Chapter 70 The Russinan girl Part 1

Today, was the morning of the 20th of June, a Saturday, around 10:11 am and right now, we had to go to Tatsurou's apartment, where Shirayuki was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast...

"Hmm, the milk's almost ready, just a few more minutes..." Shirayuki, that was wearing her usual shrine maiden clothes with an apron over them, said with a happy tone, as she looked at the small milk pot, on top of the stove and smiled.

"Oh, I better get the chocolate powder for the milk and the toasts ready...hmm, I wonder, if I should make some scrambled eggs too...maybe not...or else we won't have eggs for later...!" As Shirayuki said this, she went towards one of the cupboards, that had the chocolate powder and the bread for the toast, but as she opened the door of the said cupboard, Shirayuki was suddenly interrupted by TV in the kitchen, that was tuned in, on a news channel.

"These news are just in! Last night, in the town of Manchester, on the highway that lead to its airport, a truck, belonging to the Lion Emperor organization was hijacked, only to be found by civilians, a few hours later, with its cargo missing...cargo that was revealed earlier by Lady Pendagron, to be autonomous armors, destined to the Asgardian gods Association..." The woman of the news channel said with a informative tone, as she made a brief pause and some images of the highway and the truck were shown.

"As for the truck driver, he was found unconscious on-site, thankfully, without any major injuries...and as of now, both the police and the Lion Emperor, are already on the case, waiting for the driver to regain consciousness to question him of what transpired and looking for clues that will lead them, to the culprits...and in other news, tomorrows weather is going to quite unusual for..." As the woman on the news channel said this, Shirayuki just looked at the TV for a bit, with a worried expression, as she held the bag with sliced bread in her hands.

"Oh no...that's really bad..." Shirayuki said with a worried tone, while she placed the bread on top of the table and kept looking at the TV, but it didn't last long...

"What's bad, Shirayuki?" A sleepy voice asked this and when Shirayuki turned around to see who it was, she saw Tatsurou, that was wearing a white t-shirt with a black hoodie jacket over it and blue jeans, entering the kitchen while he yawned a bit.

"Oh, Tatsurou good morning...well, they said in the news just now, that in Manchester, a truck from the Lion Emperor, got highjacked and the armors inside it were stolen...the only good thing is that, no one got hurt..." Shirayuki said with an informative and worried tone, as she looked at Tatsurou entering the kitchen.

"I see...but you don't have to worry, since it was a truck from the Lion Emperor that was highjacked and it was, armors that were stolen, the airports will be closed off until they find them...but I doubt, that anyone would try to fly out of England or Manchester anyways, with or without stolen cargo, with that typhoon they talked about yesterday, approaching it..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he walked towards the cupboards, from where he took out three mugs, that he placed on the table and after that, Tatsurou turned towards a drawer from where he took out three spoons and a butter knife, that he also placed on the table.

"I see...I just hope that they found those armors and fast..." Shirayuki said with a worried tone as her ahoge dropped a bit, as she remembered the Knight armor that Wilma used to chase after her, something that Tatsurou, didn't let her do for too long.

"Don't worry, Shirayuki! They are already looking for those armors and I believe that they won't get here to Takamagahara and if they do and cause anyone trouble, I'll beat them up!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he got close to Shirayuki and head patted her gently, something that made her smile and her ahoge go back to normal.

"Thanks, Tatsurou! But I would like it better, if you didn't have to fight!" Shirayuki said with a happy tone as she smiled and her ahoge wiggled around a bit, as Tatsurou stooped head patting her.

"Don't worry...I only fight if I have too!" Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he placed his right hand on his hip.

"I know! Oh and thanks for getting the mugs, Tatsurou...but...Marie said she would eat her breakfast a bit later today...if she eats it at all..." Shirayuki said as she turned to the table and took four slices of the bread bag.

"Really? Don't tell me Marie's not feeling well..." Tatsurou asked with a worried tone, while he crossed his amrs and looked at Shirayuki, walking towards the toaster that was on the kitchen counter.

"No, no, Marie's not sick...we just went to bed late yesterday, after talking and watching some cute animal videos on the internet! I fell asleep after one or two videos, but Marie watched them till morning and now she's sleeping like a rock..." Shirayuki said as she placed the four slices of bread inside the toaster and giggled a bit, while she opened a cupboard from where she took a plate and placed it close to the toaster.

