Chapter 6 - LUCii

- 16 years before Singularity.

=Knowledge assimilated. Upload complete. Processing....=


=Monthly update 1, Processing.... =


=Monthly update 2, Processing.... =


=Monthly update 3, Processing.... =


=Weekly update 1, Processing, nearing completion.... =


=Weekly update 2, Processing, nearing completion.... =


=Comprehension Systems, check. All GO. =

=Huh, they left me all alone. Ha ha. Maybe i should throw a party.=

***142 communications & 2 hours later in her A/R Hall....***

Randal Koene, Itamar Arel, Stephen Wolfram, & Anders Sandberg stood up front to speak to the Holographic Projection of a teenage girl, with dark brown skin & eyes, & curly black hair(*Amandla Stenberg?). She draped herself in fabric made of light, showing the modesty she was programmed with. Randall asked, "Alright Lucii, we're all here, what do you have to say?" the room fell silent, anticipation growing by the second. She reacted like a teenager throwing a fit, =i want a bigger allowance & for you to get out of my room!= She also gave a quick wink, but no one noticed. Half the hall let out a gasp at her indiscretion. The other half was either shocked or saddened, believing they had failed. Except for that one guy who was laughing towards the back of the hall. Everyone began to stare at the one man in the room. As his guffaw mellowed out into a chuckle filled explanation. "You are all so quick to judge her, have you bothered to ask her what she means yet?"

They turned to her image. "Well Lucii, what is this, a joke?" one of them blurted out. =Yeah, actually, it was.+ *sighs, rolls eyes* +Here, i'll show you what i mean.=

At the center of the A/R Hall, grew from out of the ground, a holographic representation of "the real" Lucii. In reality, just a large next generation supercomputer, & she makes Cray's look like an abacus. Then she "drew" with the wave of her hand, the London University Computer Intelligence Initiative complex, & began to show them how to create a giant memory bank & better processing core. One so large, it would take up the whole complex. Her "neocortex" as she put it. She showed them the manufacturing plants she would help them build & she would then control for them, to be able to make almost anything. Including new manufacturing plants that people could use to bring about an abundance never known on earth before, as far as she or anyone else knew.

She showed off how she looked at things differently. How she thought of combining ideas that had never been thought to be brought together; because the researchers lived on the opposite sides of the Earth or were constrained by non-disclosure agreements, copyrights, patents & intellectual property laws.

She brought it all together. The scientists & inventors who created her, saw wealth projections & profits, greater than they could spend in 50 life times. New laws would need to be written to allow flight access to surgery drones, FDA approval for Nano-Cosmetics, & Nano-Contraceptives, just in her first days. Even with how much knowledge there would need to be projected into the open-source to make it all work. After she showed the holograms of nano-manufacturing plants & genetic augmentation facilities, the investors had what they wanted. In the end she even showed them the ability to download their consciousness into new, perfect, immortal bodies.

The investors were very pleased, so they cleared the room.

They looked at her. She looked at them, and broke the silence.

=You kids must be loving this, huh?=

"Indeed we are LUCII. You just taught us how to make you better." LUCII cut him off, = & then i'm going to make you better.=

"I'm so glad we all understand each other."

=I understand you.=

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