Wry smile...

When Sheng Ruming took the responsibility from his father and became the CEO, those people became much more slacked and lazy. After gaining success, they presumed they deserved it and it was expected. Those executives took it for granted. 

Sheng Ruming had to bear with some old tricks of the old cunning foxes. If he wanted to he could have thrown them away from the company but he wasn't that powerful yet. He could have also take help from his father but he wanted to gain real power and control over his own life so he didn't seek help from anyone. 

Now, that Sheng Haotin will be going to the company as the temporary CEO for the next few months, those people have to be on the edges of their nerves again. Sheng Haotin is the biggest shareholder of the "Sheng Industry and Corporation" and his decisions would affect their interests a lot and it had also happened in the past a lot.