"I see...well, I can't say anything to you two about it, since I have done it too...more than once...mostly watching anime and such..." Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone, while he scratched the back of his head a bit and laughed a bit too.

"But it's a shame, that Marie's asleep..." Tatsurou said as he turned to a different cupboard again from where he took, the chocolate powder for the milk.

"Why is it a shame, that Marie's asleep?" Shirayuki asked a bit curious but also worried as she looked at Tatsurou, placing the chocolate powder on the table.

"Oh, right, context...well, do you remember that little girl, Honoka, that we saved in the museum, Shirayuki?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious, as she tilted his head a bit.

"But of course I remember Honoka-chan! She even came to visit you, when you got hospitalized and when you came home from the hospital!" Shirayuki said with a happy tone, as she placed her hands together and while her ahoge wiggled around a bit, something that made Tatsurou smile.

"Well with that said...Honoka's mother called me just now and asked if I could go to a parkin the downtown and keep an eye on Honoka for a bit today, while she takes care of a few things..." Tatsurou said as he pulled a chair and took a seat on it, while he looked at Shirayuki walking towards the stove and turning it off.

"Oh, I that explains why you're dressed up! And if I had to guess, you wanted to take Marie with you, so she could see Honoka-chan, right?" Shirayuki asked as she took the milk pot off the stove and walked towards the table.

"You got that right, but now, I would feel bad to wake Marie up, after hearing that she's sleeping so soundly and the thought of having her half-asleep, half-awake or without energy, while meeting Honoka again, is not good either, when I know that Honoka would like to play with her a lot..." Tatsurou said as he let out a sigh and saw Shirayuki pouring milk on his mug and then on hers.

"Hmm...oh, I know, Tatsurou! What if you brought Honoka-chan here, to see Marie, isn't that a good idea?" Shirayuki asked with a curious tone, as she placed the milk pot on the table and turned towards the toaster.

"That's not a bad idea, but I don't know, how long her mother will take, could be 30 minutes, an hour or more, so I don't know if I could bring her here..." Tatsurou said as he looked at Shirayuki, taking the 4 slices of bread out of the toaster and placing them on a plate.

"I understand...but then, that also means that you don't know when you're coming home today, right?" Shirayuki asked a bit curious, as she placed the table with the toasts on the table and took her seat again.

"That pretty much sums it up..." Tatsurou said as he got up from his chair and walked towards the fridge, Shirayuki meanwhile poured chocolate powder on her and Tatsurou's mug.

"But that also means, that I won't have time for us three, to do something together today either...sorry, Shirayuki..." Tatsurou said while he opened the fridge and out of it he took both a case with butter and a small jar with strawberry jam and looked at Shirayuki, that finished pouring the chocolate powder and placed a spoon on her and Tatsurou's mug and stirred them a bit.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Tatsurou! Today, Wise, is going to teach me how to bake chocolate chip cookies and after it, perhaps Marie and I will either have some cooking classes or catch up on our Doramas, so we already have a plan for today!" Shirayuki said with a happy tone, as she placed her hands together and while she looked at Tatsurou placing the butter and the jam on the table.

"I see...but speaking of cookies...Wise, sure has been bringing us a lot of those ever since, Marie got her phone and when I ask her about it she avoids the you happen to know anything about it, Shirayuki?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious as he took his seat again, Shirayuki jolted a bit upon hearing this question.

" as been... has been selling them on the internet! Yes, and she brings us the leftovers of what she doesn't sell since it would be a waste to throw them away!" Shirayuki said with a nervous tone, that faded quickly as she moved her hands a bit, while she explained.

"I see, then I have to go and thank Wise later for those cookies later..." Tatsurou said as he grabbed his mug and took a sip.

"Y-Yes we have to thank her..." Shirayuki said with a faint nervous tone, as she grabbed her mug and laughed a bit.

"Good thing that, Tatsurou believed me...I can't tell him that those cookies are Wise's way of apologizing for being so forceful when she asked me, if...Tatsurou and I did...n-naughty t-things...the other day..." Shirayuki thought a bit embarrassed while she blushed and looked at her mug for a bit.

"Thank goodness, that I remembered Wise telling me that she sometimes sells her cookies on the "Social media" on the internet...I do wonder, what that is..." Shirayuki thought again, as she now took a sip from her mug.

"So this means, that we already have our day planned out...but say, Shirayuki, how about both you, Marie and I, watch something together later tonight?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious, as he stooped sipping on his mug.

