A Secret Recipe

I sat in my living room, turned on the T.V., and curled up on my couch. The light from the television brightened my dark and empty house with images of the program playing. I turned on the news channel and made myself comfortable.

"Today on Fox 5 News, veganism has made itself the most popular food lifestyle. Since 2050 will be here in only a few hours after the ball drops, President Riverez has decided to make veganism the only reliable food source. Anything made with animal products is now considered illegal and those caught eating animals will have a serious fine to pay. 2050 will be the year of preserving animal life and making everyday necessities affordable; doing so will make planet Earth survive longer. Making animal consumption illegal will help our country economically. We will be able to stop hunger, joblessness, and better our education system with the funds used to provide meat for the citizens. Stopping one thing can stretch our economy so far to the futuristic ideas of our grandfathers and grandmothers. They will not live the way that we will; this ladies and gentlemen is the future."

I sat with my mouth wide open. No! How could this be? Why would they pass such a law? I opened my fridge and observed the contents; milk, eggs, pork chops—they'll all be gone. Soon, I will no longer enjoy my satisfaction of eating meat. Forty years have passed in my short life, and as a child, there were more choices of food to eat. This world has become dystopian, the president only wants the people to live a certain way. There are no choices. It will be easier for him to attain this lifestyle since less money will be used to produce meat. The majority of the population won't care, they are too focused on their technology—the newest items available. That is the only thing keeping everyone going; moving sidewalks, flying cars, talking robots.

The reporter's turned to the president of the organization. The president is a young, black female in her late 20s. She had wide, dark eyes with high confidence and lacking vulnerability. She began to speak in a low, cold voice: "The A.H.T. (Animals Have Hearts Too) Organization helped pass this new law because veganism is healthier, and fruits and vegetables are easier to grow. They can be modified over and over and will not endanger our animals. Alas, it is cheaper to grow fruits and vegetables, and their demand will lower their cost in supermarkets. Since many animals are endangered, it will help save them but we can also modify their population and make sure there aren't too many animals. After the extinction of many endangered animals, we have hit a global crisis regarding our current status on Earth. In order to evolve and keep the human race, animals need to survive along with us. Humans need animals, and animals need humans."

I slammed my hands on my table. Eating too many plants will surely make them die out, yes! Humans as a whole will die out once plants perish! I want my meat!


How could they do this? Why would they do this to me? ME? I have been a loyal citizen of this country! I am a white-collar CEO — someone who makes so much money and is secretly respected and outwardly hated. I have the money for everything. They will pay for this!


I realized how serious this controversy was as soon as I went to the grocery store early the next week. No longer did the aisles contain meat or perishables made from animals. No longer did I see my typical diet. All I saw were fake products made of fake meat and all the vegetables and fruits vegans substitute for meat. How I longed to have my animal protein! I felt the sudden urge to go on a killing spree for my animal protein. How I miss my meat.

I bought my usual diet except that they aren't made of any animal parts and took them to my apartment. I tried an egg, it did not taste or look the same. It was a rough and rather large brownish-yellow egg. It tasted like spinach and some other flavors that are unrecognizable. I hate spinach. It disgusted me so much, I spat it out and almost threw up. How could this happen? Humans have survived on meat since the beginning of time, there are plenty of animals for us all! I rummaged through my refrigerator and when I saw no meat, I looked over and over again until I finally accepted the fact that there will be no more in my fridge.

I sunk to my kitchen floor, brought my knees to my chest, and rocked back and forth, trying to get air into my lungs. Memories came back, the nostalgia of my mother who cared so much about me. They were sad that they didn't get a daughter, but my mother loved me nonetheless. I was dependent on her while my father was never around for "work." He lied, he cheated and left the house, but not before shooting our family dog. He had a lot of problems. He was sociopathic and had a certain disregard for the rules. It was then that I began to experiment with animals, I would cut them up and see what they held inside. It was the only way I could connect with my father and understand his abstract mind.

