Chapter 3

Jana left the bathroom in silence as soon as she saw Angel get out. Now, she was just sitting on the couch.

Her thoughts were swirling around the fact Angel admitted her attraction to Jana. It made no sense whatsoever, she just didn't understand.

She got out of the night clothes and slipped into her date night clothes, then left to her own home, closing the door quietly not disturbing Angel. She was thankful they didn't switch numbers at that moment.

As soon as she got halfway down the hall, she heard a voice call her. Feeling guilty, she turned around to see Angel, her face looked betrayed.

Jana slowed her pace.

"Angel, I must go, this isn't right for either of us. I rather just be left alone since I am straight, and you are obviously lesbian."

Angel walked over to Jana and turned her to face her.

"Look at me," she ordered in a soft voice.

"So what if I feel attracted to you? I'm actually bisexual, I just prefer women. That makes me no different. Jana, I will not hurt you in any way, just come back to my apartment. Please."

Jana shook her head, trying to deny Angel's words. The next thing she knew, there were soft lips against hers, not longer than a second. Jana couldn't breathe. She looked at Angel and touched her lips with shaking hands.

"Why did you do that? I told you I don't like women in that way, and you just kissed me anyway. An innocent woman, and with such hunger."

Angel shook her head. Her lips twisted into a sad smile.

"You are literally blind, Jana." Her words didn't put any blame on her. Angel knew she had to be the one to open Jana's eyes, making her realize she can like a woman. That she can like her.

"You are beautiful, and I want you to come back to my apartment. I am not out to hurt you at all, I find you very attractive, and no man will ever treat you the way I will."

Jana didn't like that speech. She shoved Angel against the wall.

"You have no idea who I am and what I am. You can't just assume what I will feel towards a man if there is one good enough for me."

Angel crossed her arms over her chest. She won't give so easily.

"Jana, you didn't even hear me, again. But that is okay."

Angel gently removed her finger from Jana's lips. She grabbed her by the hand and dragged her back to the apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Okay, listen to me one more time. I find you very beautiful, and I'm not going to be some guy who leaves you hanging like that idiot did yesterday evening. I am willing to show you what a real woman can do to please you in every way."

Jana stood, they're just looking at Angel dumbstruck, unsure what to say. She just thought of what to say next, but nothing came to words. Jana sat on the couch without a word. Angel sat next to her.

"I am sorry for being so honest with you. But since I met you yesterday evening, I just can't and won't let my feelings go without knowing." She sighed. She just wished Jana could feel the same way about her as she did about Jana.

Jana looked at Angel. Her eyes were full of questions.

"Why me? Out of all the women in this world, you chose me. I'm nothing compared to anyone else and my best friend Destiny has the life I want and crave for."

Angel smiled and hugged Jana. She didn't try to leave her embrace. Angel counted that as a small win.

"That is where you are blind on. Women that are friends or couples can have all that as well. Please, just give me a chance to show you and we will go from there."

Jana took a deep breath looking down at her hands. She was still deciding if she should accept Angel's suggestion.

"Are you sure about this? I mean we just met, and I am not sure what to think of all this? I wouldn't even know what to tell anyone that knows me?"

Angel placed a finger over Jana's lips responding,

"We can keep it hidden, do you agree? I just want what is best for you and me, for us. I have never been attracted to a straight woman before, but you took my breath away."

Jana slowly nodded. After spending so much time with Angel, she could have admitted to herself that she felt more connected to her than she did to Gunther.

"I have never met anyone so crazy about me. I need to call my roommate Destiny first and let her know where I ended up. She might still think I'm with Gunther."

Angel grabbed her house phone.

"You can just tell her you ran into me on the way home, and we are just having coffee or whatever you wish to tell her."

Jana nodded then took the phone into the bedroom as she dialed the apartment number upon answering the first ring was Destiny.

"Hello, who is this?"

Jana sighed. There she goes.

"Hey Destiny, it's me, Jana. Just calling to tell you my date with Gunther went bad, and I am safe with someone new that I came across while walking home."

"Where are you? I am coming to get you now...You better give me that address." Destiny sounded frustrated.

Jana didn't respond and just hung up the phone. She walked out to the living room to see Angel smiling.

"How did it go?"

Jana shook her head. She probably shouldn't just hang up, but she didn't want for Destiny to come.

"Destiny thinks she can just take me from where I am and take me back home. She would probably lecture me on my dating points. I hung up on her before that so she couldn't find it. I hope you didn't have caller ID."

"I don't so she can't come and get you," Angel smiled.

Jana smiled to herself, thankful for Destiny not able to find her right away. In the meantime, she will get to know Angel a bit more.

Jana and Angel talked most the day away, stealing kisses every now and then, but nothing more went beyond that even though in the back of Jana's mind she wasn't sure what to feel with Angel. It was a whole new path that has taken her for a leap of faith. Jana held Angel's hand and looked her deeply into her eyes.

"I am glad we met, but I must get changed and head to work. Even though I don't want to, with Destiny also working there."

Angel held her hand a little tighter.

"How about we take a different route for your job, you can come to work at my new and approved bookstore cafe downtown? It isn't that far, and you can leave that job, it obviously isn't worth it."

