Chapter 2

After Jana was left alone to walk herself home and a distress date with Gunther, she couldn't help herself just bursting into tears. He needed to be more fun and not so uptight. After another horrible date with some guy who is always talking about work and doesn't know anything about fun. Was she really so unlucky?

She couldn't help herself but cry over it, even though it was just plain stupid.

But then she was about a mile away from the park, she heard some noises. There was a commotion going on. She turned around to see an unknown blonde lady getting into some struggle with a guy.

Jana wanted to turn away. It wasn't her business whatever was happening and she was also too scared to go their and help. She started walking again, but then a corner of her eye caught sight of a woman kicking the guy into his sensitive parts.

That made her smile and giggle a little, through her tears.

Then as she saw the lady running in her direction, she continued walking at a slow pace, no rush to get him into an empty house. Destiny and Roscoe had a date night on the town, so there was nobody waiting for her.

Jana got startled as the lady approached her to check on her. As they kept talking, she ended up getting to know what happened. It turned out the lady's name was Angel, and she seemed fun to be around.

She was kind of in shock when she invited Jana to her house for a drink since the small cafe in the town was closed. Jana couldn't believe she made a new friend that night. As they finally approached a small apartment complex, it gave her a whole new perspective that some like to live in quiet and alone.

Angel and Jana walked side by side to Angel's apartment as they got about three stories up the tall building they finally reached the door. On them there was a number 30C, made of brass, proudly hanging on them.

Angel reached for her key in the back pocket and slid it into the hole. She turned it and opened the door, watching them slide aside.

"Guests first." She waved her hand to her apartment.

Jana walked in. It was very dark, so Angel closed the door and turned on the lights, apologizing for it not being organized. Jana looked around, curious to see how Angel lived.

"Oh it's alright, I understand being busy and exhausted."

Angel rushed over to Jana and grabbed her hand, guiding her to the kitchen and setting her at the bar. She smiled at her.

"What would Miss Jana like to drink and eat? I have Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, Sweet Ice Tea, Milk and of course Water. As for food, I can make Mac & Cheese, Sandwiches, Ramon Noodles, and possibly a TV Dinner of Lasagna."

Jana felt her stomach rumble.

"I will take water and I'll settle for a Sandwich. I'm not picky, so whatever you'll make it will be good," she honestly replied.

Angel smiled, grabbing two glasses from the hanging cabinet.

"I will do the same for myself then. So Jana, what are your thoughts on dating?"

"I don't like them because they are usually no fun," she mumbled, looking down at the counter.

Angel could relate to that matter. That was usually the case with her too.

"Yes, you're so right about that. It seems like guys want only one thing."

Jana looked up at Angel with a shy smile. "When was the last time you've dated or been in a relationship?"

Angel looked down as she served the water to Jana and started making the sandwiches.

"I have done both. Unfortunately, the one I was with for two years, left me for someone else. It was hard to move on from that relationship, and I haven't found anyone else just yet."

Jana couldn't beat that she has never been in a stable relationship to experience. Angel could see the sadness in Jana's eyes, realizing it wasn't best to ask the question and avoid it at best. So Angel figured asked a different question as she put the sandwiches on the table as she waved Jana over saying,

"Dinner is served. We have ham and cheese with light mayo, lettuce, tomato, and light salt with pepper. I hope that is okay? I also wonder what made you move to this town?"

Jana walked over to the table sitting in the chair beside Angel replying,

"It sounds great and looks yummy. I have moved out here because I wanted a change of pace and also to try and explore what is around here. I am from Sampson, which is about two hours from here."

Angel smiled with her mouthful after finishing her bite.

"I have an idea where that is," she responded.

"Though I have never left here even since my grandma passed away. Being alone has been my best option for me. I rather don't want to deal with a roommate."

Jana liked her best friend and roommate, but they needed one another for support. She couldn't imagine being by herself too much, with no one to speak with.

"I am sure in time you will find someone to love and support you. Someone, you will want to share your life with," she told her.

Angel laughed.

"Sorry, I'd rather just deal with my customers and my co-worker and friend Shauna. Everyone else is just annoying, and they don't understand me."

Jana felt compelled to say something but didn't as she finished her sandwich and Angel handled the plates and glasses.

Angel could suddenly feel the tension between them as it turned into a rather late night. It was already close to five in the morning with neither of them on set minds and in need of rest.

Angel went to the closet, getting Jana her bed clothes on the couch since she didn't feel particular having someone in her bed, she folded the blanket at the end of the couch and set the pillow on top. Then went to her room, grabbed a nightgown for Jana, brought it to her.

"This is all I have, the bathroom is in my room, but I will not barge in on you until you are done, go ahead and get yourself settled in and speak later."

Angel watched Jana head to the direction of her bedroom and could feel so curious what it'd be like to be with Jana full time. She shook her head, thinking better of it not to imagine being with another woman; it only causes more heartache.

Even the thought of being in love felt wrong, especially what Scarlett did in the end that left her hurt so bad to where she felt so sick to her stomach that she rather hurt than feel that type of relationship again. Angel decided to watch television until she heard Jana get out of the shower since she rather not walk in since it is rude.

Angel knocked on the bedroom door saying,

"Jana, are you dressed?"

Jana replied instantly,

"Yes, I am"

Angel walked into the room as Jana came out of the bathroom and Angel sat on the bed looking at Jana with sorrow eyes saying,

"I am sorry for earlier ever since my last ex-girlfriend left me, I feel that I have to act on it by hurting someone."

Jana sat next to her.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to. We both have had a rough night. I will take the couch, it's fine," she said.

Angel shook her head no and slightly grabbed Jana's hands replying,

"Can you please stay with me here, I have slept alone for quite some time now, and I can't take it much more."

Jana looked around nervously trying to come up with words to say but could only respond,

"I am not sure I could, this is all still new to me being with another woman."

Angel felt such remorse for her thoughts of being with a beautiful woman that has literally taken her heart for extra leaps.

Angel held onto Jana's hands a little longer saying,

"I understand if you must know, though I think you are beautiful in your own way, and I will be here if you need me."

Jana released her hands and walked away, closing the door behind her as Angel heard Jana crawl onto the couch and go to sleep.

Angel sighed as she made her way into the shower with her night clothes. As she stripped down completely, turning on the faucet to the shower and just getting right in relaxing in the heat feeling her tense body having a hard time calming down.

When she heard the bathroom door creak open, she jumped from surprise. She peeked through the glass and saw Jana looking at her. She just scrubbed her body even, feeling Jana's eyes on her. She turned her around slightly and saw that Jana had sat on the toilet.

"Angel, I can't sleep." Jana complained in a tired voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry if the shower bothered you, Jana. I wasn't trying to disturb you." Angel replied apologetically.

"It's not that, Angel." Jana's voice became shaky.

"I just never had a friend who cared as you do. My best friend Destiny doesn't understand me, she has a husband and a child. A life I have always wanted, but unfortunately, the tables have turned to where I can't find that one guy I could love."

Angel felt bad for feeling lust for the straight woman. She should have known better.

"Jana, men have no idea what they are missing. You are as beautiful as they come and I would appreciate you more than any man would."

Jana turned her face away. She was embarrassed by those words.

"Thank you, Angel, but I am not interested in women by far. I just want a guy to understand how much it would mean for me to settle down and not rush me into the bedroom."

Angel sighed and shut off the water as she saw Jana leave the bathroom. Feeling unsure how to handle Jana, she just dried off and looked at herself in the mirror, then slipped her clothes on and headed to bed in silence.