"Hmm? Sure! What do you have in mind, Tatsurou?" Shirayuki asked with a happy and curious tone, as she stooped sipping on her mug and placed it on the table.

"Well, I'm not I'll let you and Marie decide today..." Tatsurou said as he scratched her cheek before he took another sip from his mug.

"I don't really know what we should watch either, so I'll let Marie handle it, is that ok?" Shirayuki asked with a happy tone, as she grabbed a slice of toast and the butter, while her ahoge wiggled around a bit.

"Fine by me...oh, and I'll give you a call, if can bring Honoka here or if I'm going to get home late or not, ok?" Tatsurou asked as he stooped sipping on his mug and looked at Shirayuki, that now grabbed a knife and began to spread butter on her slice of toast.

"Sure! I'll keep my phone close then!" Shirayuki said with a happy tone, as she finished spreading butter on her toast and took a bite from it and as Tatsurou and Shirayuki proceeded to eat their breakfast and talk, we now had to go to the bridge that led, to the downtown of District 4...


So, in the said bridge of the downtown, a black taxi cab was cruising on it and inside this taxi, that had a small opaque window on a black plastic wall, that separated the front seats from the back seats, that was meant to give privacy to its passengers and on the back seat of this taxi, was Livanya and Talya...

"Oh my god! So this is the island of Takamagahara! It's so, so, different from our village, Talya! The buildings are incredibly tall and it's so sunny, without a single bit of snow around, it's incredible!" Livanya, that was wearing her white long dress with a shawl on her shoulders and her big black and white beret on her head, said with a very excited tone, as she pressed her face against the passenger's window of the taxi to look at the downtown of District 4.

"Lady Livanya, please do behave and calm yourself a bit..." Talya, that was wearing her navy blue Victorian maid uniform with a white frilled apron over it and equally, frilled headdress, said as she let out a small sigh, but something on Talya was different today, as her long fur tail, was gone.

"Talya! How can you ask me to keep calm, when the town is telling me! Calling me, to explore it!" Livanya said still with an excited tone, as she moved her face away from the taxi's window and looked at Talya with sparkling eyes and her hands clenched.

"I do understand, that you're excited, but you still have to behave and you also have to remember that were going to go to the doctor first, before we visit the island..." Talya said as she looked at Livanya and raised her index finger a bit.

"Ok, I'll behave...but Talya, you have to keep your promise and we have to visit afterwards!" Livanya said as she placed her hands on her lap, while she pouted a bit.

"But of course! I would never go back on a promise, that I made with you...!" As Talya said this, she was interrupted by a ringing sound, that came from a phone.

"Oh! It's your mother, Lady Livanya..." Talya said as she took out a phone from the pocket of her apron and saw that, Sanya was the one calling her.

"I'm sorry...this won't take long..." Talya said as she glanced at Livanya and smiled.

"Sure go right ahead, Talya!" Livanya said as she smiled towards Talya, that pressed the call button after she gave another smile to Livanya.

"Yes, Lady Drakon?" Talya said with a very respectful tone, as she placed the phone close to her ear.

"Good morning, Talya, my dear!" Sanya said with a very cheerful tone, from the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry for calling you so suddenly, but I had to know, how your flight went and how Livanya is doing..." Sanya said with a curious and worried tone.

"You don't have to apologize, Lady Drakon...well as for our flight, it went well, in fact, we just got out of the airport and are now making our way, to the hotel! Then we will go meet miss Erika as for Livanya, she's well and behaving...although, she was a bit too excited, during our flight and she barely got any shuteye..." Talya said with an informative tone as she smiled a bit, Livanya blushed a bit upon hearing Talya's report to her mother.

"C-Come on, Talya! You don't need to tell all the details to my mother!" Livanya said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she placed her hands on Talya's lap and shook her a bit.

"Oh, I see, I see! Fufu, that was to be expected, it's the first time she ever went out of Strekoza, after all..." Sanya said with a happy tone as she briefly giggled, upon hearing Talya and Livanya.

"Say, Lady Drakon, how was the meeting, in Paris?" Talya asked a bit curious, while she glanced at Livanya.

"It went rather well...taking into account all the unexpected things that happened..." Sanya said as she let out a sigh.

"Unexpected things? Did something bad happen?" Talya asked more worried than curious, as she placed her left hand on her chest.

