt off, as Yumeko looked normal and Tatsurou looked like he just saw his entire life, flash before his eyes.

"Hi there Michiko! How are you, today?" Yumeko asked with a cheerful tone as she raised her right hand a bit.

"I'm...doing well..." Michiko answered a bit distracted, as she was more curious and worried about Tatsurou at the moment.

"Good! Now let's get started, shall we?" Yumeko said again with a cheerful tone as she took off her shoes and made her way inside the apartment and when she was finally gone...

"Kuro-chan, what's happened?" Michiko asked with a curious and worried tone, as she got close to Tatsurou, that was brought back to the real world thanks to her.

"I-I'm sorry, Michiko, it's just that...I completely forgot that Yumeko would drive us here and know..." Tatsurou said with a scared tone as he trembled a bit.

"I Yume-chan is still a bad driver?" Michiko asked as she looked at Tatsurou that just nodded.

"I thought she would control herself since we came in a rented van...but not even that stooped her crazy driving..." Tatsurou said as he let out a big sigh.

"Now I'm not sure...if I want to go with her..." Michiko said with a stoic scared tone as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou.

"It could be worse and I can come up with a excuse for us to go in the monorail...but for now let's think about good!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he regained his composure and handed Michiko the small box he was holding.

" this what I think that it is?" Michiko asked with a happy tone as she looked at Tatsurou that just smiled.

"Kuro-chan, you didn't have to bring me these extra cream eclairs..." Michiko said with an excited tone that turned into an embarrassed one as she looked a bit down.

"Don't worry about it, Michiko, it's ok!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone again as he, gently head patted Michiko for a bit.

"Thanks...Kuro-chan..." Michiko said with a happy and embarrassed tone as she smiled, but it didn't last long...

"Hey you two, come and help me here, or do you think that these boxes will move by themselves?" Yumeko asked with a joking tone, as she got close to Tatsurou and Michiko.

"Were coming!" Tatsurou and Michiko said at the same time as they followed Yumeko to the inside of the apartment to start moving the boxes and so, an hour later...

"We're almost done! The clothes and the screens are the only things left...hey, Tatsurou! Take this box with the computer towers down!" Yumeko said as she grabbed the box with the towers and handed it to Tatsurou.

"Sure, I'll be right back!" Tatsurou said as he grabbed the box Yumeko was holding and made his way out of the apartment.

" let's see how Michiko's doing with the clothes..." Yumeko said as she made her way towards Michiko's bedroom, where she was, in the process of packing up her clothes.

"So, Michiko, are you done here?" Yumeko asked as she entered the bedroom through the hole that Michiko had made and saw her placing a few clothes in a backpack.

"I'm almost done, Yume-chan! Just need to put this last hoodie inside!" Michiko said with a happy tone as she took a hoodie dress out of her drawer and walked towards the bed to place it inside her backpack.

"I see...wait a sec! Why are you placing your clothes in a backpack and why are you only placing hoodies in it?" Yumeko asked with a faint angry and curious tone as she got close to Michiko that jolted a bit upon hearing her.

"Well...what can I say, Yume-chan, I don't go out too often and I don't have a lot of these hoodies are more than enough to wear around the house and to sleep...and that one dress I have, is just for when the hoodies are in the washing machine..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she looked away from Yumeko that sighed.

"Michiko, I understand that you like hoodies a lot, but your a girl and you need more than one outfit and you need to have one or two pajamas to use when you go to sleep..." Yumeko said as she crossed her arms and let out a sigh.

"Eh? But hoodies are a lot better and super comfortable!" Michiko said with a determined tone as she pointed at Yumeko.

"I know that! But I don't want you to wear the same thing every day!" Yumeko said with an angry tone as she hit Michiko with a light chop on her head.

"Good grief...this all Tatsurou's fault..." Yumeko thought as she let out a sigh and remembered that the reason Michiko likes hoodies so much was because of Tatsurou.

"Listen Michiko you're going to go and buy some clothes, pajamas, and other things you might need, you hear?" Yumeko said as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at Michiko rubbing her head a bit.

"Well, I don't mind going as long as you and Kuro-chan come with me, but we're not gonna do this today are we?" Michiko asked as she sighed and shrugged but it was at that exact moment that Tatsurou entered the room.

"Hey, Yumeko, are you and Michiko done packing the clothes?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he entered Michiko's bedroom and for a moment Yumeko just looked at him until a smile appeared on her face.

"Good timing Tatsurou! Say, do you have plans for the rest of the afternoon?" Yumeko asked as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Not really, I made sure to be free for the whole day, to help with the moving..." Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head a bit.

"Alright! Then you don't mind going out with Michiko to buy some clothes, do you?" As Yumeko asked this, Michiko just looked at her with shock written all over her face as she blushed.

"I can do that, no problem...but won't you need help to take everything out of the van?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he smiled, something that made Michiko blush even more than she already was, as she heard that Tatsurou didn't mind going out with her alone.

"Don't worry about it! I'll just use my other "hands" for that, so you two just go and buy some clothes, ok?" Yumeko said as she gave Tatsurou a thumbs up.

" Now let's just take the computer screens downstairs, so you two can go!" Yumeko said as she got out of the room with Tatsurou following her, and meanwhile, Michiko took a seat on her bed, as she kept blushing.

"I can't believe it...a d-date...with Kuro-chan and its just the two of us..." Michiko said with a happy yet embarrassed tone as she placed her hands on her cheeks and smiled quite a lot...