Chapter 327 Deathly competition!

"Girl, what's your name?... Your age? What about your family members?! And...your birth year…? The university you have studied at… Blah Blah… more blah blah..."

Even the blind could see that Elder Leng was out to get a good girl to match with his degenerate grandson! 

The dear grandson who had made a huge scene at a bar and caused him a lot of headache in his old age… How infuriating!

Watching his gossipy auntie-like behaviour, Elder Bin and Elder Wang moved their ears and rubbed those gently. As if it would help them to listen to those murmurs clearly even though they despised his shamelessness!

Pan Er Jiu nudged her glasses and like a good girl, tried to answer everything. "Name Pan Er Jiu, age 24…"

Even though she got educated to never expose one's personal info to unknown people since her very young age, currently all those teachings were thrown outside and went down the drain… the teachings ultimate destination was the vast sea...