Chapter 71 The Russian girl part 2

Meanwhile, in the main public park of District 4's downtown, in the park's center to be precise, that was crowded with people, that were either jogging or just walking and going about their day, without any care in the world and somewhere in that crowd, Tatsurou was fumbling around in his phone, as he stood close to a very large and round decorative fountain, that was made out of polished grey stone.

This fountain, also had a 4-meter tall tower, that was also made of polished grey stone, in its middle and from this said tower, a big jet of water was launched from its middle and into the air, every two or three minutes and in this very moment, the fountains tower was launching one of those jets of water into the air.

But Tatsurou, didn't look at it, as he had other things on his mind at the moment, while he kept looking at his phone and fumbling around with it...

"Hmm, it's already 11:14 am...and no sign of Misumi-san and Honoka...I hope that nothing bad happened, on their way here..." Tatsurou said with a worried tone, as he looked at the time, displayed on his phone's screen.

"Should I call them? No...I better not, it would probably be weird, to call Misumi-san, so suddenly, just because their a bit late..." Tatsurou thought as he let out a sigh.

"I'm worrying too much here! I need to distract myself with something, but what should I...wait, I got it! " As Tatsurou thought this, he quickly and discretely glanced to his right side and left side with a rather stoic expression on his face, to see, if no one was around, while he put his phone away.

"Frida-san, are you awake?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at the back of his right hand, expecting that Frida would answer him, but strangely enough, he didn't get an answer.

"Weird...Frida-san, are you ok?" Tatsurou asked a bit worried, as he kept looking at the back of his hand.

"Frida must be sleeping quite heavily...I better not bother her and she does deserve a good rest...guess I'll just..." As Tatsurou thought this, he began to move his right hand towards the pocket of his jacket, but as he did...

"I-I am here, Lord Kurokami! What's wrong?" Frida asked with a very worried tone, as her symbol, suddenly appeared, in the back of Tatsurou's right hand.

"Hmm? Oh, Frida-san, well, no thing's wrong...I was just a bit lonely here and I thought we could talk for a bit, that's all...sorry, for worrying you like this..." Tatsurou said with an apologetic tone, as he looked at the back of his hand and smiled a bit.

"No, no, I should be the one asking for forgiveness here, Lord Kurokami! You called me and instead of coming right away, I was distracting myself with other things..." Frida said with a very embarrassed tone, as the symbol lighted up a bit.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Frida-san, I'm not angry..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he smiled.

"But still..." As Frida said this, Tatsurou interrupted her.

"Come on, it's ok! But say, Frida-san, what got you distracted, just now?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious as he tried to change the topic a bit, but for some reason, Frida, became very quiet, something that worried Tatsurou.

"Frida-san?" Tatsurou called a bit worried as he looked at the back of his hand, but Frida just kept silent for another moment, until...

"I-I'm sorry, Lord wasn't anything special and you perhaps don't want to hear about it..." Frida said a bit embarrassed, as her symbol looked as if it was blushing.

"Nonsense! I would love to hear what got you distracted Frida-san! But if you don't want to, I won't make you either..." Tatsurou said again with a reassuring tone, as he smiled and Frida didn't say anything again for a brief moment, in a way, it felt as if she was gaining the courage to tell Tatsurou, what got her distracted.

"W-Well then, Lord see...I...well...I was just looking at the fountain behind us...and I got a little...mesmerized by it..." Frida said with a very embarrassed tone as the symbol lighted up a bit.

"So, you got distracted, because of the fountain, Frida-san?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious as he briefly glanced at the fountain from over his shoulder.

" weird as it may sound, I was...I'm so sorry..." Frida said with an embarrassed and apologetic tone, to Tatsurou.

"It's ok...but if you don't mind me asking, Frida-san, why did this fountain got you all distracted?" Tatsurou asked, again with a curious tone, as he now looked at the back of his hand again.

"Well you see, Lord Kurokami...back when I was still the Valkyrie of peace...I used to spend a lot of time on the Rentotua fountain, back in the Valkyrie temple and I used to dip my feet in it with my sister Astrid on hot days..." Frida said with a faintly embarrassed tone, that soon turned into a happy one, as the symbol shined brightly.

"I you are rather fond of fountains, am I right?" Tatsurou asked as he smiled.

"Yes, I am...and when I placed my eyes upon this fountain here...I began to remember the simpler times and how much fun, I had with my sister Astrid...that's why I got so distracted, Lord Kurokami..." Frida said as she made a brief pause.

"Oh, I wish I could dip my feet in Rentotua again or in a simple fountain as this one here...even if it was just once..." Frida said with a sad tone as she sighed, Tatsurou just looked at the back of his hand in silence, as he smiled.

"P-Please don't get the wrong idea, Lord Kurokami! I know, that I shouldn't have any wants or wishes such as these, but I..." As Frida said this, Tatsurou smiled again, before interrupting her.

"I didn't get the wrong idea here, in fact, you gave me one, Frida-san!" Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he looked at the symbol for a bit.

"I...I did?" Frida asked a bit confused.

