Chapter 66 Clothes for Michiko

Then, a few minutes later, outside of Michiko's apartment, Tatsurou was walking towards the back of a small white van, as he held a box with computer screens, as Michiko followed him...

"Here's the last box, Yumeko..." Tatsurou said as he got close to Yumeko, that was organizing the boxes in the back a bit.

"Oh! Thanks, Tatsurou..." Yumeko said as she grabbed the box Tatsurou was holding and turned towards the van again.

"Finally done!" Yumeko said with a relieved and exhausted tone, as she placed the box she was holding, on the back of the van and closed its doors.

"Well, now that this is done...are you two ready, to go and do some shopping?" Yumeko asked while she stretched and turned to Tatsurou and Michiko that were now standing on the sidewalk.

"Yes, we are...right, Michiko?" Tatsurou asked with a happy tone, as he looked at Michiko that jolted a bit, upon hearing him.

"Y-Yes..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou.

"Good to know! Oh, and take this with you...can't buy anything without it!" Yumeko said as she fumbled around the back pocket of her jeans, from where she took her wallet and handed Tatsurou her credit card.

"Now listen up Tatsurou! I want you to buy, some dresses, a few casual clothes, and a few pajamas, for that?" Yumeko asked while she looked at Tatsurou and raised her index finger a bit.

"Sure..." As Tatsurou said this, he was interrupted by Yumeko, that leaned a bit forward.

"Buying video games, is off-limits for her, understood?" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone, as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Come on Yumeko, your talking as if Michiko and I were kids..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone and expression as he placed the credit card on the pocket of his jeans.

"Y-Yeah, Yume-chan, we're not kids!" Michiko said with a faint angry tone, as she pointed at Yumeko, that just sighed.

"Well you're not kids, but taking into account some of your actions and attitudes, makes it hard to believe that your both fifteen, at all..." Yumeko said with a stoic jocking tone, as she looked at Tatsurou and Michiko that were now blushing as they avoided looking at Yumeko, and at the same time, they remembered things that made it hard to believe that they were already teens, such as Tatsurou acting without thinking or Michiko hidding from Yumeko, whenever she caused trouble.

"Come on, you two, I was just joking a bit...I will always like you no matter how much trouble you cause!" Yumeko said with a reassuring tone, as she head patted both Tatsurou and Michiko, that smiled.

"But then again, just because I said this, it doesn't mean that you can keep acting the way you do, you hear me?" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone, as she stooped head patting them, and crossed her arms.

"Yes, I hear you, Yumeko..."

"Same here, Yume-chan..."

Tatsurou and Michiko said at the same time, as they let out a sigh.

"Good! Now, I'm not that heartless, if there's a book you like or something like that you can buy it, Michiko...Oh, and you two can also eat something if you get hungry! Just make sure to bring me all the receipts, ok?" Yumeko said as she made her way towards the front of the van and opened the driver seat door.

"Don't worry, Yumeko, we will..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Yumeko, getting inside the van and putting her seat belt on.

"Oh and speaking about eating, Tatsurou, you already bought those eclairs, so don't go and give Michiko any more sweets today and you have to..." As Yumeko kept going on and on Tatsurou interrupted her.

"I know, I have to buy Michiko some clothes and pajamas, no video games...but a book or two is something if we get hungry, but it can't be sweets and bring all the receipts...did I got it all?" Tatsurou said as he let out a sigh and smiled, Yumeko just smiled in return, as she turned the van on.

"You almost got it all...there's just one thing missing..." Yumeko said with a joking tone as she sighed and signaled Tatsurou to come close to the van's door.

"What did I miss?" Tatsurou asked as he got close to the window but it was at that moment that Yumeko placed her left hand on Tatsurou's right shoulder.

"You can't take your eyes off Michiko and you have to always stay close to her! I don't want her to get lost and more scared of the outside than she already is, got that?" Yumeko asked with a silent tone, as she pulled Tatsurou close and while she looked at Michiko, that looked at them with a curious expression on.

" don't have to worry about that, if Michiko's with me, then nothing like that will happen to her, I promise!" Tatsurou said with a very determined and reassuring tone, as he smiled towards Yumeko, that let go of his shoulder upon hearing him.

"Well...I know that, but I was just making sure you didn't forget about it...sorry...and by the way, don't forget to ask Michiko, about "that", ok?" Yumeko said with a faintly embarrassed tone as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou.

