Chapter 8 - The ride that changed everything

- 14 years to Singularity.

December 19th

Genevieve is watched by her mother on TV, galloping on a young strong unicorn, through the crisp fall air. The first 11 year old girl to do such a thing, in over 10,000 years. The news reporters were everywhere. The Quartet & Nathan were being treated like Rock stars once again, but with a new lead singer!

Joy couldn't believe it. As Bishop Rothschild walked into his office he saw his secretary staring at the TV, her mouth was hanging open. He watched with her, but his jaw dropped, in stunned silence, also. After the newsreel played through, they looked at each other. "Book us travel plans home," he said. Joy picked up her pomegranate3, and asked if Father Ramirez would be staying. "Of course, it's almost Christmas, his duties are here. Once I get settled in at the Vatican, again, that will change." Since she was paying close attention, he also motioned a hypnotic command. "You should go home & be with your family until the new year."


December 23rd

"Mommy!" she yells and runs to her mother's arms for a hug. "Ouch!" Joy exclaims, hitting her chin on Genevieve's forehead. "Oh, you've gotten tall!" Leaning in to her for a kiss, Nathan sees the distance between them in her eyes. She changed during the last 2 years. He couldn't figure out how... couldn't put his finger on it... but she seemed.... like someone else. He actually didn't recognize her at first, not until Genevieve ran up to her. It wasn't just the new haircut either. "Come on, let's go, you have to meet Pierre!" Genevieve said, pulling her mother along out of the airport.


It was like something out of a dream. Joy couldn't believe her eye's, but there it was. Her daughter, riding Pierre, a unicorn. As Genevieve trotted Pierre towards Joy, the unicorn began to act frightened and frustrated. Rather than take another step forward, Pierre reared up on his hind legs. Genevieve leaned into the steed & hugged it, inwardly hoping it wouldn't buck & throw her. "WOAH BOY! Settle down Pierre!" Genevieve held on for dear life, as he brought down his hooves. Flippantly shaking, the unicorn pulled further & further away from Joy.

"I'm sorry mommy, he's not normally like this." Inwardly, Joy wondered if she wasn't pure enough for the beast to be around her? Did they bring this legend back to life so well, that only a virgin can ride it? How did they program that, genetically? Did Genevieve really make this all on her own? In her confusion, Joy began to swoon. She caught herself as Nathan reached out for her. "I'm fine, this is just .... a lot to take in."

"Come, let's go eat, I'm sure it will make you feel better. Genevieve will join us shortly, she just needs to take Pierre back to his stall." a cold wind, chilled her to the core. Joy was eager to get back to the house. & how dare this mule with a growth on its head, snub its nose at her? The anger generated by that question kept her warm on the long walk back to the house.


December 24th

Argus, Augustus, Anthony, & Antoinette de Bergerac sat around a small coffee table across from each other. Augustus and Argus were sitting back in their chairs. Anthony and Antoinette were on the love-seats leaning towards each other with aggressive postures. "Anthony, what is wrong with you? We have already discussed this and made the decision. If you stay, too help out that little girl, while the rest of us leave, then you'll be blamed and take all the heat. We'll lose you! We can't. Not with what we're about to accomplish. You'll set us back 5 years!" her voice was fluctuating. Anthony countered, "After everything Nathan has done for us? You would just stab him in the back like that and walk away from everything he's given us?"

"While I can appreciate where your appeal to emotion is coming from, Nathan can't help us with what we want to do next. Can he?" Augustus chimed in. Anthony lowers his head. "Well Anthony?" Argus asks.

After a long thoughtful pause Anthony relents. "Fine. Make the call." he says with a long loud sigh. Antoinette smiles with relief. Argus uses his G/C:A/R to initiate the plan moving forward. There is a knock on the door. Augustus gets up and answers it with a loud "Hello Genevieve," he announced, to everyone, "What brings you by the lab at this hour?"

Jingling bells from her outfit begin to chime out as she enters the room. "I've got presents and they're awesome!" pulling boxes from the big bag, Genevieve began handing them out. Live-Action figures from each of their favorite sci-fi series were under the over taped wrapping paper. Antoinette received a Flying Raptor with Starbuck pilot. Argus opened his Picard and Dathon action figures. Augustus got Luke Skywalker in a flying X-wing which immediately began flying around the room shooting tiny laser lights at Antoinette's Raptor. Anthony's eyes lit up at the sight of his Dalek and Long scarfed Dr. Who. When they were all on the table together, Argus's Picard and Dathon began protecting Dr. Who from the Dalek chasing him. Eventually, while the Star Trek toys fired at the Dalek, Dr. Who sneaks around the toy boxes and deactivates the distracted Dalek from behind using a sonic-screwdriver. Dr. Who then bows to the other toys in grand style as the "Exterminate" sounds wind down to nothing. This all is going on while the aerial battle ends. Starbucks' Raptor out maneuvers the X-wing, which falls from the air "crashing" to the floor safely.