"Yes, you did! Listen Frida-san, my idea is that next time you can appear, just like that last time in my room, let's come here so that you can dip your feet in this fountain! What do you say?" Tatsurou asked with a very happy tone, as he raised his left index finger, something that made Frida speechless for a brief moment.

"W-Wait, Lord Kurokami! You don't need to do that for me...and besides I..." As Frida said this, she was interrupted by Tatsurou again.

"Frida-san, I won't let you say that, "I don't deserve it" when you do! It's like I said the other day, you helped me a lot and even saved my life more than once, so I want to do something nice for you!" Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he made a small pause.

"So, on the next full moon or close to it, let's come here again and you can dip your feet and play on the fountain, for as long as you want!" Tatsurou said with a determined tone, as he looked at the symbol and gave it a thumbs up.

"Even if you say that...I feel bad, for wasting your precious time with me, because of a simple wish, such as this one..." Frida said a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Frida-san, it's not a waste of time! So please, just say yes, alright? " Tatsurou asked with a reassuring tone, as he looked at the back of his hand and for a moment, Frida stayed silent again.

"V-Very well then...I accept your invitation, Lord Kurokami...but it has to be just for a little bit and only if you have a free day, if that is alright?" Frida asked a bit embarrassed, as the symbol lighted up briefly.

"Sure and don't worry, about the time factor! When the day comes, you can spend as much time as you want in the fountain, I'll even join you, if you want!" Tatsurou said again with a reassuring tone, as he smiled and once again the symbol looked as if it blushed, upon hearing Tatsurou's words.

"W-We'll see about that, when the day comes...and thank you, for doing this...Lord Kurokami..." Frida said with a very embarrassed tone, as the symbol lighted up a bit.

"No need to thank me...I just wish, we could do it sooner...!" As Tatsurou said this, he was suddenly interrupted by a cute and squeaky voice, that called his name...

"Tatsurou!!!" This voice belonged to Honoka, that had her black hair tied into a folded ponytail and was wearing a dark blue hoodie jacket with a t-shirt of Melody-chan under it and a frilled denim skirt, that called Tatsurou, as she ran towards him.

"Oh! Honoka...!" As Tatsurou said this, he was interrupted by Honoka, that jumped into Tatsurou's arms, when she got close, something that surprised Tatsurou, but not for too long.

"It's been so long, since I last saw you, Tatsurou! Say, say, did you missed me?" Honoka asked with a very happy tone, as she warped her hands around Tatsurou's neck and gave him a tight hug.

"I sure did!" Tatsurou said as he also hugged Honoka and gently head patted her for a bit, but it wouldn't last long, as Tatsurou was interrupted by another voice.

"Wait up, Honoka!" This other voice belonged to Honoka's mother, Amane Misumi, that had her wavy hair tied into a low ponytail and was wearing a white shirt with a black tank top under it and light blue jeans, called Honoka as she approached Tatsurou with a small run.

"Honoka! I already told you...that you can't jump into Kurokami-san's arms like that, every time you see him!" Misumi said with a tired and angry tone, as she finally got close to Honoka and Tatsurou.

"Eh? But mommy, it's been so long since I saw Tatsurou and I wanted to hug him really bad!" Honoka said as she briefly looked at Misumi, while she kept her arms around Tatsurou's neck and pouted.

"I know...but even if that's the case, you can't do that!" Misumi said as she placed her right hand on her hip and sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Kurokami-san...both for Honoka jumping into your arms and especially for making you wait so long..." Misumi said with an apologetic tone, as she bowed towards Tatsurou.

"You don't need to apologize, Misumi-san! I don't mind at all!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he adjusted his arms so that he could hold Honoka a bit better.

"No, I still feel bad for making you wait for almost an hour...when I told you that I would be quick...but when I told Honoka, that you were going to be the one to keep an eye on her, she refused to leave our house without wearing a jacket, just like yours, to surprise you..." Misumi said as she now placed her hand on her cheek and giggled a bit.

"Oh...I see..." Tatsurou said a bit surprised, as he smiled, but Honoka on the other hand jolted while she began to blush.

"M-Mommy! You promised that you wouldn't tell, Tatsurou, about it!" Honoka said with an angry and embarrassed tone as she pointed at Misumi, that began to laugh, as she placed her hand in front of her mouth.

"Come on, need to get angry at you mommy, or embarrassed, and I have to admit that you look really cute with this jacket!" Tatsurou said with an honest tone, that made Honoka blush again, upon hearing him.

"I didn't want to look cute... I wanted to look cool, just like you..." Honoka said with a silent embarrassed tone, as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou, that smiled again.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to tell, with that said, I now leave Honoka in your care, Kurokami-san!" Misumi said as she briefly giggled and head patted Honoka.

"Oh, that reminds me, do you need some spending money, Kurokami-san?" Misumi asked a bit curious as she stooped head patting Honoka and placed her hands together.

"Not really, be honest, I was thinking of taking her to the big playground here in the park, so we don't need any spending money...but what do you think, Honoka? Do you want to go somewhere else?" Tatsurou asked as he turned his gaze, from Misumi to Honoka.

"I want to go to the playground and play a lot on the swings and the slides!" Honoka said with a very happy tone, as she nodded.