"It's ok and I'll ask, don't worry about it..." Tatsurou said as he gave thumbs up to Yumeko before placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he smiled, as he looked at Yumeko doing the same.

"Aright, with that said, I won't take any more of your time, so I'll go back home and prepare everything! See you later!" As Yumeko said this she began to accelerate, something that made the wheels of the van spin quite a lot, as they screeched and then, in the blink of an eye, Yumeko took off in the van, with incredible speed as she drove down the street.

" did she even take her license?" Tatsurou thought a bit worried, as he looked at the van vanishing, upon making a turn on a crossroad by drifting.

"Kuro-chan..." Michiko called Tatsurou, as she got close to him and pulled on his sleeve.

"If Yume-chan ever tells me to go out and I have to drive with her...please come and save me..." Michiko said with a stoic scared tone, as she let go of his sleeve, Tatsurou just giggled.

"Don't worry, Michiko, you just have to call and I'll come running!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he gently head patted Michiko while he smiled.

"Thanks..." Michiko said with a relieved tone, as she smiled.

"Now, how about we make our way to the shopping square?" Tatsurou asked as he stooped head patting Michiko and turned towards the Monorail station.

"S-Sure...let's go..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she and Tatsurou began walking away from the apartment, but as they did...

"I-Is it really ok? Going out with, Kuro-chan...on what can be described as a d-date?" Michiko thought as she briefly looked at Tatsurou then away.

"I don't think that my heart can take it...Yume-chan you dummy...telling us to go out like this! But still, thank you for doing this..." Michiko thought a bit angry but also happy, as she looked at Tatsurou again...

And then, after a long but fast Monorail ride, Tatsurou and Michiko had arrived at the Shopping square of District 4 and they were now making their way towards the mall, but there was something weird going on, between Tatsurou and Michiko...

"Say, something wrong?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he looked at Michiko, that was holding him by the sleeve of his jacket again, as they walked down the sidewalk towards the mall, and of course, this made people look at them and say things like "So adorable" and "What a sweet girl" as they passed them, something that wasn't helping Michiko stay calm.

"N-Nothings wrong, Kuro-chan..." Michiko said with a very embarrassed tone, as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou, that sighed briefly.

"She's been holding me like this, ever since we got to the Monorail station in old honestly reminds me of the time we first met..." Tatsurou thought as he looked at the still embarrassed Michiko and smiled, but it didn't last long as they had arrived at the mall's entrance and upon entering it, Tatsurou and Michiko were greeted by a large crowd that went from people to beast-kin, with either bags in hand or food, as they walked in every direction.

"Whoa! The mall is packed today...well, it's a Saturday, but still, there are way too many people here today..." Tatsurou thought as he let out a sigh, but it didn't last long as Michiko, held the sleeve of his jacket tighter and hid behind him, something that worried Tatsurou a lot.

"Michiko is still afraid of big crowds and strangers...I wonder if it was a good idea, to bring her here, today of all days, Yumeko?" Tatsurou thought, as he looked at Michiko, that remained silent and hidden.

"'s already too late to go back and Michiko did her best from the Monorail station to the mall...but I feel bad to keep pushing her like this and it would be bad if she got lost from me and scared of coming outside again, like three years there something, that would make her more at ease and help me keep a close eye on her...!" As Tatsurou thought this he began to rub his chin a bit, but then he was struck with an idea that would, in his mind, make Michiko more at ease and help in not losing her in the crowd.

"Hey, you want to hold my arm?" Tatsurou asked this with an innocent tone to Michiko that looked at Tatsurou with a shocked expression on.

"Eh?! K-Kuro-chan, w-what are you talking about?!" Michiko asked with a very embarrassed tone, as she let go of Tatsurou's sleeve.

"I mean, today the mall is crowded and it would be bad, if we got separated from each other, right?" Tatsurou said as he raised his index finger a bit.

"I-I won't deny that...but holding your arm like that..." Michiko said a bit silent while she looked to all sides, as she was a bit conflicted, on one hand, holding Tatsurou's arm, on the other hand, it was something embarrassing to do, but then again she had already walked here, while holding Tatsurou's sleeve, which was a bit more embarrassing.

"I-If you're ok with it, t-then I don't are you ok with it Kuro-chan?" Michiko asked after some more pondering about this proposal, as she looked at Tatsurou that sighed upon hearing her.

