Elastic Snaps

Dr. Whale and Laura Reed were on a date at Ellen's Diner.

"So, um, where were we?"

"You'll meet my class tomorrow." He nodded in understanding, and then as she continued to speak, his gaze drifted to behind her. Michelle was clearing tables, scantily clad in a white shirt showing her midriff with a green mini-skirt and high heels. "They're coming to the hospital as part of the Volunteer Outreach Program."

"Oh, yeah. That's a great program." Dr. Whale quickly shifted his eyes back in time to respond. He tried to remain focused as she talked but kept quickly glancing back at Michelle. "I mean, not that I don't want kids. I do." He soon lost interest in the conversation, and his gaze was fixed on what was behind Laura Reed. "I want kids, marriage, true love. I want it all. But that of course is…" She noticed he wasn't paying attention to her. Slowly, she turned her head to see him ogling Michelle, who has finished cleaning the table and carried a tray as she passed them. "…wildly inappropriate for me to discuss on a first date. Michelle?"

Michelle stopped and turned back while holding the tray in the air with one hand. "Yes?"

"Check, please." She looked down, sadly.

Soon after, Laura Reed was walking down the street after her disaster of a date. She stopped and stared ahead. She approached a car and found Jack inside, reading the newspaper with a flashlight.

"Hey. You okay?"

Jack turned off the flashlight and looked at her. "Out of all the tight spots I've been in, staying in my car doesn't even rank in the top ten."

"You're sleeping here?"

"Till I find a place."

"You decided to stay for Hilary." she smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." Jack stepped out of his car and shut the door. "This town doesn't have any vacancies. Is that normal?"

"Must be the curse."

"Why are you out so late?"

"Well, I'm a teacher, not a nun. I had a date."

"Looks like it went well."

"As well as they ever do. I guess if love was easy, we'd all have it. You know, if you'd like, I do have a spare room."

"Thanks, but I'm not really the roommate type. It's just not my thing. I do better on my own."

"Well, goodnight. Good luck with Hilary."

"Yeah." Jack gazed at Laura Reed as she walked away.


The next day at the town hospital, the kids from Laura Reed's class were around, hanging decorations. She noticed Hilary was walking around as if looking for something.

Hilary found a door marked 'Exit' and focused on it. She saw through it and into the downstairs psychiatric ward. There was a corridor with several doors on each side. She saw into one room and the resident inside, a muscular, blond-haired man with blue eyes.

Laura Reed came over to her. "There you are, Hilary. We could really use your help with the decorations."

"There's someone down there."

"That's a restricted area. You shouldn't be near there." She warned her. "Some of the people in there could be dangerous."


"No buts." She began to lead her away. "Come on. " Hilary glanced back at the door as they walked back.


"I found your father-Mr. Incredible." Hilary showed Jack her storybook open to the Incredibles story. They sat on the top platform of her clubhouse near the shore. Jack looked at her, speechless. "He's locked up in the hospital's psych ward. Don't you see? The curse is keeping them apart. Now they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Ms. Richards we found her husband."

"Okay, kid. Telling someone their... soul mate is locked up is probably not helpful. Not having a happy ending is painful enough, but giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse."

"But what if I'm right? We know who they are. Now they have to know."

"And how do you plan to make that happen?"

"By reminding him. We have to get them together. Then, maybe, he'll remember who he is."

Jack leaned in closer as if to say something, but thought for a moment. "Okay. But we'll do it my way. Let me ask her."


Later at her apartment, Laura Reed made two cups of cocoa with cinnamon. "Let me get this straight. You want me to free a patient who's in the psych ward?" She gave one cup to Jack, looking at him, unsure.

"Yup. Hilary thinks him seeing you will help him remember who he was."

"And, who does she think he was?"

"Mr. Incredible."

Laura Reed looked shocked for a minute. "And if I'm Elastigirl, she thinks... me and him."