"Sounds like you have a plan! Well then, Kurokami-san, I'll try to not take too long, since I just have to get a few documents and files for an upcoming joint research project...I think it will take an hour or two, but I'll try to be as quick as possible!" Misumi said as she raised her index finger a bit and smiled.

"I see...but don't have to worry about the time, Misumi-san, I don't really mind keeping an eye on Honoka for a bit longer, if you need it!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he smiled.

"Even if you say that, I can't bring myself to take this much time away from you, especially when you have exams coming up, right?" Misumi asked a bit worried, as she tilted her head a bit.

"Well, I do have exams coming up, but..." As Tatsurou said this, he was interrupted by a ringing sound, that came from phone.

"Good heavens, I'm already late!" Misumi said with a worried tone, as she took her phone, out of the pocket of her jeans and looked at the screen for a second.

"Well, the faster I go, the faster I can come back! So Honoka, be a good girl and do what Kurokami-san says, ok?" Misumi asked as she placed her phone away and looked at Honoka that nodded, upon hearing her.

"Good! Now, as soon as I'm done, I'll give you a call Kurokami-san and we can meet...right here in front of this fountain, is that alright?" Misumi asked as she began to turn her back to Tatsurou.

"Sure, no problem!" Tatsurou said as he looked at Misumi walking away as she waved, with Tatsurou and Honoka doing the same and when she was finally gone.

"An hour or two...looks like I can't take Honoka to see Marie...such a shame..." Tatsurou thought a bit sad, as she slowly stooped waving and did a mental sigh.

"Tatsurou, Tatsurou? What's wrong?" Honoka asked with a worried tone, as she gently pulled on the collar of Tatsurou's jacket.

"Hmm? Nothing's wrong, Honoka...I was just a bit lost in thought..." Tatsurou said as he gently placed Honoka on the ground and head patted her a bit.

"So, how about we make our way to the playground to play?" Tatsurou asked with a happy tone, as he stooped head patting Honoka.

"Yes, let's go! I just hope there isn't a lot of people on the swings or the slides!" Honoka said with an excited tone, as she grabbed Tatsurou's hand and began pulling him towards the direction of the playground...


Then, an hour and a half later, of playing and running around, Tatsurou and Honoka, were now sitting next to each other, on a wooden bench, close to the playground...

"This was so much fun! I just love to come to the playground!" Honoka said with a happy and tired tone, a she looked at Tatsurou and smiled.

"I'm happy to know, that you had lots of fun..." Tatsurou said with a happy and tired tone as he head patted Honoka a bit.

"But say, you want to eat or drink something?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious, as he stopped head patting Honoka.

"Not really...I'm a bit for now I just want to rest a bit, before going again!" Honoka said as she moved her legs up and down a bit while looking a bit away from Tatsurou, something that surprised him a bit.

"Is something wrong? If you want, I can really get you something..." As Tatsurou said this, Honoka interrupted him.

"Tatsurou, can I...ask you something...really, really important?" Honoka asked a bit curious as she now looked, at a very surprised Tatsurou.

"Well of course you can! What is it?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he tilted his head a bit.

"Say, Tatsurou...are you really in the Soteria intern...thingy?" Honoka asked with a very curious tone, as she pulled on Tatsurou's right sleeve, something that caught him a bit off guard.

"Heh? Y-Yes, I am in the Soteria intern program...but just how do you..." As Tatsurou was about to ask Honoka, how she knew about him being in the Soteria Intern program, he was interrupted again.

"Oh! So it is true, that you are in the Soteria intern thingy! Yuko-chan, was really telling the truth!" Honoka said with a very happy tone and with a blinding smile, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Yuko-chan, was telling the truth? Wait, don't tell me that you're talking about a little girl named Yuko Tachibana?" Tatsurou asked with a very curious tone, as he tilted his head.

"Yes! She's my classmate and were best friends!" Honoka said with a happy tone as she smiled.

"I see...but wait, how come that, Yuko-chan told you, about me being in the Soteria?" Tatsurou asked again, a bit curious.

"Well, you see, Tatsurou...I told everyone in my class, that I was in the museum, when that evil man with the sword appeared and that you saved me, just like those superheroes from TV!" Honoka said as she moved her hands a bit.

"But, my classmates didn't believe me! They said that I was lying and that there wasn't such a thing as superheroes!" Honoka said with a faint angry tone, as she pouted.

"But the other day, Yuko-chan, told everyone that she got stuck in a very big tree and as she was about fall, a boy from the Soteria caught her in the middle of the air and saved her! Then, when Yuko-chan told us your name, everyone began to finally believe in me and saying that you are a real superhero!" Honoka said with a very happy tone, as she moved her arms a bit.

"I see...that explains everything..." Tatsurou said a bit embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head.

"I was expecting, that she would tell what happened to her friends...but I never expected to be called a "superhero" of all things..." Tatsurou thought still embarrassed, as he smiled a bit, but it wouldn't last long, as Honoka pulled on his sleeve again...

"Tatsurou, can I now ask you something else, that's even more important?" Honoka asked with a very excited tone, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Sure, what is it?" Tatsurou asked, as he was brought back from his thoughts.