"I wouldn't offer, if I wasn't ok with it, right Michiko?" Tatsurou said as he briefly laughed.

"Then since you offered...don't mind if I do..." Michiko said still with her embarrassed tone as she slowly reached for Tatsurou's right arm, with her left hand but as she got close Michiko hesitated for a brief second, before finally warping her hand around Tatsurou's arm.

"I-I can't beleive that I'm holding, Kuro-chan's arm..." Michiko thought a bit embarrassed as she looked at Tatsurou then away.

"Hold on to it tight, so that you don't get lost, ok?" Tatsurou said as he gave Michiko a warm smile.

"I-I know that, don't worry...I'm not a kid..." Michiko said with a embarrassed tone, while she held Tatsurou's arm tight, and then, they began walking towards a clothes store, but as they did, a silence reined between them...

"Michiko, did you know that back in ancient times, it was pretty common for a man to escort a woman, by lending her his arm, just like this?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Michiko, that was lost in thought as she happily held Tatsurou's arm.

"Y-Yes...I knew about it...I believe it started back in the age of knights, because the roads were uneven and filled with it was quite hard for women that wore mostly long dresses to walk on them, so the Knight that usually escorted them, would offer his arm to make it easier to walk and there was also the fact that it could be used to protect the girl from dirt or water splashes from passing carriages..." Michiko said with an informative tone, as she was brought back from her thoughts.

"I see... you're even more well informed about it than I am..." Tatsurou said with an impressed tone, as he smiled a bit.

"Well, I just read about it once in a "fun facts about history" book, that Yume-chan left in my apartment, to be honest..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"I believe you, after all, Yumeko usually says random history facts like this, during her classes...!" As Tatsurou said this, he came to a sudden stop thanks to Michiko, that stopped as she looked entrance of a video game store.

"I don't believe it! They have Soul Calibur 6 on sale!" Michiko said with an excited tone as she looked at the store's window, which had a poster of the game with a banner saying "60 percent off" on it.

"It just came out and it's already on sale? Ah, right...must be because of that upcoming fighting game tournament, right?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious, as he looked at Michiko that nodded.

"Yes, it's because of the upcoming EVO tournament!" Michiko said again with an excited tone as she looked at the poster.

"Say, Michiko, do you want it?" Tatsurou asked, but he already knew the answer.

"W-Well...I do...but Yume-chan said no video games and I don't want her to be angry at me when we get let's just go and buy those clothes and I'll come here another day to buy it or ordering it online..." Michiko said with a faint sad tone, as she pulled Tatsurou's arm and made her way towards the clothes store, but as she did that, Tatsurou briefly looked at the store over his shoulder, before looking forward again and not even a minute later, Tatsurou and Michiko were already in front of the clothes store, that was actually right next to the video game store...

"See anything you like, Michiko?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he and Michiko walked inside the store and looked around a bit.

"Well...I like that section over there!" Michiko said with a stoic tone, as she pointed at a section of the store, filled with various types of hoodies.

" heard Yumeko, didn't you? We can't buy hoodies..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Michiko while he let out a sigh.

"I know...but I just don't get Yume-chan! What's so wrong with only wearing hoodies? They can be used for any occasion, for any weather, can be used as a dress if you buy a big one and they are super comfy to boot, especially when sleeping!" Michiko said a bit angry, as she shrugged and sighed a bit.

"I won't deny what you just said, but we have to do, what she told us..." Tatsurou said as he laughed a bit.

"Yeah, I know but..." As Michiko was about to say something, she got interrupted by a voice of a woman...

"Welcome! May I help you?" A very polite saleswoman said this to Michiko as she stood behind her, something that scared Michiko quite a bit, as she hid behind Tatsurou, something that worried and surprised the saleswoman.

"Deja vu..." Tatsurou thought as he looked at Michiko and remembered that Shirayuki had a similar reaction when they went to buy clothes.

" can help us! Let's see, we need some dresses, a few more casual clothes and pajamas for her..." Tatsurou said as he used his fingers to count the things, he had to buy for Michiko.

"Hmm, I see, I see! Then I'll go get something for your cute little sister, please come with me!" The saleswoman said with a happy tone, as she turned to get some clothes for Michiko, that upon hearing her, got a bit angry.

"L-Little sister? Really?" Michiko said with a faint angry tone, as she pouted.