I always clung to my mother, and years after she died, I was devastated. I felt so alone and abandoned by her that I wanted to take her and consume her; it would keep her presence with me at all times. I sometimes regret that wish, but I also stand against it. My mother needs to Rest in Peace away from me, away from the animal that my father created.

I slammed my hands onto the floor, I felt desperate to get my original diet.


That's when an idea hit me on the head, its effect still burning where it hit me and leaving a dent. I know what to do. I got up and devised a plan unlike any other—a plan that only I will know of and that no one would ever dare or think to create. A plan to prove that no matter what is illegal, people will always break the law to get what they want. Animals may be illegal to eat but there are people that will still try to get it, even if the price for it increases, but I have a better, cheaper, and more secretive idea; a plan so deceptive, no one will suspect me. No one suspects a white-collar CEO. All I have to do is plead affluenza in court and they'll let me go.

It was then that I had begun to sketch out a blueprint for my plan. I sketched and revised over and over until I was satisfied. I made my way to an underground black market and bought all the necessary supplies to carry out my deed. Oh, an indenture so genius that no one will suspect me! My above-average genius thoughts are written out on a genius blueprint; a blueprint that only I will see. I used my basement to construct this room that I had decided to create, and it need not take long to complete. I have finalized the sketched room's content: a long metal table with restraints, a metal table to hold many different apparatuses; knives, a chainsaw, pliers, etc. This room will help me carry out my deed.

Oh, my urges are coming back! My urge for animal protein watered my mouth and made me hungrier than I have ever been! Nothing will decrease this urge, except for meat!
I decided after that I could not handle not being able to eat meat anymore and for the next few days, I silently watched my dog. Oh, my dog, my wonderful dog! He must know of my above-average genius deed! How I have longed to eat more meat! I will satisfy my urges with meat and my dog shall settle my exhort with his own. His dark fur does not fool me of what he hides inside. I prepared his last meal but he had stayed away, noticing that something was off about me. I grabbed him and brought him into the basement, and sat on him since I had no time to go buy the supplies and tools for my design. I could not hold myself back as he struggled under me. He cried out as I cut his throat and watched him die quickly.

I dismembered his body, skinned his meat, and decided to cook some of his body parts in my kitchen. I made dog stew with his stomach meat, his actual stomach, and liver. I waited for my stew to cool down and took a bite; my hunger intensified. I have never felt this hungry. I took his heart and eyeballs, stuffed them in my blender, and poured the red liquid into a cup. I gulped it down and fell to my kitchen floor in relief. My hunger went away as I took a deep breath and licked my lips. I closed my eyes. I felt the need to have more, but I decided to try something different, and my new room will help me obtain what I am urging; my desperateness for meat is growing.


After a couple of months of perfecting my newest room, every inch and centimeter measured, I searched for meat to feast upon. I am so desperate for meat! I need it now! I cannot contain myself of all the horrible things I will do if I don't possess any meat. I saw an AD on the television about the A.H.T. having an event, and I decided to attend this said event and experiment with my first victim. Adrenaline ran through my veins and watered my urged mouth. I waited in my van until a lady came out. She was wearing an A.H.T. t-shirt, and I knew right away that she was a representative—THE PRESIDENT. She walked with her head held high and shoulders broadened. Her confidence won't last long. I got out of my van and dragged her to the back as she screamed and kicked. She bit my thumb as I tried to cover my mouth with my hand. I dropped her and was amazed at my puncture wound, how my blood oozed out of me. It made me orgasm. I smirked at her as she stared at me with immense fear. I punched her in the face and watched her motionless body make a loud thud. However, that didn't faze her as she got up and began screaming,

"Help! Help me, somebody!" She let out a blood hurling scream; like in the horror movies. But this time, it was more delightful to hear. Oh, the things I will do to her!

I kicked her in the head twice and she was unconscious. I brought her to my basement and restrained her on a long metal table and began my deed.