"Tatsurou, could you...come to my school and meet my classmates? They are always asking if they can see the superhero from the Soteria! Please, can you, can you?" Honoka asked with a very happy and excited tone, as she pulled on Tatsurou's sleeve again, something that surprised amd shocked Tatsurou quite a bit, as he looked at Honoka.

"Heh? I...I mean...I...would love to go, but I'm not a hero and I can't go to your school and walk in just like that, Honoka..." Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone, as he flailed his left hand a bit, Honoka began pouting, upon hearing him.

"That's not true, Tatsurou! You really are a hero! You were, so cool when you fought that evil man with the were like "Hyaa! Take that, you clown!" and "I won't let you hurt my friends!" it was so cool!" Honoka said with a faint angry tone that turned into a happy one, as she punched the hair trying to imitate Tatsurou in his fight against Kay, something that made him blush.

"If we tell that to our teachers, they have to let you in!" Honoka said with an excited tone as she placed both of her hands on Tatsurou's sleeve again and pulled some more.

"How do I tell her, that a grade school teacher, would never allow a high-schooler inside a grade school without a good reason...especially if you tell them a story like that..." Tatsurou thought, while he let out a sigh and began brainstorm ideas to escape this.

"Well, as much as I would like to go to your school and meet all of your friends...I really can't go..." Tatsurou said as he scratched his head a bit.

"Heh? Why?" Honoka asked both curious and angry as she kept her hands on Tatsurou's sleeve.

" see...since I'm in the Soteria, I have always a lot of work to do, you know...hero work and help lots of people, so I don't have time to see?" Tatsurou said a bit nervous, as he deep down thought that there was no way Honoka would believe him, but...

"Oh! I never thought about that! But it should have been obvious, that you wouldn't have time to visit us, since you have lots of superhero work to do and help people!" Honoka said with a happy tone, as she finally let go of Tatsurou's sleeve and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, that why I can't go, unfortunately..." Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head a bit.

"Honoka actually believed me...I wasn't really expecting that she would, but then again she's still a kid...and honestly, I still can't believe that I became so popular among her classmates...if could, I wouldn't mind meeting those little rascals..." Tatsurou thought as he began to blush a bit with the idea of having fans, but his thoughts came to an end, as a sound of notification went off.

"Looks like your mommy's done with work, Honoka..." Tatsurou said as he took his phone out of his pocket and saw that he got a message from Misumi, saying that she had finished her work and was now waiting for them.

"She's already done, really? I wanted to play some more..." Honoka said both sad and surprised as she looked at Tatsurou, then down.

"Don't be sad, Honoka! We'll see each other and play again, one of these days!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he got up from the bench and placed his phone away, but Honoka still had a frown on, as she pouted.

"Listen Honoka, I don't want you to go home all sad, so I will tell you something really good!" Tatsurou said as he turned towards Honoka and squatted, so that he could look at her in the eyes.

"Something good?" Honoka asked with a very curious tone and expression as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Yes! I was going to make it a surprise, but I think that you'd be happier to hear it listen, next time I come to spend time with you, I'm going to bring Marie with me!" Tatsurou said with a very happy tone to Honoka, which opened her eyes wide,upon hearing him.

"R-Really?! You'll bring Marie next time, Tatsurou? But wait, doesn't she live in France?" Honoka asked with a surprised and impressed tone, as she clenched her hands.

"She does, but now Marie as moved into Takamagahara defeat villains! Yes, lots of them! So that's why I can bring her next time with me and the three of us can play!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he head patted Honoka that began to smile a lot.

"Marie's here to defeat villains too...that's so cool! Now I can't wait to see her again!" Honoka said with a very happy tone, as she clenched her hands again.

"And Marie can't wait to see you too! So now that you know this, are you ready to go home?" Tatsurou asked as he stooped head patting Honoka and got up.

"I am! I can't wait to tell mommy, that Marie's here in Takamagahara too!" Honoka said witha hhappy tone, as she got down from the bench and grabbed Tatsurou's hand, and soon enough, they took their leave...


The path from the playground to the park's fountain, was made out of concrete and it was mostly straight, with a few slight curves along with it, but something that stood out, was the trimmed and well-preserved gardens with various trees on each side, of said path.

These trees gave a quite the good shade to this path, something that made it perfect to take walks or jog, without having to worry about the sun and on this path, Tatsurou and Honoka walked side by side, as they kept holding hands...

"Tatsurou, Tatsurou! Since you are in the Soteria, do you have that thingy that you put around your arm?" Honoka asked with a curious tone, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Hmm? Oh! You mean my armband! Yes, I do have one..." Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he smiled.

"Can I...see it?" Honoka asked a bit curious as she looked at Tatsurou, then away.

"I'm so sorry, but I forgot to bring it with me today...but I can show you something else!" As Tatsurou said this, he reached for the inside of his jacket, from where he took his wallet and showed his Soteria Id card, to Honoka.

"Oh! That's so cool! So that means, that when you show it, everyone knows that you're really are a Soteria agent, right?" Honoka said with a very impressed and excited tone, as she looked at the card, then at Tatsurou.