"She has a very active imagination, which is the point. I can't talk her out of her beliefs, so we need to show her. Play along, do what she says and then maybe, just maybe-"

"She'll see that stories are just that. She'll see reality."

"Something like that."

Laura Reed took a sip of her cocoa and then nodded. "Well... sadly, this plan is rather genius. We get her to the truth without hurting her."

"I told her that we'll all meet tomorrow for breakfast at Ellen's. And you'll give a full report."

"Well, I suppose I'll get ready for my date."


That night, at the town hospital, Hilary led Laura Reed to a door labeled 'Exit'. Using her super strength, Hilary forced the door open. They walked down a hallway and stopped at the unmarked door. Hilary unlocked the door and looked in at the man inside. "Come with us." She extended her hand to him.

"Who are you?" He and Laura Reed looked into each other's eyes and they felt a zing.

"Let's go. Before someone catches us." Hilary interrupted.

"Why are you doing this?" the man asked.

"No time to explain. Now go. Go."

The man took one more look at Laura Reed and then took off down the hallway.

"That was weird..." she thought to herself, slightly dazed.


The next day, Jack was sitting in a booth at the diner, when Hilary and Laura Reed arrived.

"How did it go?" Jack asked.

"We looked at each other, and there was this feeling. Almost like… a zing." Laura Reed explained.

"See. I knew it." Hilary smiled. "He's remembering! We have to go back. You have to see him again."

"Wait, wait, what?"

"If I got through to him, if we made a connection..."

"You don't believe..."

"That he's Mr. Incredible? Of course not. Somehow, someway, I touched him."


The three had just arrived at the hospital when they noticed that Derek was by the open 'Exit' door. He saw them and approached them.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asked, looking at Jack. "And you–" He angrily grabbed Hilary's arm, pulling her away. "I thought you were at the arcade. Now you're lying to me?"

"What's going on?" Jack wondered.

"One of the psych patients is missing." said Andrea.

"Why the mayor is here?"

"I'm here because I'm his emergency contact." replied Derek

"You know him?"

"I brought him here years ago. He was experiencing a deep depression and some pretty self-destructive behavior. I saved his life."

"Will he be okay?" Laura Reed asked, concerned.

"Okay? The man's been in solitary confinement for years on constant supervision." Dr. Whale explained. "He needs to get back here right away or, quite honestly, "okay" might be a pipe dream."

"Well, then, let's quit yapping and start looking." Jack suggested and then turned around to leave.

"That's what we're doing?" Derek replied. Jack turned back to face him, rolling his eyes. "Just stay out of this. And since I clearly can't keep you away from my daughter... I guess I'm just going to have to keep my daughter away from you." Derek took Hilary's hand and began walking away. He turned to face Andrea. "Sheriff, find him. You heard Dr. Whale. Time is precious." He then left with Hilary.

"Doctor, how long between your rounds since you last saw him?" Andrea asked.

"Twelve hours or so."

"Then that's what we need to account for."


Soon, everyone headed to the security room, where four hospital security guards were watching the screens.

"You guys were on the floor last night, and you saw nothing." Andrea asked the guards.

"Not a thing." Audrey, a woman with a pixie cut hairstyle and blue eyes, shook her head.

"Did anyone walk by?" Jack asked.

"I didn't see anything." Mindy, a chubby bespectacled woman with shoulder-length dark hair and blue eyes, replied sadly.

"Miss Richards, was there anything unusual you saw during your trip with your class?" Andrea asked Laura Reed.

"I don't think so." She shook her head.

Jack looked harder at the security monitors. "We're looking at the wrong tape." He came closer and pointed to the screen. "This is the ward where Hilary's class put up decorations. If this was really the tape from last night, we'd see the banners the kids hung."

"Tch, you were too busy hiding again." Lewis, a short redheaded man, said angrily to Freddy, a lanky man with a long nose, and curled hair.

"You selling me out?" He cried nervously.

"I ain't getting fired for this."