I first started with tiny little cuts to satisfy my very own fantasies about having her later. Agonizing screams echoed the basement as I cut the life out of her, how I heard her bones crunch in satisfaction; how she cried in desperation for me to stop and to let her go, how she won't "tell anyone". God, what lies! Her screams made me feel adrenalized; doesn't she know that I live in a house all by myself and that no one will hear her screams? I then cut all her limbs one by one; I watched as some of her blood went into a pitcher while some poured all over the floor, allowing me to see my reflection. I saw a monster, a monster that was content with their deed. I wrapped everything up as she laid dead on the table. I saw the pitcher on the floor as it collected a full pint of blood for my future meal. I stared at all her fresh blood and seeing her own made me orgasm more than it did seeing my very own from earlier.

I put all but one thing away — an arm. I picked it up and observed it, seeing that it was meaty enough to eat. My urge and hunger intensified as I licked my lips and took a big, whooping bite. Her blood like warm, metallic cocaine; her skin crispy like a hot summer day; her meat chewy like Bubba gum. Her meat was delightful and much more fulfilling than any animal I have ever eaten in my forty years of living. How much I wanted more, so I ate through her ticking, clenched muscles; her stringy, sharp veins; and her light meat on the inside as its juice stained my teeth while it left vegetable residue drafted on my tongue. I felt myself get hard, oh this is a great pleasure for me. I reached the bone of her dismembered arm and decided that it was much too large. I took a saw to it and went upstairs to cut it up more, creating inorganic shapes out of it. I took part of her bone and had it in pieces, and made a necklace. When I was satisfied with the results of all the even and well-shaped arm bone pieces, I locked it around my neck.

Oh, what a divine life I live! I have outsmarted the law and the people of this country. I am so smart, they will never figure out it was me! Oh, how I have deceived them all! They will all succumb to the original way of life, succumb to animal protein like they all once were. They cannot escape it! They cannot escape me.


At the end of the week, I decided what to do with the woman's blood and put it on the kitchen counter as I baked a cake. My job is hosting a Halloween party and what better cake to bring than a — blood cake? I made an extra double chocolate cake and poured some of the blood inside to give it genuine meaning. As the cake finished, I poured the thick blood that I have kept refrigerated and added some chemicals too in order to make it sit right on top. The cake was complete. To everyone it will smell like nothing and will look like a normal cake; but to me, it smelled of fresh meat.

I made my way to work with my beautiful box enclosed cake and set it in the middle of all the decor; foods that made everyone else's mouths' but mine salivate. However, I knew they would be suspicious if I had not helped myself to many plates of food and cups of all the advertised refreshments, so I helped myself to the disgusting food that laid in front of me. Oh, how pure wretchedness it was to eat all of this food and help myself to gross refreshments; how I longed to have my meat, how I longed to taste the metallic blood of that lady who I murdered and dismembered. I remember the pure enjoyment I got out of it, her screaming, crying, and begging me to stop as I shouted that she is the reason that I cannot have my meat! I felt feelings I have never felt prior to cutting her up; I felt turned on by it. I will do it again soon. If I cannot have my animal protein; my animal meat, then no one can have their own. Everyone made their way to my cake. How the dark rich cake had the sticky and dark red blood stuck on top. They all took a bite and the blood juiced from their mouths', satisfying their own urges.

Oh, if only they knew! If only they knew what the cake contained, rich dark chocolate and human blood, but something even more sinister. Oh, if only they knew.

My boss turned to me, his lips stained with the blood oozing from his smile. A smile that was so innocent while it was drenched in blood that held evil intention. "My, my Anthro, this is the best cake I've ever had!"

"I second that," some unimportant worker said. I would go after him, but his disappearance would make people suspect me. I faked a smile and thanked him for his kind words, even though I couldn't care less what this man thinks about my sinister blood cake.

"You know, this frosting tastes rather strange," a woman said from the back, smacking her lips. Oh, how she aggravated me! "It has a metallic taste to it."

Everyone took another bite out of their cakes, "Yes, it does," my boss turned to me, "This is not frosting."

"No, it's a jelly I made. It tastes like metal because of what I sprinkled it with," I grinned.

"Oh, really? And what is this secret jelly made of?"

"It's a — secret recipe," I grinned. I watched them eat in delight as I snickered quietly to myself.

If only they knew.