"That's right, Honoka! But you can't call me a Soteria agent yet, since I'm still an intern, for the time being..." Tatsurou said as he put his wallet away and smiled.

"But even if your that intern thingy, it's still so cool that you are in the Soteria, Tatsurou! I can't wait to grow up and join too!" Honoka said with an excited tone, as she moved her left arm a bit.

"Really? But it's pretty hard to join and you have to know how to use magic..." Tatsurou said with a stoic happy tone, as he glanced at Honoka, that briefly pouted.

"It's true that...I'm still learning how to use magic...but I'll get really good at it and then I'm going to join the Soteria and become your partner so that we can defeat bad guys together! So wait for me, Tatsurou, ok?" Honoka said with a happy and excited tone, as she looked at Tatsurou that smiled and blushed briefly upon hearing her.

"I see...then, I'll wait and I'll have you as my partner, I promise!" Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he gave a big smile to Honoka that responded with the same gesture.

"Honoka being my partner in the Soteria...just how many years had to pass for that to happen or even better, will I still be there, around that time...!" As Tatsurou thought this, he came to a sudden stop, thanks to Honoka, that was looking up at the trees.

"Honoka, what's wrong?" Tatsurou asked with a worried tone, as he looked at Honoka, that slowly pointed in the direction of a tree and when Tatsurou looked at the said tree, he saw a young girl with long blond hair, that was wearing a black and white beret on her head and long white dress with a shawl around her shoulders, sitting on a tree branch as she held a big shoulder bag in her arms, that rested on her lap.

"Just what..." As Tatsurou was about to ask himself, what was happening in front of him, he was interrupted by a worried voice, and when Tatsurou looked in the direction of this voice, he saw a young woman, with long silver hair and eyes, that was wearing a navy blue Victorian maid dress with a frilled apron and an equally frilled headdress, approaching him.

"Please, excuse me!" The young woman said with a worried tone, as she got close to Tatsurou and Honoka.

"Y-Yes?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at the young woman.

"I'm sorry to bother you, sir...but I need your help!" The young woman said again with a worried tone, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"You need my help?" Tatsurou asked as he pointed at himself.

"Yes! I need to know, if you saw a young girl...she's small and has long blond hair, she is wearing a white dress and a big beret on her head...please, tell me that you saw her..." As the young woman said this, Tatsurou briefly glanced at the tree and saw the girl that was sitting on the branch, placing her index finger in front of her lips, as she closed her eyes.

"Don't tell me...that this girl is in trouble and this woman is after her..." As Tatsurou thought this, he looked back at the young woman, while he slowly took stepped forward, so that he could stay in front of Honoka.

"A girl with blond hair, wearing a white dress and a big beret...hmm, I think that I saw her...!" As Tatsurou said this the young woman got extremely close to him.

"Y-You did? Where?" The young woman asked both happy and worried, with her face only a few centimeters away from Tatsurou's.

"Well, she...passed us not so long ago and she seemed to be in a hurry...she went down this path and turned right at the end of it..." Tatsurou said with a calm yet faintly embarrassed tone, as he pointed down the path, with his index finger.

"I she went down this path and turned right...I see..." The young woman said as she stepped away from Tatsurou and briefly looked down the path.

"Thank you very much, for your help, sir! Now, if you'll excuse me..." As the young woman said this she made a small bow towards Tatsurou and Honoka, before running in the direction that he gave her and a few moments later when she was finally gone...

"That was close..." Tatsurou thought, as he sighed a bit.

"That woman's gone now! You can finally climb down... " Tatsurou said as he looked at the girl on the tree, that slowly began to get down from it when she heard Tatsurou, but suddenly, the branch she was sitting on, broke, making the girl fall...

"Kya!" The young girl said while she held her shoulder bag tight and closed her eyes, preparing herself for the impact, but Tatsurou was faster.

"Oh no, you won't!" Tatsurou said as he let go of Honoka's hand and dashed towards the tree and when he got close, Tatsurou caught the girl, just in time.

"That was close...are you alright?" Tatsurou, that was now holding this girl in his arms, as if she was a princess, asked with a curious and worried tone, as he looked at her.

"Y-Yes, I am...thanks for catching me, mister!" The young girl said with a very polite tone, as she smiled, something that made Tatsurou blush.

"She's so she a foreigner...or from another district?" Tatsurou thought as he kept looking at the young girl, something that didn't last long.

"I'm sorry...but could you put me down now, mister?" As the young girl asked this, Tatsurou was quickly brought back from his thoughts.

"Heh? Sure...sorry..." Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as he gently placed the young girl on the ground and after that, what followed was a small silence between them, that was ended by Honoka.

"Tatsurou, that was so cool!" Honoka said with an excited tone as she moved her arms up and down while she got close to Tatsurou and the young girl.

"Come on, wasn't anything that special..." As Tatsurou said this he was interrupted, by the young girl.

"No, no, she is super right! Catching me, before I was able to hit the ground, was really impressive...mister it?" The young girl asked with an excited tone, which turned into a curious one, while she placed her hands together and tilted her head a bit.

"Yeah, that's" Tatsurou asked a bit curious, as he looked at the young girl.