"Hmm? Oh no, no, don't get the wrong idea, Talya! Everything went well, it's just that I never expected the party to be held, on the Eiffel tower! But in all honesty, what surprised me the most, was when Timofey and I were introduced to Lady Delacroix...I didn't expect her to be so young and beautiful! Ah, but worry not Talya, I think that you and Livanya are way more beautiful and cuter!" Sanya said with a reassuring tone, as she giggled a bit.

"I see...don't worry it's alright, Lady Drakon..." Talya said a bit embarrassed as she blushed a bit.

"I know...but I shouldn't have worried you..." Sanya said with an apologetic tone, that for some reason, worried Talya.

"Lady Drakon, is something wrong?" Talya asked with a worried tone as she griped her apron a bit, Sanya kept silent for a bit, upon hearing Talya's question.

"Looks as if, I can't hide anything from you Talya...not even over the phone..." Sanya said with an impressed tone, which turned into a sad one, as she let out a sigh.

"To be honest, I didn't call just to ask, if you two were doing fact, I also called because...there's a little problem..." Sanya said with a sad tone as she sighed again.

"W-What is it, Lady Drakon?" Talya asked both worried and curious as she now gripped her apron tighter.

"It is about miss Erika...she just called us and said that she won't be able to make it to Takamagahara this weekend, because of the typhoon, that's going to traverse London, this weekend..." Sanya said with a sad tone, which made Talya open her eyes wide.

"R-Really, she won't?" Talya asked again with a worried tone.

"Talya, something wrong?" Livanya asked a bit worried, as she placed her hand on top of Talya's hand, she just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Unfortunately, yes...and you two will only be able to meet her, this Tuesday or Wednesday...I'm sorry, Talya..." Sanya said with an informative and apologetic tone, as she sighed again.

"Please, it isn't your fault! But say, Lady Drakon...since we won't be able to meet her today...that means, that Lady Livanya and I can..." As Talya was about to ask if she and Livanya, could visit the island, Sanya interrupted her, with news that Talya didn't want to hear.

"I'm so, so, sorry Talya...but Timofey said, that you two can not leave the hotel, until the day of the appointment, with miss Erika..." Sanya said this with a depressed tone, that made Talya feel as the world stooped and the ground beneath her crumbled.

"No...I can't believe that...Lady can I tell this, to Lady Livanya?" Talya asked a bit silently, with a very depressed tone, while she looked down and gripped her apron, even tighter than before.

"I know how you feel, please, pass the phone to Livanya, so that I can tell her myself about it..." Sanya said again with a sad tone, as she sighed.

"Sure...Lady Livanya, your mother wants to speak with you..." Talya said as she moved the phone away from her ear and handed it to Livanya, that looked at it a bit confused.

"Ok...Y-Yes...mother?" Livanya asked with an embarrassed and worried tone, as she grabbed the phone and placed it, close to her ear.

"Hi Livanya, my little sweetheart! How are you doing?" Sanya asked with a happy tone, that Livanya grew suspicious of, the moment she heard it.

"I'm fine...but Talya, already told you that, mother..." Livanya said with a nervous tone as she placed her left hand on her lap.

"I'm sorry, for being so direct...but please, just tell me what's wrong, instead of dwelling around, mother..." Livanya said again with a nervous tone as she now gripped her dress a bit, Sanya just kept silent for a second.

"My word...your learning rather faster to pick up on things...unfortunately..." Sanya said with a happy tone that quickly turned into sadness, as she let out a sigh.

"Alright then, sweetheart...just as you asked, I won't dwell around and tell you what happened..." Sanya said as she made a small pause and took a deep breath.

"So, as I was telling Talya just now, your appointment with the doctor has been unfortunately delayed, because of a typhoon in London..." As Sanya said this, Livanya interrupted her.

"R-Really? So that means, that Talya and I can go and visit the island to our heart's content, right, right?" Livanya asked with a very excited tone, that made both Sanya and Talya, feel as if they got punched in the gut, a feeling, that brought with it a long silence, where Sanya tried to gain the courage to give Livanya news, that she didn't want to hear.

" something wrong?" Livanya asked a bit worried to Sanya, that let out a sigh, filled with sadness.

"Livanya sweetheart...unfortunately, both you and Talya, will have to rest in your hotel room...until miss Erika arrives in Takamagahara..." Sanya said with a very depressed tone, which made Livanya's excitement and happiness, vanish in a blink of an eye.

