Chapter 328 Difficult to please everyone.

After saying that, he even cast a weird glance towards her, Luo Lixi subconsciously touched her face and felt the little beads of sweat brimming up on her skin. 

She murmured with an awkward smile, "Ah? It's so obvious?" 

"Indeed…" Sheng Ruming saw her taking out a handkerchief to wipe her face. Even the air-conditioning of the hall wasn't enough to calm her restless heart down. 

Currently, Luo Lixi had only one thought, to get the chance to go on that stage. 

Even for once, she wanted the chance to stand firmly before the masses and prove that her grandfather didn't make the wrong decision when he handed the company to her.

Elder Kong saw Sheng Ruming's plan for this project and felt very satisfied. All along, he liked this type of man who matched his personal preferences. "As expected, Sheng Haotin's son is destined to be a rare gem…"