"Oh, right! I believe that presentations are in order! Very well then, ahem, my name is, Livanya Drakon and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, mister Tatsurou!" Livanya said as she made a small courtesy bow to Tatsurou.

"Drakon? That name...sounds, I don't have time for that, I need to know if this girl needs help first..." Tatsurou thought as he briefly scratched his cheek before putting on a determined face.

"Likewise, Drakon-san and you don't have to thank me for this...but say, are you in... " As Tatsurou was about to ask Livanya if she needed help, he was interrupted...

"Say, Livanya-onee-chan? Are you in trouble?" Honoka asked with a curious tone, as she got close to Livanya and pulled on her dress.

"H-Honoka, you shouldn't..." As Tatsurou said this he looked at Honoka, then at Livanya, that to his surprise had a big smile on her face.

"Oh, my! Your such a cutie, calling me Onee-chan! I always wanted to be called like that! Feels like in one of my video games!" Livanya said with a very happy tone as she placed her hands on her cheeks and smiled while she fidgeted around for a bit.

"Now to answer your question, my little cutie...well, to be honest, I am in a bit of pinch..." Livanya said while she squatted a bit and looked at Honoka, that began to smile a lot.

"If you are in trouble, then Tatsurou can help you!" Honoka said with a happy tone as she pointed at Tatsurou, that let out a rather big "huh" upon hearing Honoka.

"Really? Mister Tatsurou, can help me?" Livanya asked with a curious and surprised tone, as she tilted her head.

"Yes, he can! Tatsurou is in the Soteria, so if you're in trouble, he can help you! Right Tatsurou?" Honoka said as she looked at Livanyas, then at Tatsurou.

"Well, I..." As Tatsurou said this, he was interrupted by Livanya, that regained her posture.

"Oh! I've read about the Soteria on the internet before coming here! Lucky me, to have run into one of its members! So with that said, can you really help me?" Livanya asked with a happy and curious tone, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Yes, I can help you..." As Tatsurou said this, Livanya suddenly grabbed his hands, surprising Tatsurou, quite a bit.

"Thank you, mister Tatsurou! You're a lifesaver!" Livanya said with a happy tone as she smiled at Tatsurou, Honoka just looked at them with an excited expression, while she clenched her hands.

"I just helped Tatsurou finding someone to help, I already feel like I'm his partner! Best day ever!" Honoka thought as she smiled and her eyes shined brightly.

"You don't have to thank me...but before I can help you, Drakon-san, you don't mind coming with me and Honoka? I'll have to bring her back to her mother..." Tatsurou said as he glanced at Honoka, that was still smiling.

"Of course, that I don't mind!" Livanya said with a reassuring tone, as she let go of Tatsurou's hands and smiled.

"It's settled then, lets go Honoka and Drakon-san..." Tatsurou said as he gently grabbed Honoka's hand and turned towards the direction of the fountain.

"Sure thing, mister Tatsurou!" Livanya said as she placed herself next to Tatsurou and soon enough, all three of them began to walk away from the tree and back to the path...


Then a few minutes later, close to the park's fountain...

"Hmm...Kurokami-san, is a bit late..." Misumi, that was standing next to the fountain, said as she took out her phone to check the time.

"I hope that Honoka, didn't cause any trouble...!" As Misumi said this, she was suddenly interrupted.

"Mommy, I'm back!" Honoka, that was holding Tatsurou's hand, said with a happy tone, as she looked at her mother and waved.

"Oh, Honoka...?!" As Misumi said this, she put her phone away and turned towards Honoka, but she stooped, upon seeing that besides being accompanied by Tatsurou, Honoka was also accompanied by another girl, that she never saw before.

"I'm sorry, that we're a bit late, Misumi-san..." Tatsurou said with an apologetic tone, as he got close to Misumi.

"Don't worry,'s alright..." Misumi said with a curious and confused tone, as she looked at Tatsurou, then at Livanya.

"What's wrong, mommy?" Honoka asked with a curious tone, as she let go of Tatsurou's hand and got close to Misumi.

"Don't worry, sweetie, nothing's wrong..." Misumi said with a reassuring tone, as she briefly head patted Honoka.

"Thank you, for having kept an eye on her Kurokami-san!" Misumi said as she stooped head patting Honoka and gave a smile to Tatsurou.

"No problem and if you ever need me, to keep an eye on her again, feel free to call me, Misumi-san!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket, but it was also in this moment that Misumi, got really close to Tatsurou.

"Say, Kurokami-san...who's this blonde haired girl?" Misumi asked with a curious tone, as she leaned a bit forward and whispered.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story...but you don't have to worry, everything's alright, she just needs my help, with little something..." Tatsurou said again with a reassuring tone, as he also whispered.

"Oh, I see...thank goodness, for a moment, I thought that you were cheating on Chateunoire-san..." Misumi said with a relieved tone, while she placed her hand on her chest and whispered again, but Tatsurou on the other hand, began to blush from ear to ear, upon hearing her.

"W-What are you talking about, Misumi-san? Marie and I..." Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone as he took a few steps back.

"I know, I know...I'm just kidding a bit, Ku-ro-ka-mi-san!" Misumi said with a joking tone, as she looked at the still blushing Tatsurou and giggled a bit, meanwhile both Honoka and Livanya just looked at them, a bit confused as they tilted their heads.

