Chapter 431 Want to live in Luo Mansion.

Luo Lixi puffed her cheeks and sat on her father's lap with a cute frown. Madam Tang wanted to take her yet the expression on Luo Baiyun's face was very bad. So she didn't go ahead despite wanting to. 

Suddenly, the old lady's face became serious as soon as the other people left the area. She turned to her son and uttered with a pained tone, "Child, it's one thing that you refused to come here for so many years but how could you hide the news of the birth of my granddaughter?! Do you have any idea how shocked I was?!" 

'Ah, she didn't know about me?! How can father do that?!' Luo Lixi thought in disbelief as she turned to peek at her father. The latter directly ignored her and continued to stare ahead.