"At least we don't drink on the job." Nadia, a slender woman, with pink makeup, shoulder-length dark hair, long dark eyelashes, and green eyes, snapped at Lewis.

"Guys, enough." Andrea broke up their fight. "Where's the real tape?"

The guards soon switched to the right tape, which showed saw the man walk out the door.

"He walked out alone. He's okay." Laura Reed sighed, relieved.

"Four hours ago." Jack noticed. "Where does this door lead?"

"The woods." Freddy answered, scared.


Andrea led Jack and Laura Reed as they trekked through the woods, searching for the missing patient. She knelt down and touched a spot on the ground.

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"The trail runs out here."

"You sure? Because I thought tracking was one of your skills."

"Just give me a second. This is my world. I got it." Andrea went ahead of them.

"Right. Sorry."

"What does she mean, 'her world'?" Laura Reed asked Jack, curiously. "Isn't finding people your thing, too?"

"Sure. Just... people I find usually run places like Vegas. Not a lot hit the woods."

"That's an interesting job – finding people. How'd you fall into it?"

"Looking for people is just what I've done... as long as I can remember."

"What made you start? Your parents? Hilary told me that your- that you were from a similar situation to her own. Did you ever find them?"

"Depends who you ask."

They heard a branch snap behind them and turned around to see Hilary running down a hill towards them. "Hilary!" they both cried.

"Did you find him yet?"

"No, not yet. You shouldn't be here." Jack scolded.

"I can help. I know where he's going."

"And where's that?" Laura Reed asked

"He's looking for you." She said, looking at Laura Reed.

The group walked through the darkened woods, carrying flashlights.

"You're the one he locked eyes with." Hilary explained to Laura Reed. "You're the last one he saw. He wants to find you."

"Hilary, it's not about me. I just… I think he's lost and confused. He's been locked up a long time."

"But he loves you. You need to stop chasing him and let him find you."

"Kid, you need to go home." Jack suggested. "Where's your dad? He's going to kill me and then you and then me again."

"He dropped me at the house. Then went right out."

"Well, we need to get you back immediately."


"Guys!" Andrea shouted. Jack, Laura Reed, and Hilary ran over to her. She showed them the man's bloody hospital bracelet.

"Is that…" Laura Reed asked, scared.

"Blood." Jack

"Oh, gosh. Where is he? Can you see him?" Laura Reed asked as they came up to a stream.

"The trail ends at the waterline." Andrea pointed out.

Using her flashlight, Laura Reed spotted the man lying in the water. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She cried and ran over to him.

"I need an ambulance at the old Toll Bridge, as soon as possible." Andrea called on her radio.

Hilary watched as Andrea, Jack, and Laura Reed dragged him to the shore.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Laura Reed cried frantically. "No, no, no! I found you!"

"It's going to be okay." Jack assured.

Andrea got off her cell phone. "Help's coming."

"Is he okay?" Hilary wondered.

Jack turned Hilary away so she wasn't looking at the scene. "Hilary, don't look. Okay? Don't look."

"Come back to us. Come back to me." Laura Reed started to do CPR.

When she put her mouth on his, he started breathing again and coughed up water. "You saved me."

"She did it." Hilary smiled.

Yeah, kid. She did." Jack nodded in agreement.

The man opened his eyes and looked up at Laura Reed. "Thank you."

"Who are you?"

"I don't know."

"It's okay. You're going to be okay."


Later, the man was brought into the hospital for recovery.

"Watch your back. Coming through!" A nurse shouted.

Dr. Whale stepped in to take over. "Thanks, guys. We got it from here."

The four watched through the outside glass door as he was being treated by doctors.

Evelyn, a white-haired, blue-eyed woman, burst into the room where John Doe was being treated and rushed to his side. "Clark! Clark, is that you?"

Dr. Whale stopped her. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

"Oh, my god…"

"Ma'am, you can't be in here. Please, you can't be here right now."


"You can't be here, Ma'am." Dr. Whale pulled her away. "Can you wait over here for a second, okay?"

