Angry Su Mengsi.

Yan Luhan was the brightest child among his friends. Also, the Yan family was the top family in the Ming city back then, be it the family status or wealth. But after Sheng Ruming became the CEO of the 'Sheng Industry and Corporation', he worked his way out to the top companies of the country. 

So now the 'Sheng Industry and Corporation' is among the top five companies and the top one in the Ming city. 

Many times these two companies would head on fight for some projects but Sheng Ruming would always win in the end. But due to their friendship, he would give Yan Luhan leeway as his friend on some of them. He didn't need to fight for projects with his friends as many large cities had their branch company and he wasn't short on these but he wouldn't just leave the bigger ones for anyone. For him, their friendship wasn't worthwhile to do.