Jana shook her head responding,

"No, it isn't worth it, and I am glad to have lost a day of sleep with you. I'm ready to move on to your job, but I mustn't wear out my stay. I must go back to my apartment and work on living near you. At least so I'm not too far out of my way, but it'll take me a while to get where I need to be."

Angel nodded with a smile kissing Jana softly on the lips then releasing replying,

"We can take this slow and date it is no issue, I would love it if you lived near me but I know money can be tight and such so in time you will be here in my neighborhood."

Jana smiled then walked with Angel to the door as they gave each other one more kiss then Jana grabbed her purse and left. Angel could feel herself getting a bit chilly being by herself then a knock startled her thoughts, she peeked out the door it was Jana as she opened it saying,

"I forgot to give you my number, let me write it on a pad for you."

Angel smiled, grabbing a pen and a pad of paper as they switched numbers then they kissed one more time than Jana left as Angel watched the beautiful woman walk in pleasure. Angel slowly closed her door then sighed as she leaned against it feeling the sudden loss of her new love leaving for a while which they forgot to exchange on, and they have a positive outcome. Soon as Angel got up from the door, her doorbell rang she was hoping it was Jana coming back again for something else, but when she looked at the peephole she saw it was Scarlett so she sighed and unlocked her door saying,

"What do you need Scarlett? We broke up a long time ago."

Scarlett pushed Angel inside, and they both landed on the couch as Scarlett kissed her long and hard as Angel try to shove her off then once she pushed her off saying,

"What do you need Scarlett?"

Scarlett gave a sweet smile replying,

"I want you back of course baby, you are my world I realize that."

Angel shoved her out of the apartment replying,

"Get the heck out of here and never come back, you found love in someone else and so have I, so get out, GET OUT!"

Angel locked the apartment again then crawled into a corner rocking herself with the freight of Scarlett breaking the door down since she is crazy enough too. Angel fell asleep an hour later with a thought of Jana in her mind seeing her beauty in her dreams as they kissed with pleasure taking on full sexual thoughts from feeling each other's breasts to going down on each other than ending in a cuddle that made her heart leap. As soon as she heard a knock, her door she could hear Jana calling her name and she ran to the door hugging her tightly saying,

"I have missed you, oh my goodness I have had a rough evening after you left, my ex-girlfriend Scarlett came by and forcefully kissed me and expected me to take her back, oh please, please, please just stay with me Jana so she doesn't come back."

Jana held Angel gently gently brushing her hair and pushing her lightly to the couch replying,

"I have missed you too, and I am sorry you had a rough night. I will stay with you as long as you need me and Scarlett isn't getting you, you have me."

Angel looked up with teary eyes responding,


Jana nodded and wiped away the tears replying,

"Yes, I am right here and I won't let you go."

Angel kissed Jana's cheek as Jana did the same as she lifted Angel's head saying,

"So, when you did sleep what did you dream of?"

Angel turned away and blushed replying,

"Ummmmm....I am not sure how to tell you this but.....I um..uh...had a hot dream of us."

Jana turned Angel around responding,

"Oh really?"

Angel giggled replying,


Jana and Angel giggled together then Angel got up from the couch and pulled Jana with her to the kitchen saying,

"We need breakfast, it's been a long weekend, and we need to eat more than that sandwich from the other night."

Both ladies laughed as Jana grabbed the eggs and Angel got the bacon out as they both made a meal together while talking and carrying on.

After they had eaten, Angel grabbed Jana by the waist, kissing her with gentle ease. They moved on to the bedroom and Angel pushed Jana to the bed as they kept kissing with passion.

Their tongues intertwined together, feeling the mist of each other. Grinding their hips together and fondling each other's breasts with their clothes on, as each feeling the pace of their breaths together and they kept going in motion together.

They both squirmed beneath each other. When Angel placed her hands outside of Jana's jeans, she felt the wetness soaking through. Jana was repeating the act, as both kept kissing in intensity. They rubbed each other in between the legs and both let out deep moans in between kisses. They tried not to holler each other's names into the air, as Angel felt Jana's wetness soak even more. That was when they both stopped and looked one another in the eyes.

"That was amazing," They said at the same time.

They both giggled, and Angel rolled off of Jana with a sweet sigh as did Jana. Angel lifted up on her shoulder.

"I know that wasn't actual sex," she started. gut that was wonderful in so many ways. Jana, you are amazing in more ways than one.

Jana smiled at Angel looking into her eyes.

"As you are but don't we have to work today?" she replied.

Angel shook her head.

"I gave everyone in the bookstore cafe a break from working so much, we've been going non-stop since we opened last year."

Jana sat up looking at Angel in surprise. "How long have you given all your workers time off?"

"About two weeks, enough time for everyone to recover from the major holidays," Angel winked.

Jana didn't know what to say because that is a lot of work from last year's opening to now. "So how much is the shop up to in money wise?"

Angel couldn't hide it; they made quite a lot in the past year.

"We've made over a thousand or so plus paid taxes and such," she told Jana.

"Wow!" Jana was still in complete shock.