Chapter 286 Luhan targeting Ji family's business.

When Ji Yanli had gone abroad, he had instructed someone to follow her all the way and to keep an eye on her for 24 hours. 

The thing that she was living in the same room with that low-class cheap assistant made his blood boil in utter contempt and wrath. His eyes turned red in frustration and jealousy when he saw those photo taken from the balcony in which both of them were sitting together 

Yan Luhan's bitter thoughts were very twisted, 'Why did she let him stay together with her and ignore me every time I want to talk alone?!' 

The man imagined the white paper as Wang Haixiao. 'Heh!' Yan Luhan crumbled and crushed the pitiful thing mercilessly with his five fingers. Then he threw the white paper on the ground and stepped on it hard.

At that time Mu Jiang came in and saw this scene but he didn't say anything about it. The dissatisfied man gave him the file again.