Chapter 285 My Jiang's notes about "10 ways to make your enemy regret the purpose of life!"

In the end, his mood became worse, 'Why is everyone trying to snatch this person?! I can't even keep her to me for a day!.'

Luo Lixi smiled gently as she sat down beside Wei Airan. The old woman smiled in satisfaction.

Luo Qintian didn't give any reaction because Luo Lixi was beside him.

As the food was served on the table, she took some dishes and served Wei Airan before everyone. 

"Aunty, please tell me whatever you like. These things are fresh and from here. It will taste more good than regular dishes." Luo Lixi enthusiastically put a piece of red chilli chicken on Wei Airan's bowl.

On the other hand, the two men's faces were blank. 

Sheng Ruming wanted her to move beside him while Luo Qintian glanced around the table full of food. But because his health wasn't good, he was given bland and light food.

Luo Lixi noticed his dissatisfaction and whispered, "Bear with it. Your health isn't good enough. Only pain porridge will do."