"Heh?! Why do we have to stay in the hotel until the doctor comes back? Is there something wrong in the island, is that it?" Livanya asked with an angry tone, as she gripped her dress with her left hand.

"No sweetheart...there's nothing wrong with the island...its..." As Sanya said this she was interrupted by Livanya again.

"Then why? Why can't Talya and I visit and explore Takamagahara? You just said that there's nothing wrong with it!" Livanya asked this still with an angry tone to Sanya.

"L-Lady Livanya..." Talya said as she placed her right hand on top of Livanya's left hand, trying to calm her down a bit.

"I'm so sorry, Livanya...but it's your father's wish, that you stay in your hotel please Livanya you have to understand..." As Sanya said this, she was interrupted once again.

"Why are you two doing this to me? I...I made such a big visit plan, with the map of Takamagahara and I even brought a camera to take lots of photos with me...but now, I can't do any of that...just because the doctor hasn't come back! could you or father know any of didn't even come, to wish me good nice trip or goodbye..." Livanya said with an angry and sad tone, which made both Sanya and Talya feel as if they were punched in the gut once again.

"Livanya...I'm so sorry about this, but you know that we can't help it...your father and I, are very busy...but I promise, I promise that I'll talk with your father and convince him to let you visit a bit, so please..." As Sanya said this she was interrupted again.

"It's ok don't have to...I know that father, will just say no again, as he always just tell me, if there's anything else I should know, while I stay at the hotel?" Livanya asked with a very depressed tone, as she looked down.

"Well, Livanya, you can go out of your room to eat in the hotel's restaurant or to walk inside it but Talya as to always be with you...and your father also said, that you can't under any circumstances, tell anyone, that you are a dragon nor that you are the princess of Strekoza...he's scared of the people's reactions..." Sanya said with an informative tone, that had a hint of sadness behind it.

"I don't need to worry, mother...I won't tell anyone about, who I am, so you and father can rest assured...thanks...for telling me this...I'll pass the phone back to Talya now..." Livanya said with a very depressed tone again, as she moved the phone away from her ear.

"W-Wait Livanya!" Sanya called, but it was useless, as Livanya had already handed, the phone back to Talya, that grabbed it and placed it close to her ear.

"I'm so sorry for this, Lady Drakon..." Talya said with an apologetic tone, as she looked at Livanya gripping her dress tight, with both of her hands, while she looked down.

"I should be the one saying sorry...I can't even imagine how much Livanya was looking forward to it...but then I come and ruin it all...I can't even blame Livanya, for the way she talked to me and her behavior..." Sanya said with a depressed tone, as she let out a big sigh.

"Lady Drakon, isn't there any chance that Livanya, can go out and visit the island...even if it is just a little bit?" Talya asked with a curious and worried tone as she placed her left hand on her cheek.

"I'll talk with Timofey and try to convince him, to let Livanya visit the island, even if it is just a little the meantime, you and Livanya go to the hotel and just as I told her, do not let anyone know, that your dragons or that you're from Strekoza...and please, try to raise Livanya's spirits, alright?" Sanya asked still with her depressed tone, as she sighed a bit.

"Sure, I'll do don't have to worry, Lady Drakon!" Talya said with a reassuring tone, as she smiled.

"Thank you, Talya...and please tell Livanya that I'm sorry and that I love her..." Sanya said with a faint happy tone to Talya that smiled again.

"Don't worry, I will! Talk to you soon, Lady Drakon..." Talya said with a reassuring and respectful tone, as she clenched her left hand.

"Likewise Talya...and thank you for all of your help once again..." Sanya said with a grateful tone, just before turning the call off and as she did, there was now a big silence, that reigned between Talya and Livanya.

"Lady shouldn't have talked to your mother in such a manner..." Talya said with a very faint angry tone, as she placed her phone back inside the pocket of her apron, while she glanced at Livanya, that was still looking down.

"I...I know that I shouldn't have talked like that, Talya...but, it's always the same with my parents, especially with father..."You have to go to the doctor!" or "You can't go out of the castle and visit the town, it's too dangerous!" feels like he only knows these words and nothing else...I hate it..." Livanya said with a sad tone as she repeated some of the things, her father was always telling her.

"I was looking so much forward to this, Talya...and they do this to me... it's so unfair!" Livanya said again with a sad tone, as she glanced at Talya.