"Who is that?" Laura Reed wondered.

Derek stood behind them. "His wife." He replied with a smug look on his face. Jack and Laura Reed stared at him, shocked.

"His name is Clark Grimm, and that's his wife, Evelyn." Derek explained. "And the joy on her face, well, it's put me in quite the forgiving mood." He turned to face Hilary. "We'll talk about your disobedience later."

Evelyn exited the ICU room. "Thank you. Thank you for finding my Clark."

"Um, I-I don't understand." Laura Reed stuttered, "You didn't…you didn't know that he was here?"

"A few years ago, Clark and I weren't getting along. It was my fault, I know that now. I was difficult and unsupportive. I told him if he didn't like things, he could leave. And he did. And I didn't stop him. It was the worst mistake I ever made."

"You didn't go look for him?" Jack asked.

"I assumed he'd left town all this time. And now I know why I never heard from him. Now I get to do what I've wanted to do forever – say I'm sorry. Now we get a second chance."

"That's... wonderful." Laura Reed smiled, trying to hide her feelings.

Dr. Whale stepped out of the room, joining the group. "Well, it's something of a miracle."

"He's okay?" Evelyn asked, concerned.

"Physically, he's on the mend. Um, his memory is another issue. It may take time, if at all."

"What brought him back?" Laura Reed asked, curious.

"That's the thing. There's no explanation. Something just clicked in him."

"He just got out and decided to go for a stroll?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"He escaped and he was delirious and his first instinct was to go find something, I guess."

"Someone." Hilary corrected him.

"Can I see him?" asked Evelyn

"Yeah, of course." Dr. Whale opened the door and let Evelyn go back into the room.

"Hilary, let's go." Derek ordered.

Hilary got up from her chair and began to follow him. "Wait, my backpack." She went back to grab her backpack and whispered to Laura Reed "Don't believe them. You're the one he was looking for."


"He was going to the woods. It's like in the story. You belong together."

"Hilary." Derek repeated. He and Hilary started to leave.

Jack thought about Evelyn's story for a moment, and something didn't make sense. "Mr. Mayor?" He ran to catch up to Derek and Hilary, who were at the entrance of the hospital.

"Wait by the car." Derek instructed. Hilary went ahead, leaving the two alone. "Jack, I let you off the hook back there. Don't press it."

"I'm sorry, but Mrs. Grimm- Kinda feels like her story is totally fake." Derek looked at him, not understanding. "All this time, there's a man locked up in the psych ward and nobody puts it in the news, nobody goes looking. Something's not right here."

"Well, what else would make sense to you? Why would Mrs. Grimm lie? Do you think I put a spell on her?"

"I think it's weird you've been his emergency contact all these years and you only found her now."

"Well, this town is bigger than you know. It's possible to get lost here. It's possible for bad things to happen."

"And just when it's convenient you manage to solve the mystery?"

"Thanks to you. That tape you found- that was genius. So, we went back and looked at past tapes. Turns out he's been calling out for an 'Evelyn'. After that, it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. And here I thought you and Laura Reed would be happy. True love won out. So, enjoy this moment. If it weren't for you two, they would have lived their lives completely alone. That's why I'm willing to forgive your rudeness. Because... all this has reminded me of something very important... How grateful I am to have Hilary. Because not having someone... Well... that's the worst curse imaginable."

Laura Reed watched as Clark and Evelyn hugged in his room. Although, Clark turned his gaze towards Laura Reed, and couldn't keep his eyes off her. She sadly looked down at her hand and distractedly fiddled with her ring.


Later that night, Laura Reed sat on the staircase in her apartment, still heartbroken and in tears.

'How could this happen?' She kept asking herself. 'There was something between us. I thought we zinged, but I guess it was only me.' Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

She composed herself and answered the door. "Jack."

"Sorry to bother you so late. Is that... spare room still available?"

Laura Reed nodded, smiling, and let Jack inside.