"Well, I don't blame her...after all, we got black eyes, our hair color is more on the dark side, and you're a bit it makes kind of sense that people would think we're siblings, no?" Tatsurou said he rubbed his chin a bit.

"Well, your not wrong about that..." Michiko said a bit embarrassed, while she laughed a bit.

" could have at least told her that were not siblings..." Michiko thought a bit angry, as she followed Tatsurou and the saleswoman, while pouting...

And so, a bit later in the store's changing rooms...

"So, Michiko, are you ready yet?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at the changing room where Michiko had been, for a while now.

"I'm sorry, Kuro-chan, but I'm not confident with these type of clothes..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, from inside the changing room.

"Come on, I bet they look good!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he looked at the changing room and for a bit, Michiko remained silent.

"Ok...I'll come out now..." As Michiko said this she opened the curtain of the changing room, she had her messy hair down and she was wearing a black jumper dress with a white sweater under it and a black pantyhose, in all honesty, it made her look like one of those little porcelain dolls.

"H-How do I look, Kuro-chan?" Michiko asked both nervous and embarrassed as she looked away from Tatsurou.

"You look so cute Michiko! That saleswoman hit the jackpot with that dress!" Tatsurou said with an honest and impressed tone as he looked at Michiko, that couldn't stop blushing.

"I-I see..." Michiko said with a happy tone as she kept blushing.

"Wait, let me take a photo and send it to Yumeko..." As Tatsurou said this he reached for the pocket of his jeans, but Michiko on the other hand began to blush.

"Wait, wait, Kuro-chan! Don't take a picture!" Michiko said with a very embarrassed tone as she used the curtain of the changing room, to cover herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry Michiko...I completely forgot that your not a fan of taking pictures...but what can I say, I wanted Yumeko to see how cute you look..." Tatsurou said with an apologetic tone, as he scratched the back of his head.

"It's ok...but I can show it to Yume-chan when we get home..." Michiko said as she stooped covering herself with the curtain.

"I what else did you brought?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he smiled.

"Well..." As Michiko said this she entered the changing room again and after a few minutes, she came out wearing a white t-shirt with a red and white jersey over it and blue denim shorts with black leggings under them, and her hair was tied into a high ponytail.

"So, how do I look now, Kuro-chan?" Michiko asked as she opened her arms and did a small twirl and for a moment Tatsurou kept silent as he crossed his arms.

" look like Rikka from "Black Fox" to be honest..." Tatsurou said with an impressed stoic tone as he looked at Michiko that blushed.

"Is it too obvious, that I'm imitating her?" Michiko asked a bit embarrassed.

"To be fair, it was the symbol of the show on the back of the jersey, that sold you out..." Tatsurou said as he placed his hand in front of his mouth and tried his best to not laugh.

"Hmpf, Kuro-chan you dummy...what's so wrong in wearing something that the main character of my favorite anime wears..." Michiko said with an angry tone as she pouted a bit.

"There's nothing wrong with it...I think it fits you perfectly and makes you look cool in all honesty and I believe Yumeko won't mind either!" Tatsurou said with a honest, tone as he smiled.

"I see...good thing I choose this one!" Michiko said with a happy tone as she blushed and smiled.

"Say, do you have anything else? Like a pajama or something?" Tatsurou asked as he tilted his head a bit.

"I-I do have a pajama...but it's a bit..." As Michiko said this she was interrupted by Tatsurou.

"I bet it looks pretty good if you were the one choosing it, so go ahead and try it!" Tatsurou said with a curious tone, as he looked at Michiko that blushed and fidgeted around for a bit, before going inside the changing room again, and then after a few long minutes, she came out of it wearing a black and silver wolf onesie and for a moment, silence reined inside the changing rooms, that came to an end thanks to Michiko.

"Come on! Laugh already!" Michiko said with a very embarrassed tone as she blushed from toe to head, as she awaited Tatsurou's reaction upon seeing her wearing an onesie.

"And...why should I laugh?" Tatsurou asked with a stoic curious tone, as he crossed his arms.

"W-Well...I mean...this is an's childish...but I always wanted one, but I could never muster the courage to ask Yume-chan to get me one..." Michiko said with an embarrassed tone as she looked at Tatsurou and away, it was at this moment that he got close to Michiko.

"Listen, Michiko, who cares if an onesie is childish or not? What matters here, is that you like it above anything else! So I say that we should buy it!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he gently, head patted Michiko for a bit.

