7. The Marriage

Oliver kept begging me not to leave him. "Look I can't be with you. Our parents are getting married Oli as much as I love you we can't do this."

"Hunter are you being serious right now? I have wanted to be with you ever since we kissed on spin the bottle and now you are going to reject me because they are getting married? I love you. Please."

This was pretty much all he said for the few days after us finding out about the marriage.

Olivia came and tried to talk me into being with her brother again but I just couldn't. It didn't feel right to be with him now that we were going to be family.

Oliver started leaving the house at night. He said he couldn't be in the same room as me anymore. He went to stay with some of his friends from school.

After about a week of him doing this I started to see him spend a lot of time with this one guy. This guy's name was Ron and he was actually pretty cute. After seeing together I started to hate Ron. I was getting pissed off Oliver was spending so much time with him.

He invited Ron over for dinner one night. Our parents were so excited. Liv sat next to me Oli across and Ron next to him. Our parents were asking him all these questions and he kept looking at Oliver lovingly.

I kept looking at the table my hands were clinched into fists. I felt Olivia's hand on my arm as she asked quietly if I was alright. I just nodded still looking at the table.

My parents had obviously asked me something so Oliver kicked me gently. I looked up glaring at him when my parents asked me if I was alright with the wedding plans. That they were going to get married in November. I just nodded and ate the rest of my food asking if I could be excused.  My mom said it was ok.

I went up to my room crying into my pillow. A couple hours later I heard the door open. I felt the bed sink down on one side. Someone started to rub my back as I was still crying.

"I love you." He whispered. "If you don't want me anymore I will just have to accept that. But I'm not planning on being with another guy in case you were wondering. Ron is just a friend. I promise. I have never lied to you before Hunter and I'm not going to start now." He kept rubbing my back. I stopped crying and after a few minutes I fell asleep with him doing this.

The next morning was the first that I woke up in two weeks that he was still there. It hurt because i loved him and at one point I thought we should be together until they were married but if we did that then it would be harder to separate. I had been in love with him for so long so if I was with him for a little while it would either hurt me or help. I thought maybe I should talk to Oliver about it but I was worried he would just tell me we should be together for his own wants. So i went to Olivia's room. I knocked and she said come in.

She was face down in bed drooling. "Tell me what to do."

"What do you mean?" She sounded half asleep still.

"With Oliver, Liv I love him but we can't be together when they get married so what should I do? Can I be with him for a few months and it will be nice while it lasts or should I leave it alone?"

"Hunter it will only hurt you both if you break up. He is already in so much pain not being with you. I want you guys to be together. He wants you to be together but it's up to you Hunter."