Chapter 28: Strange Introductions

A/N: Join the discord if you want.


Topaz makes his way over to the elevator to get to Professor Ozpin's office. Arriving he sees Professor Goodwitch focused on the papers in front of her.

Topaz: "Ahem, Professor Goodwitch. I'm back with good news."

Goodwitch: "Hmmm. Oh, Topaz you actually came back?"

Topaz: "Yes, I did. I've also brought Roman and I was able to get Neo, my source, out of there."

Goodwitch: "Well, I guess we should o and speak with Ozpin about this. Come on."

Entering the elevator, Neo hides behind Topaz, attempting to hide from the glares Professor Goodwitch is sending Topaz's way. Roman thankfully has gone quiet, not wanting to have all of Professor Goodwitch's anger focused on him. Topaz sighs in relief when the doors open and reveal Professor Ozpin's office.

Goodwitch: "Excuse us Professor Ozpin. It would seem that Topaz has returned."

Ozpin: "Ah, young Topaz. It's good to see you've returned. I trust your mission was a success."

Topaz: "Yes sir. I was able to get into their base, stop their plans, capture Roman Torchwick and get Neo, my source, out."

Ozpin: "Very good. General Ironwood has been notified and should be here shortly to retrieve our criminal guest and bring him to better accommodations."

Within minutes, the elevators open again revealing General Ironwood, along with four of his Atlas soldiers. Professor Ozpin walks over to General Ironwood and begins talking with him.

Ironwood: "Ozpin, as much as I appreciate the invitation, I'm going to guess it's not a social call based on the numerous faces that are here."

Ozpin: "Yes James. I've requested you here to assist in detaining Roman Torchwick, and holding him somewhere secure."

Ironwood: "Ozpin, you know I have some of my best looking for Torchwick as we speak. I will be more than happy to detai-. He is right there. Why is he there."

Ozpin: "Young Topaz here was able to successfully make his way into a base of his, stop the plan that he had ongoing, and capture him."

Ironwood: "How on Remnant did he manage that?"

Ozpin: "Apparently the girl is someone he knows who was acting as a mole for him under Roman."

Ironwood: "I might have to speak with the girl about joining the Atlas military to work as a spy for me."

Topaz: "No."

Ozpin: "Topaz, you should know it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations."

Topaz: "Maybe so, but Neo deserves to live a normal life after what she's been through."

Ozpin: "Topaz, can I ask how you and Miss Neo met?"

Topaz: "Sure, the day before starting here at Beacon I saved her from three huntsman trying to have their way with her. I then encountered her down by the docks, the night of the attack. That was when she let me know her situation and offered to help. She followed Roman because he was the only one who treated her like she was a person, even though he did it to use her."

Ozpin: "She followed a criminal because he treated her well? You expect us to believe that?"

Topaz: "I don't care if you believe me or not, no offense sir. Every encounter I've had with her and have treated her kindly she's begun to tear up. I want her to see that there is good in this world, and I want to see her happy."

Ozpin: "Good. That ideology of wanting to help people, not for personal gain or pride, but to show them people care, is what being a huntsman or huntress is all about. I'm leaving her in your responsibility until we figure out what she wants to do. Anything happens and it's your responsibility Topaz."

Topaz: "Yes sir. Thank you."

Topaz makes his way back over to Neo and gives her a warm smile. Ironwood walks over and grabs Torchwick, before dragging him with him towards the elevator. After the doors close Professor Goodwitch turns and faces Topaz and Neo.

Goodwitch: "Now, you two. Topaz, you are already aware of it, but Miss Neo, while you decide what you would like to do with your life, you will be Topaz's responsibility."

Neo gives a curt nod and types on her scroll. Topaz takes his scroll out from habit of seeing Neo type in hers. Seeing the message addressed to the two professors, Topaz hands his scroll to Professor Goodwitch.