"I-I see...thanks, Kuro-chan..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone as she smiled.

"But to be safe, let's also buy a nightgown or two...the onesie has a hoodie and pretty sure Yumeko will get a bit angry...or not, but let's be safe about it..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone, as he stooped head patting Michiko.

"You're right...better buy one of those too!" Michiko said with a happy tone as she smiled and for a second, Tatsurou could swear he saw the tail of the onesie wagging a bit.

"Well then, I think this is all of it, so get changed and let's give the clothes you want to the saleswoman, then we'll go to a book store and eat something afterward...sowhile you get changed, I'll be waiting just outside of the changing rooms, ok?" Tatsurou said as he pointed to the outside of the changing rooms with his thumb.

"Ok, I'll try to be quick!" Michiko said with a happy tone as she entered the changing room again, while Tatsurou went outside to wait for her...

And then after Michiko got changed, she and Tatsurou went to the counter to pay and then, they made their way towards a book store and after doing that, they went to the mall's food court, where Tatsurou and Michiko were now sitting at a table facing each other, with the bags of the clothes store resting on the chair, next to Michiko...

"Kuro-chan...should I be really eating this?" Michiko asked with a worried tone, as she pointed at the vanilla parfait in front of her.

"You can eat it, don't worry about it!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he took a sip from a cola can he was holding, but Michiko just kept looking at the parfait a bit worried.

"But Yume-chan said that I shouldn't eat more sweets, since you bought me those eclairs...if I eat this you're going to get in trouble, aren't you?" Michiko asked with a worried tone as she looked at the parfait then at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry about it, Yumeko said all that, but if she came with us, she would have bought you any sweet you'd dig in, before it runs away..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone that turned into a joking one as he stooped sipping from his can and rested his head on his right hand.

"S-Shut up..." Michiko said after a brief moment of reflection, as she grabbed her spoon and took a bit of the parfait, that she then placed in her mouth.

" so good!" Michiko said with a very pleased tone as she took the spoon out of her mouth and placed her right hand on her cheek.

"And there she was, saying that she shouldn't eat it..." Tatsurou thought as he let out a sigh and looked at Michiko putting spoon after spoon with bits of parfait in her mouth.

"Say, Kuro-chan, is something wrong?" Michiko asked with a curious tone as she stooped eating her parfait.

"Well...not really..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone to Michiko, but she wasn't having it.

"Come on, Kuro-chan something is worrying you, I just know it!" Michiko said with a faint angry and worried tone as she placed her spoon down, Tatsurou just sighed as he heard her.

"Alright you got me, Michiko...well then, at the moment I'm trying to learn how to make a magic circle...but it hasn't been going too well...see..." As Tatsurou said this he took his phone out of his pocket and showed Michiko a picture of a very badly drawn magic circle with an octagon in its middle.

"Kuro-chan...did a grade-schooler draw this?" Michiko asked with a stoic joking tone as she looked at the drawing on the phone.

"C-Cut me some slack! It's the first time I've drawn one...this is why I didn't want to show it to anyone and ask for help..." Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone while he blushed and put his phone away.

"Sorry, sorry...well, I'm not an expert, but as far as I know, there's nothing that forbids you from drawing a magic circle with a compass, and also just because there was a lot of magic circles drawn with octagons, it doesn't mean that you need to draw one too, take the magic circles of my "God eyes" as an example they have a star drawn on it, intead of a octagon..." Michiko said as she briefly pointed at her eyes and made a small pause.

"And to be honest, those octagon magic circles were only used back in the medieval ages, during the witch or dragon hunts, so they are basically ancient..." Michiko said with an informative tone as she made a small pause and raised her index finger a bit.

"Hmm...I didn't know that..." Tatsurou said a bit impressed as he crossed his arms.

"Well that's a bit common knowledge when you learn about Magic probably shouldn't have typed magic circles on the internet and go from there to make one...but if you don't mind me asking, why the sudden interest in magic?" Michiko said with a joking tone, that turned into a curious one as she looked at Tatsurou that briefly blushed and looked away from Michiko, upon hearing her first remark.

"'s because of my powers, Emma said that I should try to draw one, to see if they react to it..." Tatsurou said this to Michiko, but deep down, he was expecting that she wasn't going to believe him but...