The 5 of them all had a good laugh together and Genevieve leaves, jingling all the way.

Nathan and Antoinette exchange a smile of longing, as he leaves.

The quartet sits there in silence staring at the toys. Anthony finally lets loose his pain and slaps the Dr.Who toy across the room. "What was that for?" the toy says in Tom Baker's voice from the other side of the room. No one said anything, they all knew why he did it.


December 25th

Christmas morning was perfect. It was lightly snowing, just enough to cover the ground, and make it look pretty. The McTaggart family opened presents together, and left for church before 7am to make it early for the 8am mass. Joy would be singing and Cardinal Rothschild would be there for the Christmas mass. Joy was eager to sing for him again. Nathan could just sense her wanting to not be here anymore. He silently acknowledged to himself, his marriage was over. He hated lawyers so much that he was initially willing to try to work it out, but not if she was going to return to China. "To hell with that," he thought to himself as Brian pulled up to the cathedral. He would rather make a real effort with Antoinette. What occurred between them, while Joy was away, he didn't want to let go of anyway. She's been a better mom than to Genevieve over the last few years, than Joy had been most of her life.

The service was boring as always for Nathan and Genevieve. When it was over, Joy made her usual excuses to stick around and speak with Cardinal Rothschild. Nathan leaped at the opportunity to take Genevieve over too see Pierre so she could feed him something special. Anything, to not have to face Joy for as much of the day as possible, or the realization he had earlier.


Soon after having his way with Joy, Cardinal Rothschild begins to discuss the future with her. "You have been a wonderful assistant Joy, but it is your Charity I require now." he said using hypnotic suggestions. "Your daughter has become something of a problem for church. You're husband even more so." he kept his voice in a rhythmic inflection to produce the desired effect, in conjunction with Neuro Linguistic Programming.

He was deep in her mind, now. Time for the commands. "They must be separated by any means necessary. First I want you to bring your daughter into the fold." Something in Joy stirred. Her faith was wavering. Joy didn't like what he was suggesting. At this point in her life, she didn't consciously mind being part of church's special program. She loved George and would do anything for him, but not this. It's not easy becoming a Diamond Girl. Not that Genevieve wasn't beautiful enough for it, but.... Joy never wanted this life for her.

But his will was too strong for Joy, so Charity was called upon to give, when the others could not.

"You will then bring your husband to the Lord. Here, take this, put it in your pocket-book & forget about it." He hands her a small flat black box. "Call them, tell them to come back & pick you up." She takes out her phone. "Nathan, can you come back & get me please? No, I sent David to run an errand for me, please, just come back with Genevieve & get me? Thank you. No. Everything is fine, I'll see you soon." She hangs up the phone. Cardinal Rothschild spoke again, "When they get here, bring her to me. Then leave with him, it doesn't matter where you go. Maybe ask him to fly you over the city. His car does fly, correct?" She nodded. "Good, good, you serve the church so well Charity. The Lord must have many treasures awaiting you in heaven." Charity smiled, now, she's given everything to the church. "Excellent, no matter what happens, I want you to remain calm on your flight." he says. Charity replies, "I'm always happy to be a good girl for you Cardinal."


Waiting out in the cold, Joy shivered as Nathan's flying car arrived. When she saw Genevieve wasn't in the car, Joy scowled at Nathan. "Didn't I tell you to bring her here with you?"

"I just left her at the barn, she wanted to go riding for a bit, Pierre seemed like he wanted to go prancing about, so I let her stay. Brian is with her in case of an emergency. What's the big deal?" She looked to the Cathedral, afraid she's disappointing the Cardinal. "Forget it." She got in the car. "Can we go get her now?" he said as he closed the door.

Joy texted the situation to Cardinal Rothschild as Nathan walks around and gets in on the other side. He tells the onboard computer to fly them back to the stables. Nathan glares at Joy & thinks about telling her that her current attitude is exactly why he wants a divorce. Then he thinks better of it, being that it's Christmas. He can't do that to Genevieve on Christmas.

Joy goes to begin arguing with him, when Cardinal Rothschild messages back, it's to Charity, not Joy. "It's fine, but bring her by before the New Year." She texted back "Fine." As she turns to her husband to begin shouting at him, the power in the flying car cuts out. All of it. Her phone, the onboard computer, the car engine keeping them from plummeting out of the sky, all just stopped working, as if the electricity was sucked out of everything.

They both realize what's about to happen. Nathan leans in to kiss her one last time. She pushes him back as the flying car begins to spin out of control. One Canada Square was now the 4th tallest building in London. The McTaggart's flying car silently spiraled into the highest west corner of the great piece of architecture. Ricocheting with a flip, the small flying car tumbled end over end dozens of times, before crashing into the streets below in an explosion of fiery metallic & glass shards.

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