"Well, since you have to help this girl...I won't take any more of your time and let you go, Kurokami-san!" Misumi said as she stooped giggling and briefly bowed to Tatsurou.

"Shall we go home then, Honoka?" Misumi asked, as she turned towards Honoka and smiled.

"Yes! But first..." As Honoka said this, she got close to Tatsurou and Livanya.

"Thanks for playing with me today, Tatsurou! I had tons of fun! Oh and don't forget to bring Marie, next time!" Honoka said with a happy tone, as she looked at Tatsurou and smiled.

"Don't worry, I promise that I'll bring her with me, next time!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he gently, head patted her.

"And Livanya-onee-chan, you don't have to worry about a thing, Tatsurou is going to help you, he's a superhero, after all!" Honoka said as she now looked at Livanya, that smiled.

"Oh, looks like, I'll be in pretty good hands then!" Livanya said as she also gave a smile to Honoka.

"With that said, Honoka...I do believe that it's time to go home with your mommy, right?" Tatsurou said as he smiled and stooped head patting Honoka, that nodded upon hearing him.

"Bye-bye, Tatsurou and Livanya-onee-chan!" Honoka said as she got close to Misumi and held her right hand, while waving with the other.

"Bye-bye, Honoka!" Tatsurou and Livanya said at the same time, with a happy tone, as they waved at Honoka and Misumi that responded with the same gesture and when they were finally gone, a long silence reigned, between Tatsurou and Livanya and in this silence, Livanya looked a bit sad.

"Now that little Honoka is gone, I doubt that mister Tatsurou, will help me...but he already did a lot by tricking Talya and catching me it's alright..." Livanya thought as she did a sad mental sigh, as she thought that Tatsurou was just acting nice and going along with what Honoka said, but...

"Very well, now that this is was dealt's time to take care of you, Drakon-san..." Tatsurou said with a determinated tone, as he crossed his arms, something that made Livanya jolt a bit, upon hearing him.

"Eh, you're going to help me, mister Tatsurou, really?" Livanya asked both curious and impressed, as she pointed at herself.

"But of course! I just can't ignore and leave you all alone, when you need help!" Tatsurou said with an honest tone as he smiled, something that made Livanya blush as she heard him.

"I see...I see..." Livanya said a bit embarrassed as she looked away from Tatsurou.

"Oh my...I can't believe that mister going to really help me...but now, I feel a bit bad lying to him...since I'm just running away from Talya..." Livanya thought a bit embarrassed, as she kept looking down, but it didn't last long...

"Well then, Drakon-san...first, we should go to the Soteria headquarters and make a report about that woman, that's chasing you...or even better, I should call a friend of mine or in this case, my supervisor before we go, so that they can go and chase after her, immediately as we make our way to the headquarters...yes let's do that one first..."

Tatsurou said as he rubbed his chin with his left hand and moved his right hand towards the pocket of his jeans, to grab his phone, but it was at that moment that Livanya jolted again, as she began to sweat nervously.

"Wait, Wait! If mister Tatsurou, calls his friends in the Soteria...they will catch Talya and put her in jail! I-I can't let him do that!" Livanya thought as she looked at Tatsurou, that was now holding his phone and getting ready to start a call.

"W-Wait, a minute, mister Tatsurou! You don't have to call anyone in the Soteria, nor do we need to go its headquarters!" Livanya said with a panicked and worried tone, as she grabbed Tatsurou's right arm with both of her hands, stopping him from calling anyone, while she imagined Talya being taken into custody, without having done anything wrong.

"But, Drakon-san..." As Tatsurou was about to say something, he was interrupted.

"You don't have to worry...that woman...she was after me because...I played a prank on her...yes, I played a prank on her and she got angry, so please there's no need to involve the authorities because of a prank!" Livanya said still with a panicked tone, as she kept holding Tatsurou's arm.

"If that's the case, then I won't call anyone...don't worry, Drakon-san..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, while he put his phone away and as he did that, Livanya sighed with relief.

"Thank goodness, that I was able to stop mister Tatsurou..." Livanya thought a bit relieved as she placed her hands on her rather modest chest, while she let out another sigh.

"I bet that there's more to this than Drakon-san is letting me on, but that's to be expected, since we just met...for the time being, I'll just tag along with what she's saying and then ask what's going on, when she more at ease..." Tatsurou thought while he rubbed his chin again and glanced at Livanya for a moment.

"Ahem...say, Drakon-san, are you by any chance, new to Takamagahara?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he placed his hands inside of the pockets of his jacket, something that brought Livanya, back from her thoughts.

"Hmm?! Y-Yes, I'm from Russia actually and I arrived here this it's safe to say, that it is really, my first time here in Takamagahara!" Livanya said with a nervous tone, which turned into a confident and happy one, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"I see, so your from Russia then? That's a bit far away...I bet the plane ride was a bit boring, no?" Tatsurou asked with an impressed and curious tone, as he smiled.