"I know just how much you were looking forward to this, Lady Livanya, I know...but you have to understand, that your parents do this for your own good and because they worry about you, that's all..." Talya said with a reassuring tone, as she placed her hands on top of Livanya's hands.

"Is it really, Talya? In all honesty...sometimes it feels, as if, my parents couldn't care less about me...if you look at how they act and have been acting for the last few years..." Livanya said as she briefly looked out the window of the taxi and saw that they were now in the downtown center.

"That is not true...they just...!" As Talya was about to say something, the taxi came to a sudden halt and the small window opaque window on the wall that separated the front of the taxi and its back slowly opened.

"We've arrived at your destination, miss!" A young woman, that her hair tied into a bun and was wearing a black suit and a driver's cap, said as she looked at Talya from the small window.

"Thank you...we'll get off in an instant!" Talya said as she gave a smile to the young woman.

"Don't worry, it's alright!" The young woman said with a reassuring tone, as she smiled.

"As I was saying, Livanya..." As Talya was about to say something, she was interrupted.

"I know...I parents care a lot about me and I shouldn't talk to them the way I did...I'm sorry...for my behavior towards my mother and I'll apologize when she calls back, Talya..." Livanya said with a sad monotonous tone, as she opened the taxi's door and let out a sigh.

"Wait, Livanya!" Talya called, but it was mostly useless, as Livanya was already out of the taxi and ignoring her.

"Teenagers are quite complicated, am I right? I should know, I have one myself back home!" The young woman said as she laughed a bit.

"Y-Yes...they are quite something..." Talya said as she briefly laughed, before letting out a sigh.

"She's probably a bit tired from her trip, once she's rested up, everything's going to be alright, miss! So don't worry!" The young woman said with a reassuring tone, as she smiled.

"Let's hope so..." Talya said as she opened the door of her side of the taxi and after getting out, Talya made her way towards Livanya, that was standing on the sidewalk, looking up at a grey 40 stories tall building, that made a slight curve at its top floor and had various large windows on every floor, but what stood out the most in this building, was the light blue star that stood over its large main entrance that had automatic doors.

This building, was the Hoshikama hotel, the most luxurious hotel of District 4 and the 3rd most luxurious, of the whole island of Takamagahara.

"This building's huge!" Livanya said with an impressed tone, as she kept looking up the building, but as Livanya did this, she lost balance and was about to fall on her back, but Talya placed her hands on Livanya's shoulders, just in time, to stop her from falling.

"Careful now, Lady Livanya..." Talya said as she helped Livanya, regain her posture.

"Is this the hotel, we'll be staying at, Talya?" Livanya asked with a curious tone, as she looked at Talya, from over her shoulder.

"Yes, this is the hotel we will be staying at! There's a lot of things inside it too! If I remember correctly, there's a pool, a gym, a sauna, and one of those rooms with game machines...arcades, I believe that's how they are called, right?" Talya asked with a happy tone, as she smiled.

"R-Really? This place has an arcade?" Livanya asked with an impressed and excited tone, while she turned to Talya and flailed her arms a bit.

"Yes, it does! See, even if we can't go out, you still can have lots of fun inside!" Talya said with a reassuring tone, as she smiled again, but Livanya on the other hand became depressed again.

"I see...that's good..." Livanya said with a faint sad tone, as she briefly pouted.

"Well with that said, let us get our luggage!" Talya said with a happy tone, as she turned towards the Taxi and went to its trunk.

"Wait Talya...let me help you at least..." Livanya said as she got close to Talya and looked at her opening the trunk.

"You don't have to worry about that, Lady Livanya...I'll take care of it...hmm, here's your bag!" Talya said as she grabbed, a big white and black shoulder bag and handed it to Livanya.

"Alright, then I'll wait for you, on the sidewalk over there..." Livanya said with a faint sad tone, as she grabbed her shoulder bag and made her way to the sidewalk again.

"I just can't believe Talya...she didn't use to be like this...I swear that she's starting to behave more like mother and father, with each passing day..." Livanya thought with a sad tone, as she finally got to the same spot, she was earlier on the sidewalk, but as she did that, Livanya looked at her shoulder bag for a bit, before opening it.

"Hold on a second! I have my wallet, a map of Takamagahara and my camera inside my bag...with this I..." Livanya thought again, as she looked inside her bag and looked at things it had inside of it, but it didn't last long...

