Porcelain Doll Pt. 2

I stared in anger and fear as my twin sister stared at her new doll. How I hate dolls! They are quiet yet evil; they are mysterious yet dangerous. They burn with wrath; radiate the room with the passion to harm others. You never know what they are thinking or what could take them over. I watched in horror as my sister placed it in the front of her glass shelf, the new doll is in first view. She does this with all her other dolls until she gets a new one to replace it. The doll's stoic look blended in with her other dolls, emotionless and ready to attack. They will attack her. The dolls are evil. How I hate dolls!


The doll was different from the others, it's curly blonde hair that hits its shoulders, striking blue eyes that held a secret, frowning lips that held a smirk. The white dress with the hat perched on its head made it appear innocent and childlike, but nothing is innocent nor childlike about dolls. The doll gives me the shivers, it gives me a new enemy. My sister left her room and I snuck in, staring at the new doll that has caught her attention. Its eyes stared right into my soul and it smirked at me, the doll knows that I know of its evil intentions.

The doll makes me uncomfortable. I can sense it moving, waiting to come out and attack me; wrap its small yet powerful hands around my neck and choke the existenceout of me. I felt an eeriness in the room, the doll cocked its head and gave me a big, wicked grin. I glared at it, it cannot fool me like it fools everyone else. The dolls dominate my sister's room as they fill the air with poison. The new doll's curse will not work on me like it works on my sister. I left my sister's room feeling the new doll's eyes on me like the ones previous.

I hate dolls, and they hate me.