"I Em-chan's study about your powers being Esper failed and she's now doing a magic-based study, right?" Michiko asked with a curious tone as she tilted her head.

" got it right..." Tatsurou said a bit impressed upon hearing that Michiko believed his lie.

"Ah, and don't call Emma by her nickname, Michiko..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone as he looked at Michiko.

"Sorry...Kuro-chan..." Michiko said with an apologetic tone as she blushed.

"It's ok..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he sighed a bit.

"I never thought she would believe me...on one hand it's good she believed me, like that I don't have to explain to her about my powers...but on the other feels wrong lying to her...I'll tell Michiko one of these days, once I get this all sorted out...but who knows how she would react..." Tatsurou thought a bit depressed as he tried to imagine Michiko's reactions to his powers and all of its scenarios ended with her being scared of him.

"Kuro-chan, since we're talking about magic, can I ask you something?" Michiko asked as she looked at Tatsurou, that was lost in his thoughts.

"Yes, what is it...!" As Tatsurou said this, he jolted upon looking at Michiko that didn't have the happiest of expressions on.

"So Kuro-chan...the last time you came to my brought that girl along with you and I want to know just what your relationship with her is?" Michiko asked with an angry and curious tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"My relationship with Izumi? Um...were partners in the Soteria intern program and friends..." Tatsurou said as he rubbed his chin a bit, Michiko, upon hearing him placed her hands on the table and got up.

"R-Really? Your just partners and friends?" Michiko asked with a very curious tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Yes, that's our far as I know..." Tatsurou said as he scratched his cheek a bit.

"I-I that's what it is..." Michiko said with a relieved tone as she took her seat again.

"Just what kind of relationship did she thought me and Naoki have?" Tatsurou thought a bit confused, while he sighed and looked at Michiko, that began to eat her parfait once again with a smile on her face...

And then a bit later, after Michiko finished eating her parfait, she and Tatsurou, made their way out of the mall, to catch the monorail and then after a rather quick monorail ride, they were now walking side by side, as they made they're way towards Yumeko's house...

"What a day, right Michiko?" Tatsurou, that was holding the bags with Michiko's clothes in his left hand, asked as he glanced at Michiko.

"Yeah, what a day, first the moving out, then suddenly going shopping for clothes...unexpected is the only word to describe it..." Michiko said with a happy tone as she smiled a bit.

"With that, I have to agree...but I have to admit, I'm actually surprised that you didn't want to buy any books...didn't you see anything you liked?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious.

"Not really and to be fair, Yume-chan brought me most of the light novels I read the other day and there wasn't anything that caught my attention..." Michiko said as she placed her hands behind her back.

"Well, that fighting game, caught your attention, didn't it?" Tatsurou asked with a mischievous tone, as he smiled.

" did and I really wanted it...but Yume-chan said no...but it's ok, I can buy it later..." Michiko said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she fidgeted a bit.

"Good to know that you wanted it or else this purchase would have been in vain..." As Tatsurou said this he reached for the inside of his jacket and out of it, he took a small plastic bag that he handed to Michiko, that looked at it with surprise all over her face.

"K-Kuro-chan!? When did you..." As Michiko said this she grabbed the bag and took out the Soul Calibur 6 game that she wanted.

"It was when you were trying on the first dress...I quickly snuck out of the changing rooms to buy it! Sorry to have left you alone..." Tatsurou said with a happy tone as he looked at Michiko that couldn't contain her smile, but it didn't last long...

"You don't have to apologize...but you shouldn't have bought this, Kuro-chan...Yume-chan is going to be angry at you..." Michiko said with a worried tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry, I didn't use Yumeko's card, but mine...and after everything you did to help me, I thought that the eclairs weren't enough to thank just accept it and don't worry about Yumeko, ok?" Tatsurou asked as he smiled at Michiko, but as he did that, Tatsurou stooped as they had arrived at the front gate of a modern two stories house, with an R-X 7 parked outside the garage.

"Oh, looks like we finally got to Yumeko's place! So Michiko you're ready to...!" As Tatsurou said this, he turned towards Michiko that had stooped walking and was now looking down as she held the bag with the game that Tatsurou gave her.

"Michiko...what's wrong?" Tatsurou asked with a worried tone as he got close to Michiko that kept looking at the ground while she kept silent.

" this...really alright?" Michiko asked with a sad tone as she kept looking down and Tatsurou just looked at her a bit confused.

