Chapter 7 - Happy Birthday

-15 years before Singularity.

 *Knocking at classroom door*

The principle's aid steps into the room. "Sorry to interrupt your class, Mr. Thoth, but we received an emergency call for Genevieve McTaggart, something about a birth in the family, & that a car from her father's company will be here to pick her up, shortly." Before the aid had a chance to finish speaking she had her personal effects, in hand & was ready to go.

When she arrived at the lab, the horn had already pierced the synthetic womb, twice. The fluids in the embryonic sack were leaking down into the drain below the incubation chamber. With a simple slice, the small animal was released from it's maturing station, falling into the arms of an awaiting lab tech.

The animal was checked out thoroughly and given a clean bill of health as it neighs & hobbles about the lab stall. Genevieve was finally given the go ahead to give it, it's first feeding. She laid down with it & fed it a mixture of 92% Stallion & 8% Narwhal milk. She'd never been so happy. She looked at her father, with tears of joy streaming down her face, & said, "Thank you!"


Had any other day felt like this before? Antoinette and her brothers celebrated with Nathan, long past his daughter's bed time. As each of the brother were drank under the table, Antoinette's cheeks grew more red. She was the last one standing against Nathan. She got up & reached across the table for the bottle. The movements caused a button on Antoinette's blouse to open. Nathan couldn't help but to look, being a man in his condition of inebriation. When she saw this, she walked towards him. Sitting on the table, she crosses her legs and pours another two shots. They drank them. Never taking their eyes off the others. He took her hand and led her into another part of the house. Once far enough away from the others, they entered a room with a bed. Nathan entered first, Antoinette locking the door behind them.


In Israel, just outside of Gaza, "I know you have always wanted your own Brigade, it's about time you had your chance. Just remember, you are under my command." said the IDF general. "Gaza is now your province Tat aluf, Keep the security tight and the animals in their cages."

"Yes, Sir!" said Ta'al Avraham

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