{Professors, I would first like to properly introduce myself. My name is Neo Politan, and I apoligize for communicating this way, but I am unable to speak so this is the only way possible. I do not wish to cause Topaz any trouble, so I will be on my best behaviour.}

Ozpin: "It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance Miss Politan. If there is anything we can do to help make your time with us easier, please do let us know."

Neo nods her head and gives Professor Ozpin a small smile.

Ozpin: "Alright then, Topaz, take her to your team's dorm room. She will stay with you and your team until she decides what to do."

Topaz: "Yes sir. Come on Neo. Let's go and introduce you to my friends."

Topaz leads Neo out of Professor Ozpin's office and gives her a small tour of Beacon Academy. He then leads her into the dorms and walks her over to where his team stays. Knocking on the door Topaz turns and warns Neo.

Topaz: "Just a heads-up Neo, my team can be a little loud at times, so warning you now. I really hope you and Ariel can get along. You both mean a lot to me."

Neo blushes at his comment but focuses when she hears the doorknob begin to open. The door opens and a girl with bright red hair opens the door.

Scarlett: "Who is it? Oh Topaz, you've returned."

Topaz: "Hey Scarlett, how have things been?"

Scarlett: "They've been pretty uneventful to tell you the truth. A lot of training. Come on in."

Topaz and Neo follow Scarlett into the room. Nova sees them walk in and gives Topaz a grin that spelled trouble. Topaz looks to his right and sees Ariel on her bed reading while listening to music. He walks over to her and crouches down so she can see him. Once she sees him, she squeals and tosses off her headphones, and throws her arms around him.

Ariel: "Topaz, you're back!"

Topaz: "I'm back Ariel."

Topaz returns her hug and gives her a kiss on her temple, before turning and motioning Neo to come over.

Topaz: "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Neo. She's someone that has been through a lot, so I hope you will all treat her well."

Scarlett: "It's a pleasure to meet you Neo, my name is Scarlett Ernst."

Nova: "How are you doing Neo? I'm Nova Panzer."

Ariel: "Pleased to meet you Neo, my name is Ariel Tumaki. Your hair and eyes look so pretty."

Topaz: "Neo and Ariel, could I speak with the two of you a moment?"

Both girls nod at Topaz's request and then follow him out of the room. Topaz leads them to the edge of the forest where he knows that he won't be interrupted. Feeling comfortable with where they were, Topaz turns to the girls and takes a deep breath.

Topaz: "Ok, before this gets too far. Neo, I want to let you know that Ariel is my girlfriend. Ariel, Neo is a girl that I encountered the day before we started here at Beacon. I stopped a couple of thugs who were trying to take advantage of her. Since then she's helped both me and my sisters to try and stop Roman Torchwick. With her help, I was able to bring Torchwick into custody today. Neo means a lot to me, and it's pretty easy to tell she has feelings for me as well."

Topaz can see Neo begin to tear up after he finished and wants to go over and comfort her. But before he can do anything Ariel turns to her and hugs her. Neo blinks in surprise and looks at Ariel curiously.

Ariel: "Neo, I'm going to be honest with you. I have been in love with Topaz for many years now, and don't know if I will be comfortable sharing him. But I will not tell you to let go of your feelings for him. He is such an amazing guy and deserves to be loved by those who will truly love him. I can see it in your eyes that you feel strongly for him. So, I'm telling you to keep fighting for him to feel the same for you."

Neo wraps her own arms around Ariel and begins to silently sob. After a while, she backs away from Ariel and wipes her eyes. Neo gives Ariel a smile and starts typing on her scroll. Topaz feels his scroll go off so he takes it out, sees that it's for Ariel and hands the scroll over.

{Ariel, you don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that. You are right, Topaz is such an incredible guy. I have a chance at a better life because of him. Because of that, I want nothing more than to see him happy and loved. From now on, you and I will be sisters in crime to keep him happy.}

Ariel smiles and nods to Neo. She gives Neo her information so the two can send each other messages directly without having to bug Topaz. Topaz worries what trouble the two will get into at his expense, but pushes the worries aside when he sees how happy the two are.