"I have been thinking...if it's really alright for me to start living with Yume-chan...after what happened 3 years ago, if it's alright to get some many things from both you and Yume-chan like this...when I cause so much it really alright for me to get all of this? Aren't I being just selfish by doing this, after everything I made you go through?" Michiko asked with a sad tone as she teared up while looking at Tatsurou that upon seeing this, placed the bags he was holding on the ground and got on his knees, so that he could look at Michiko in the eyes.

" is alright for you to live with Yumeko and we don't mind that you cause us trouble...not that you have caused any, in the first place...and you're not being selfish..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he placed his hand on top of Michiko's head and gently head patted her.

"But...I'm scared that I'll get you two hurt...I don't want that to happen...I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me perhaps...I should just go back to my..." As Michiko said this she was interrupted by Tatsurou.

"Yumeko and I told you 3 years ago didn't we, Michiko? We won't get hurt again, we won't go anywhere, we won't let anyone hurt you and we will be always here for you...I promise!" Tatsurou said again with a reassuring tone as he head patted Michiko, that after a brief moment of looking at him in silence, she teared up again as she warped her arms, around Tatsurou's neck and hugged him, something that surprised Tatsurou a bit.

"M-Michiko?" Tatsurou asked a bit worried and surprised, as he looked at Michiko.

"I'm sorry...for always causing trouble and for always worrying you and Yume-chan...I'll get better so that you don't have to worry anymore...I promise..." Michiko said with a determined tone, as she hugged Tatsurou tighter.

"It's ok, Michiko, I know that you will..." Tatsurou said with a happy tone as he hugged Michiko and head patted her again.

And they would stay like this for a bit, until...

"What...are you two doing?" Yumeko, that was on the other side of the gate of her house, asked with a curious stoic tone, as she looked at Michiko and Tatsurou hugging each other.



Tatsurou and Michiko said at the same time as they stooped hugging each other.

"Come on now, you acting like two love birds in broad daylight in front of my house, what will the neighbours think?" Yumeko asked with a joking tone that had a very faint hint of jealousy, as she opened the gate and stepped, into the sidewalk, Tatsurou and Michiko just blushed as they heard her.

"D-Don't get the wrong idea, Yumeko!" Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone, as he got up and blushed.

"Y-Yeah Yume-chan, this isn't what your thinking!" Michiko said also with an embarrassed tone, as she also blushed.

"I know that and I heard what you two were talking about...I was just pulling on your legs a bit!" Yumeko said with a joking tone while she laughed and got close to Tatsurou and Michiko.

"But listen, Michiko...what Tatsurou told you just now, also goes for me and I told you the other day, I don't mind that you cause me trouble and I'm really happy to have you living with don't worry about anything, ok?" Yumeko said with a reassuring and happy tone as she also got on her knees and hugged Michiko.

"Thanks...Yume-chan...Kuro-chan..." Michiko said as she also hugged Yumeko, while she buried her face in her shoulder.

"It's ok now, it's how about we go inside and have a look at your new room?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone, as she stooped hugging Michiko, that nodded upon hearing her.

"L-Let's do that..." Michiko said with a happy tone as she clened her tears and smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" As Yumeko said this, she got up and held Michiko's hand, as they made their way inside her place.

"Hey! Don't just stand there, Tatsurou! Come on in too!" Yumeko said a she looked at Tatsurou that smiled.

"Yeah...I'm coming..." Tatsurou said as he grabbed the bags with Michiko's clothes, and began following them...

And so, a bit later, in the entrance of Yumeko's house...

"I honestly can't believe that Michiko fell asleep the moment she jumped on the bed to see if it was comfortable..." Yumeko, that was leaning on the door, said as she let out a sigh.

"We can't really blame her now, can we? It's been a long day and knowing her she probably didn't sleep one bit, because of all of this..." Tatsurou, that was standing outside of the entrance, said as he also let out a sigh.

"But, Yumeko, I wasn't really expecting that you bought a pink and white furniture for Michiko's room, of all things..." Tatsurou said with a joking tone as she looked at Yumeko that blushed.

"S-Shut up... it's super cute and Michiko loved it, didn't she?" Yumeko said with an embarrassed tone, as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"She sure did...I honestly never saw her smile like that, you made the right choice to buy that one!" Tatsurou said with a smile on his face as he remembered the big smile and the shining eyes Michiko had, when she saw her new bedroom.

