Chapter 432 Grave matters...

"Aunty…" Wang Yue gazed anxiously at the approaching old woman. Looking at the little figure in the old lady's embrace, she wavered in unknown jealousy. 

Madam Tang stared at her and coldly whispered, "Didn't you tell me you have given Sun Xumei infertility drugs and it's impossible for her to get pregnant? What is this? Was my granddaughter dropped from the sky?" 

"I… I made sure to watch her taking drugs. I don't know how she became pregnant with… this girl…" Wang Yue murmured bitterly as she glanced at Luo Lixi. 

"..." A shiver ran down Luo Lixi's spine when she learned this and her mind trembled as she thought in disbelief, 'These two people nearly blocked my path to come into this world! Unforgivable!!!'

Again, Wang Yue's eyes changed as determination came like sharp lights. She peeked at the figure who was following Housekeeper Wu in another direction with contempt.