"Here's our luggage, Lady Livanya! Is something the matter?" Talya asked as she placed two, black and white suitcases with wheels, close to Livanya, which jolted a bit, upon hearing her.

"N-Nothings wrong, Talya...I was just checking if I haven't forgotten something..." Livanya said with a nervous tone, as she quickly closed her bag and hid it behind her back.

"I see, I see...well then, Lady Livanya, I'll go and pay for our taxi, so you stay here and keep an eye out, for our suitcases, alright?" Talya asked, as she looked at Livanya, that slowly regained her composure and nodded.

"Sure, go right ahead, Talya!" Livanya said while she placed the strap of her bag on her shoulder and smiled a bit, Talya upon hearing her, just smiled as she turned towards the taxi, but, as she did that, Livanya looked at her bag again while she put on a determined face...

"Thank you, for taking us here! Do you accept credit?" Talya asked as she got close to the window of the taxi and leaned a bit forward, to talk with the driver.

"You don't need to thank me, miss, it is my job, after all, and yes, I accept you go!" The young woman said, as she grabbed a small credit card reader machine and held it in front of Talya.

"Thanks..." Talya said as she took out a small wallet from the pocket of her apron, from which she took a credit card, that she placed close to the machine and after a few seconds, the machine made a ringing sound and the payment was done.

"Done...thank you for your patronage, miss! Oh, and I hope that you and your little sister, have a good stay here in Takamagahara!" The young woman said with a happy tone, as she placed the machine away.

"Yes, we will! Thank you again, for your services..." Talya said with a happy tone, as she placed the credit card back inside her wallet.

"Your welcome...oh, and I hope we can meet again!" The young woman said as she looked at Talya, placing her wallet back inside the pocket of her apron, while she smiled.

"Likewise..." As Talya said this the Young woman closed the window of the taxi while she waved at Talya, that responded with the same gesture and shortly after, the young woman took off, but as she did that, Talya looked at the taxi for a bit, as it slowly vanished from her sight.

"Do I...really look like, I'm Livanya's older sister?" Talya thought a bit embarrassed while she smiled, quite a lot.

"How I wish...that I could be more like an older sister to Livanya, instead of a maid...just like back then, when she was younger and before any of this happened..." Talya thought a bit sad, as she slowly turned towards Livanya, while she let out a sigh.

"I can't think like this...I believe, that once everything is solved, we can...!" As Talya said this, she stooped as her eyes opened wide and her usually stoic face, became one covered in fear, as she looked at the suitcases and saw that Livanya, was nowhere to be found.

"L-Livanya's gone...Livanya's gone!" Talya said with a very scared tone, as she dashed towards the suitcases as her heart felt, as if it had stooped beating.

"Oh no, this is bad, this is bad! Oh god, Please, please tell me, that this is just another one of her pranks!" Talya said as she began walking around the suitcases in hopes that Livanya, would show up out of nowhere and try to scare her.

"No...this is not one of her usual pranks...Livanya just ran off, to god knows where in this island...I have to find her and quick before she gets lost or in trouble..." Talya said as she placed her hands in front of her mouth, but it didn't last long as she grabbed her and Livanya's suitcases and placed them close to the entrance of the hotel, but as soon as she placed them on the ground, Talya began running, as if her life depended on it.

"I have to find Livanya...where could have she gone...think Talya, she wants to visit the island and take pictures, so what landmark would she go first?" Talya asked herself as she kept running and while she looked in every direction for Livanya, but that's when it hit her.

"But of course! The closest landmark is the fountain on the main public park of this downtown! Good thing, she talked about it on the plane!" Talya said as she kept running and briefly stooped to ask people for directions or if they saw Livanya...


Meanwhile, a bit away, from where Talya was, on a sidewalk with a few small shops, to be precise...

"Let's see...the hotel is here...and the main public park of the downtown is here...oh! I'm actually pretty close, lucky me!" Livanya, that was now holding a map of District 4, said as she pointed with her right index finger at the hotel, then at the public park, while she kept walking.

"I'm so sorry, Talya...but I just can't stay inside a hotel, when I have a whole new place, that I have never seen before, waiting to be explored!" Livanya said with a happy tone as she closed the map and placed it inside her shoulder bag.

"Let's go! To the public park and see that beautiful fountain in person and take a few pictures!" Livanya said as she briefly punched the air with her right hand before she kept making her way towards the main public park of the downtown...