"You don't even need to tell me that...but I also never saw her smile like that too...makes it hard to believe, that she was that grumpy girl we met 3 years ago..." Yumeko said as she looked down and sighed a bit.

"But speaking of which, how was your shopping trip?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone, as she tried to change the topic a bit.

"Pretty much what you would expect, she's still scared of crowds like you said, but other than that, she was pretty much ok and we bought everything she needed..." Tatsurou said as he crossed his arms a bit.

"Hmm, I see...and did you talk with her...about going to school?" Yumeko asked again with a curious tone, as she crossed her arms.

"Not really...after seeing her reaction with the crowds and taking into consideration how long it took us to convince her to move out...I thought that it was better to not touch on the subject of going to school..." Tatsurou said as he moved his right hand a bit.

"I's better that way...but it's a bit frustrating, I want her to go to school and make friends instead of staying closed inside...I even got the papers to enroll her in Misaiko ready and everything!" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone, as she pouted a bit.

"Come on, Yumeko, your going too fast here...I think that before that, we should find a way for Michiko to interact with more people we trust, or even before that, I think that she should have a few sessions with Hime, she would help her a lot in getting more sociable and interacting with people a bit more..." Tatsurou said as he moved his right hand a bit.

"I basically using a somewhat similar method, to the one Hime used with you...but first Michiko had to get comfortable, talking with her..." Yumeko said with a depressed tone as she sighed.

"You're right about that...she's only ok with you, me and with Emma to some it won't be easy..." Tatsurou said also with a depressed tone.

"Your right on that one...but speaking of the devil, when is, Hime coming back?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone as she rubbed her chin.

"Last time Hime called, she said she would come back in mid or end of August, depending on how her work goes..." Tatsurou said as he rubbed his chin a bit.

"I when she comes back, you tell me as soon as possible! The sooner Michiko starts to talk with her, the better!" Yumeko said as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"As soon as Hime's back, you'll be the first to know about it..." As Tatsurou said this, he began making his way towards the gate of the house, but...

"Thanks...oh and Tatsurou? You still have to explain to me why you bought a game for Michiko..." As Yumeko said this she got close to Tatsurou that stooped as he slowly turned around to look at Yumeko, that didn't give him the happiest of looks.

"W-Wait, Yumeko, I bought that game with my own money and Michiko really wanted it's ok...right?" Tatsurou asked with a nervous tone, as he flailed his hands bit.

"To be completely honest, I was expecting that you would do that...but you shouldn't waste your money, when you had mine, you know?" Yumeko said as she sighed a bit.

" said to not buy her I used my own, but to be fair I also bought it, because Michiko has helped me a lot recently and she deserved it..." Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as he scratched his cheek.

"I see...but next time, you better save money instead of buying gifts like this, you hear?" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry Yumeko, I won't...and before you ask, I already divided the reward that I got from the Soteria, half of it, went to my savings while the other is to spend along the month...not that I plan on spending any more unless it's for groceries or something like that..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he moved his right hand a bit.

"Good to know, that you're not burning away money and are instead saving it..." Yumeko said with a relieved tone as she let out a sigh.

"Come on, Yumeko...what do you take me for now?" Tatsurou asked as he also let out a sigh.

"I was just kidding, you idiot..." Yumeko said as she placed her hand on Tatsurou's head to head patted it a bit.

"Now you better go home, it's already late...and thank you for your help today!" Yumeko said as she stooped head patting Tatsurou and smiled.

"Sure and you don't need to thank me, I'm happy to help and call me if you need help unpacking her things tomorrow!" Tatsurou said as he turned to the gate and began walking towards it.

"I will...see ya, Tatsurou!" Yumeko said with a happy tone as she waved.

"Ok...see ya too!" Tatsurou said as he opened the gate and waved at Yumeko and a few moments later, Tatsurou was now making his way home with his hands inside the pockets of his jacket...

"I'm really happy that, Michiko is staying with I feel a little bit more at ease..." Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he looked up at the sky for a bit.

"Now that I think about it, perhaps it would be good for Michiko became friends with Shirayuki and Marie, it would help her get more comfortable around people...I'll have to arrange a meeting between them...but for now I need to get home and practice drawing magic circles a bit more..." Tatsurou thought as he let out a sigh and while he kept making his way home and then, a few days would pass...