Chapter 9 - The Rise of the Abrahamic Alliance of Good Faith

-13 years to Singularity

Pope Francis dies & a gray smoke begins to pour from a chimney, as he is transported back to the Vatican. His passing was a surprise, while yes, he had just recovered from a great sickness, his health & spirits were high since Cardinal Rothschild had gone on tour in China. Which had newly granted religious freedom & had been welcoming European capitalism.

Meanwhile, the old Zionist leaders of Israel were doing something stupid. A very angry soldier had risen through the ranks & been given responsibility over the majority of the forces in Gaza. In one night, with one order, every Muslim in Gaza was massacred. Disgraced, by the officer's lie, a few of his men strung him up & went AWOL. But that didn't stop the news from spreading.

Every Muslim nation was outraged & declared war on Israel.

The mobilization was faster than anyone around the world expected & Israel was invaded in less than a week. The west bank walls were torn asunder by Muslim assault from multiple nations. Jerusalem was next. Arab forces were a day away. American forces in the region tried to hold them back, but were outnumbered.

Jerusalem would be overwhelmed from all sides & there was nowhere to run for those now trapped in the city. Israeli nuclear missiles were set on stand by to launch. If the attack came, the retribution would be all encompassing, mutually assured destruction.

Over a thousand miles away, the gray smoke fades to white smoke, as it pours from out of the chimney. The ebb & flow of historical control of "the Promised Land" was about to crash, again, it's rising tide.

Muslim & Arab forces storm Jerusalem in a genocidal rage, as Israeli leaders initiate launch codes. Then, appearing with a preceding whistle, followed by the *THUNKD* sounds & dust clouds, were the New Swiss Guard. The raiders turned towards them. They stood there, over 7 feet tall, wearing armor that shined & gleamed in the sun. Holy Rome had come once again to defend the Holy City of Jerusalem.

Shots began to ricochet off the armor. Then the shields were extended. The shields were LRAD emitters, which were swept over the area until it was free of those who came to slay. This simple scenario played out tens of thousands of times, against hundreds of thousands of Allah's most dedicated. But less than 100 people died that day. The Swiss Guard had mounted up with wings, as eagles, when they put on their Holy Armor. Men, who were once priests, had driven back the Muslim forces, none hurt, all unharmed. The armor and weapons has worked.

Using advanced tracking, spy satellites, still held by the once powerful, now strayed, Illuminati faction, the leader of the Holy Crusaders enters the camp of the opposing forces. He handles a few dramatic upstarts with force beams from his staff, & calmly walks through the camp, until he finds himself standing before their leader. Expecting to die, feeling defeated, the leader begins to pray to Allah.

The Pope speaks, "We all serve the one true God of Abraham, do we not? Let us now bring peace & prosperity to the Promised Land and beyond. It was a terrible tragedy in Gaza. I won't let anything like that happen again. I will also internationalize Jerusalem & all of Israel for any of the Abrahamic faithful, to share. It is too important for all our faiths, for it to be stained red. We are leaders of the Good Faiths, are we not?" The Muslim leader nodded. "Let us war no more, with each other." The Imam turned warrior, shook hands with him & they discussed a mutually beneficial arrangement where everyone saved face, & the war ended that very day. In a grand display, the pope adopts a new name, befitting each of the three traditions.

Pope Mohammad Peter Rothschild the First begins creating new rituals for the combined religions. Orange & White becomes the representing colors of all Abrahamic Faithfuls. The now, Holy Day, of Unification, would be celebrated across continental Europe, North Africa, & through the Middle East, even Iran. The new super state developed almost overnight, with very friendly ties to China.

Honorable accords were brought about, just in time. Continental Europe's market crashed at the thought of a new religious empire based on gold dinars & silver shekels for oil. Pope Mohammad Peter Rothschild's coffers overflowed & bought up most of what was necessary to stabilize Europe. Many priests gained fame and renown for their kindness & generosity. Through helping the poor survive food riots, Paladin Armor became respected and feared. Further, through advanced prosthesis which help handicapped people to walk, Outer Tech becomes a daily part of the new culture of the Alliance. Papal Script becomes the new way common people trade for goods & services. Gold & silver backed the new cash so people's confidence in it grew quickly. Mass media were the first to sell out after the banks. Within a few months, the joining had brought about much prosperity, along with many bans on transhumanism & Inner Tech, which were now being blamed for all the old world's troubles. Religion, Business, & the State were acting as almost the same entity.

Many thanked the Triune Pope Mohammad Peter for saving the old world's economies from transhumanism. Many more bought Planner Indulgences from the church so as to enjoy worldly delights, & of course, they paid heavy sin taxes on them, to the state. However, no one could use Inner Tech. Nanites & Genetic manipulation become the great illegal sin of the mid-21st century, at least in these areas of the globe. Crafters & Hybrids sought to flee, the faith based neo-fascism, but were caught attempting to escape the region, were then imprisoned. Those still behind enemy lines went into hiding. Transhuman minimalists just kept quiet about their implants or nano immune defenses. People with nano-contraception, stopped talking about it. Meanwhile one woman even gives in to her husband's fears & gets pregnant, just to prove to religious neighbors, who would have turned them both in for the reward money, that she wasn't using nano-contraception.

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