"Well, the plane ride was a rather long one...but I didn't think that it was that boring, in fact, I thought it was a lot of fun and exciting, since it was also my first time riding one and I could see the clouds up close!" Livanya said with a very happy tone, as placed her hands together.

"I see...and I have to admit, that the first plane ride sure is the most fun one!" Tatsurou said as he smiled a bit, Livanya just nodded in agreement.

"But, Drakon-san, if you don't mind me asking, are you here on vacation...or are you here, for something else?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he looked at Livanya that became silent for a bit.

"You could say, that I came here on a sort of, vacation...but the real reason is...well..." Livanya said with a nervous tone, as she fidgeted a bit while looking down.

"It is fine, if you don't want to tell me, Drakon-san, I understand..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he scratched the back of his head a bit and smiled.

"That's not the case, mister Tatsurou...I just...!" As Livanya said this, a loud growling sound was heard, which made her open her eyes wide and sweat nervously.

"D-Don't tell me...t-that Talya is behind me!" Livanya thought as she began to tremble quite a lot, upon hearing another growl.

"I'm very sorry, Drakon-san...looks my stomach is asking for a bite...but that was to be expected after eating just two slices of toast and drinking a mug of milk this morning..." Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone, that turned into a joking one, as he scratched his cheek.

"Thank god...I thought I was done for..." Livanya thought as she let out a releaved sigh.

"I...I see, you don't have to say sorry, and to be honest, I haven't eaten anything ever since I got out of the plane, so I also wouldn't mind eating something to!" Livanya said with a relieved and happy tone, as she regained her composure.

"Hmm, If that's the case, we could get some crepes, from that food van, we saw on our way here earlier...what do you say, Drakon-san? My treat of course!" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he looked at Livanya, that was now drooling a bit from the corner of her mouth.

"Crepes? I never had crepes before! So I would love to eat one or two!" Livanya's said with a happy tone, as she quickly cleaned the drool with her hand and smiled.

"But I would feel really bad if you paid for it, mister Tatsurou! So let me be the one to pay for them..." As Livanya said this, she opened her shoulder bag and from out of it, she took a small coin wallet.

"Here you go! Is something wrong? " Livanya said with a happy tone, that turned into a worried one, as she opened her wallet and handed a 2000 Russian ruble bill to Tatsurou, that looked at it with a stoic expression for a bit.

"I'm sorry, Drakon-san...but we don't use this type of currency, here..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone, as he scratched his cheek and looked a bit away, Livanya became shocked upon hearing this.

"Eh, really? I had no idea!" Livanya said with a shocked and embarrassed tone, as she looked at the bill, then at Tatsurou.

"Come on, it's nothing worth being embarrassed about, Drakon-san...and I don't really mind paying, especially after hearing that you never ate one before!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he gave Livanya a warm smile, that made her blush, while she placed her ruble bill inside her coin wallet.

"Now we should be on our way, to get some crepes, before they run out..." As Tatsurou said this, he began to slowly turn in the direction of the crepe van, but he was interrupted by Livanya's again.

"Wait, mister Tatsurou! If you don't mind, could you please go get the crepes...while I wait here, close to the fountain for you? I've been walking the whole morning and I'm a bit tired..." Livanya said with a very faint embarrassed tone, as she fidgeted a little bit.

"I don't really mind, but Drakon-san, you..." As Tatsurou said this, he was interrupted again.

"I know...that you're still worried about that woman from earlier, mister Tatsurou...but believe me, when I say that I just played a little prank on her..." As Livanya said this, she made a small pause and placed her wallet back in her bag.

"So, please do not worry! I'll be waiting right here for your return and if someone does shows up, I'll run towards the crepe van!" Livanya said with a reassuring tone as she smiled towards Tatsurou.

But in reality, Livanya didn't want to go with Tatsurou, simply because she was still embarrassed by the fact that she wanted to give him a Russian bill to pay for the crepes, something that Tatsurou took notice of.

"Alright then, Drakon-san...I'll go and get our crepes, but if someone shows up or you're in trouble, please promise me, that you'll come running, ok?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Livany that nodded, while she smiled and the only reason that Tatsurou accepted this and didn't pressure Livanya to come with him, was because the crepe van, happened to be pretty close to them.

"I will, do not worry!" Livanya said again with a reassuring tone as she smiled and upon hearing this, Tatsurou began making his way towards the crepe van, while Livanya took a seat on the side of the fountain, and sure enough, after a rather quick walk, Tatsurou was approaching the pink VW kombi, that sold crepes and other sweets...

"I don't really feel too much at ease leaving, Drakon-san all alone...but I doubt that the woman will find her since I sent her to the outside of the park when I gave her those directions..." Tatsurou thought a bit worried, as he approached the rather long line of people that were waiting for their turn to order crepes.

"She was also pretty embarrassed, when I told her that we don't use rubles here...I just hope that she doesn't run away because of it or...!" As Tatsurou thought this, he jolted and his eyes opened wide, as he felt something familiar, creeping around from behind him.

"This aura..." Tatsurou thought as he felt this aura filled with nothing more than ill intensions growing bigger and bigger.

"Oh no, Drakon-san!" Tatsurou said with a very worried tone, as he turned around and began running towards the park's fountain at full speed...