8. Before the Wedding

I went back into my room after talking to Olivia and crawled into bed with Oli. He moaned and wrapped his arm around me.

I pulled away far enough so I can see his face. "I love you." I whisper as I kiss him gently.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "I love you. Is this your way of saying we can be together?"

I was nervous about us being together but he had my heart. I knew I wanted to be with him no matter what. "Yeah I want to be with you." I rubbed my forehead against his.

He kissed me then held me from behind as we fell asleep.

Olivia woke us up smiling when she saw us in bed together. We had to go to school but I wanted to stay in bed with Oli. I turned around in his arms and kissed him. He moaned as he kissed me back.

Olivia jumped on the bed on our legs and said "Get up we have to get to school."

I groaned and told her 20 minutes. I went back to kissing him. He kissed me back getting on top of me. He started kissing my neck I pulled his hair. After he bit down on my neck moaning.

"10 minutes." Liv said from the door. I groaned and pulled away from him getting dressed.

We were in his car driving. I was singing to the radio. He just drove with his left hand so I grabbed his right and put it on my leg. "You don't want my hand there because I might start getting closer and closer to your dick."

I laugh "I dont care. I want you to touch me." He rubbed my leg not getting any closer though. When we arrived at school Liv jumped out saying she was going to be late. As we were walking into school his arm was around my shoulder. No one thought it was weird because we were best friends and about to be family.

Sara on the other hand thought it was weird. She came up to us and said "so this is why you broke up with me? Because you are gay for him?" No one was paying any attention to her they kept walking ignoring our conversation.

Oliver ignored her too as he started opening his locker for his books. She started at him again "Hello? I know you can hear me. You dumped me so you could fuck your brother." He glared at her.

"No Sara I dumped you because you are a bitch. Plain and simple." He smiled at her.

She whispered to him only loud enough for me and him to hear "so you aren't into him? You haven't kissed or had sex with him?"

He rounded on her grabbing her arm gently. "Don't talk about him. What he and I do is none of your business." I grab his shoulder. "This isn't the place calm down." I said to him because people were starting to look at us now.

She whispered to me "is that what you're into? An abusive boyfriend? Maybe so with that hickey you have."

I laughed at what she said because I knew Oliver longer than she even knew what sex was. I knew he wasn't abusive, he didn't hurt her and what he and i did was none of her business. He barely touched her. Oliver looked so pissed off but he walked away. I shut his locker and followed him out of the building.

"Oli wait." I ran up to him.

He got into his car and I got in he kissed me. "I can't stay here today. I'm not going to let anyone call me abusive. I have never hurt any woman or person in general. The only people I have ever hurt was men who hit me first. I can't do it today. I need to go home. You can come if you want, I wish you would but if not i will be back at 3 to pick up you and Olivia."

He looked so stressed out. I decided to go home with him. Right when we got there he went upstairs I followed him because there was nothing else to do.

"Oliver I'm going to take a shower. You can come if you want." I said not looking at him but going to the bathroom. I undressed getting the water hot. After I got in I heard the door open.

"I can shower with you right?" He sounded nervous but I told him yes. I heard his clothes fall to the ground as he climbed in behind me. I felt his breath on my neck.

"Damn the water is hot." He said.

I turned around "no Oli you are hot. " I put my arms around his neck. He leaned down kissing me. I haven't seen him naked since we were kids. I ran my fingers over his abs as he kissed me.

"I'm sorry about what she said. You aren't abusive. Plus you shouldn't have to defend or explain anything that happens with us." He nodded as he pulled me closer.

"I love you. I don't care what people think about me. You are all I want." His finger under my chin as he kisses me. He turned us around so my back was up against a wall. "I'm sorry about the hickey." He said kissing it softly.

I shook my head "you can give me hickeys wherever you want. I like feeling your mouth on me."

"Would you let me uh I mean you- you are a virgin right?" He asks pulling away looking kind of nervous.

I nod biting my lip.

"Would you let me change that?" He asks. His face is red I'm not sure if it's from the heat of the water or because he is nervous for asking me.

I pull him to me kissing him. "If your sister wouldn't have bothered us this morning I would have thought it would have happened then."

He looks at me surprised. Then he has the biggest smile on his face.

"I mean even if we aren't together forever you are someone who I know loves me. I don't want anyone to take my virginity who isn't in love with me." I said looking at my feet.

"I would do anything for you. If you want us to do it I will be gentle, I will stop at any point. If it hurts I will stop.  I love you and I want to be your first." He said kissing my forehead. He started washing himself off then turned my around starting washing my back. He started getting lower until he was at my ass. He rubbed inside it. I moaned as he started fingering my ass.

"Is this ok?" He asked me. I can barely breathe but I nod at his question. I feel his dick rub against my ass. I turn around. "I don't want to do it in the shower." He looks confused but nods. He helps me finish washing off and I help him wash off.

We just go back to our room and lay in bed kissing naked for a little bit until its time to go pick up Liv.